Free «HIV/AIDS and the Broadcast Media» Essay Sample

The article focuses on the role played by the broadcast media aimed at educating the public on the dangers of AIDS/HIV and how to give care to persons suffering from the disease in the Edo State of Nigeria. Through the Government’s support, the media; mostly the television has brought awareness to people thus enabling those infected to live positively.

As a medium of communication, televising information related to AIDS/HIV reaches out to any as most of the households at present have access to this vital equipment. This view is correct as television is the best communication media on the planet and through it; images and sounds of persons living with AIDS/HIV can be viewed thus enlightening the community on the steps to take towards living reducing the chances of HIV/AIDS infections. Televised programs draw their materials based on societies and cultures (Akpati, 1998) thus giving the public a positive view on how to deal with the disease and contain it.

Through this, the government is advocating for more programs that will enlighten the communities about HIV/AIDS. This will ensure that there is proper education given to the youth who are at a higher risk of contracting the disease. These youth are considered to have serious misconceptions on the transmission of the virus as reported by the UNAIDS reports (UNAID reports, 2006)



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Media organizations have the potential to influence and empower individuals in the risks and avoidance of HIV virus. In a survey conducted in a community in India, the respondents interviewed claim to have heard the news about HIV/AIDS from television sources thus enabling them have knowledge on the spread and prevention of the disease (Global Media AIDS Initiative, 2004).

What should the media do to ensure that every individual has prior information concerning HIV/AIDS?

What is the government doing to ensure that the spread of the disease is addressed to?

How is the government planning to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS?


The media should ensure that many programs on issues concerned with HIV/AIDS are broadcasted in TV stations with an aim to enlighten and educate.

The government is advocating for the increase of media houses which will touch on issues surrounding different communities as understood by members of the same community.

The government is looking forward to the supply of free condoms which will reduce the rate of infection.


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