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Many students find that when they get their grade back on an academic assignment they handed in, they received a much lower grade than anticipated. One of the main reasons of this is lack of proper skills to cite research papers. Adequate citation of research papers is an integral aspect to any university level academic assignment composition. Not citing research papers properly is another way of plagiarizing a document, whether intentionally or not intentionally. Plagiarism is defined as using the work of someone else without giving them credit in the paper. If proper research paper citation mode is not used, then it is just like plagiarism. This is why it is important to cite research papers correctly when handing in an academic paper.
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Learn to Cite Research Papers Properly
Correctly cited research paper will often include a number of in-text citations and a bibliography at the end of the academic assignment. The bibliography will contain every single source that was cited in the assignment. Often, the bibliography and the citation of sources is one of the primary items a professor will look at when they are handed academic papers. Standard in-text citation format includes the last name of the author and the date of publication. However, in-text citations may include additional information, such as the page number depending on the specific citation style determined by the professor when handing out the assignment.
No matter the reference style, the information required to accurately cite the resource is the same; it is just the presentation of the material that may be different. For instance, if the author quoted is named Augustus Clarke, Harvard referencing format dictates that you need to write "Clarke says" or anything else and then write down the direct quote. However, APA referencing style reverses that and required the quote be written first and then "Clarke says." There are a number of differences associated with each referencing style. Therefore, it is always good to purchase a referencing stylebook or research different websites that provide crucial, step by step information on how to write a research paper according to a citation style. These books and websites will also provide necessary information on the proper way to write a bibliography as well.
Get Assistance with Cittaions from Qualified Experts
Citing all the research in a paper is extremely crucial to handing in a good academic assignment. Sometimes, however, students are not confident about how to properly cite sources. Rather than do it in an improper fashion or not do it at all, entrust your citation woes to our professional writers at We are a premier custom writing service available online that provides all the help necessary when it comes to properly formatting documents according to the correct citation style. Buy citation assistance from us today at a cheap, affordable price and never look back!
Although properly citing research is not a difficult task, it can become quite daunting especially when the deadline approaches. Citing research is extremely time consuming because it must be correct or students run the risk of losing points on their graded assignment. Instead of getting stressed out about how to write your bibliography and in-text citations, let us provide you with the professional help you need to get it done right. We provide assistance for all academic levels and for any type of paper on any topic.