APA or American Psychological Association format is mostly used by academicians nowadays for writing essays of all types. The APA style differs from others in the area of borrowed works. Writing any types of essays involve basically two different processes. One is research of relevant facts and figures for writing an essay and the other is the actual process of writing the essay. These two processes do not happen in isolation from each other. They go hand in hand and happen together. In APA format, if you use any information from external sources then you must mention the sources in your APA format essay.

Are you looking for the best advice and tips for writing an essay in APA format? Have no clue about how to write a header? Read this article and you will find everything you need to know about how to write an APA style essay and make it a high-grade paper that will earn you the highest mark.



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What Is an APA Format Essay?

In APA format many different types of academic papers can be written on a variety of subjects. But primarily APA format essays are written on topics which are relevant to social sciences. Such essays can be written in subjects like political science, sociology, psychology, education, business and various other disciplines. APA format papers differ from all other types in font, margins and headings as well as referencing. We have given detailed guidelines here regarding how to use such a citation style. One should know about APA format papers since it will help them immensely in writing APA format essays in the future.

Suppose you are writing a sentence using quotes in APA. Then the entire quote should be indented five spaces. At the end of it you must record the source of the quote, name of the person who made the quote, name of the author from where you have got the quote, the date of its publication as well as the page number. But you must keep in mind that this rule is only applicable if the quote is more than 40 words. If it is less than 40 words then there is no need for the writer to mention all these info in his essay.

But even when you are recording sources in your APA format essay there is a specific format for doing it. References should always appear at the end of the essay. References to authors are made in an alphabetical order using their last names followed by the year of publication. The first and the last names of the authors appear as only initials. While writing the name of the publisher, press note should also be written down along with that. One should also underline the title of every book and journals and write the first letters of every word (apart from liking words like to, of, for etc.) in capital letters.

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Why Format Essays in APA Style?

Another question every student keeps asking while struggling to come to terms with his or her APA format essay is: why do people use referencing styles at all? There are at least three reasons why your professors require you to use the APA referencing guide:

  • To make your work more presentable. Can you sense how all the articles you read for class have a professional and serious tone when they cite all their references and give credit to ideas published by previous authors? That’s exactly the kind of professionalism your essay will acquire when you engage with literature and use a defined referencing style.
  • To speak the same language as your reader. APA citation format allows you to save your word count and communicate what sources you used for the essay by using special formats for journals, books, or online articles.
  • To avoid being penalized for plagiarism. When a student cites an author or uses ideas that were developed by another scholar, he or she must give credit to that person. Otherwise, those essay parts will be marked as plagiarism and the grade will be substantially reduced. Some school penalties for plagiarism go as far as reducing the grade by 50%, or even failing you from the course, thus, giving you no credit. If you are struggling with the uniqueness of the article, you can buy essay writing at our service.

As you see, avoiding plagiarism penalties and supporting essay arguments with references to credible sources are the key benefits a student will get once he or she learns how to write an essay in APA format.

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The Main Rules on How to Write an Essay in APA format

The fundamental truth of APA writing is “less is more”. There is no place for waxing eloquent on a subject so all thoughts and ideas should be expressed in the most logical, simple, and clear manner.

  • Margins: 1-inch margins on all sides of the page
  • Font: readable font without serifs (give preference to the font like Arial, Times New Roman, Tahoma, Calibri, etc.). Font size 12pt.
  • Left indent by a half inch for every new paragraph.
  • Double space between lines, references and block quotes.
  • Running head: capitalized, on the top of every page.
  • APA essay title page: Running head with a page number on the top, the title of the paper, centered, the author’s name below the title, the name of the institution below the author’s name.

Wonder how to write descriptive statistics in APA format? Certain themes require the usage of statistical data, charts, and diagrams as a piece of evidence to support the argument. APA style has several rules on how to arrange such data. For example, use numerals for all numbers above 10, otherwise, write a word. Number all charts, tables, and images with Arabic numerals. And, once again, use charts, images and so on only if there is no other way to present the necessary information in the written form.

Can Someone Write My Essay in APA Format?

Now you have an idea on how to organize the structure of your college project in APA essay format on different essay topics. As you see it is time-consuming and requires some practice before you will learn to control the entire process and avoid mistakes in citing sources to omitting plagiarism. Make sure that your piece of writing is flawless and deserves a high grade.

Do you think this is complicated? Then you may need to take advantage of a well-written APA format essay template on your topic that you can order on our website. Our professional writers can provide you with a perfect sample of a college work that you can use to master the complexities of American Psychological Association style and improve your writing skills. 

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How to Order an APA Format Essay?

The ordering procedure is pretty simple and will take less than 10 minutes of your time. Once you have pressed the “Order now” button and opened an order form, you will see that it consists of the following parts:

  1. Provide your personal information. We ask our clients to provide an e-mail address and a phone number so that we could inform you about the progress of your order and send you occasional e-mails about promotional campaigns. Remember, that your e-mail will be used for your authentication only.
  2. Describe the order you need. Choose the subject, select Essay as the desired type of assignment, select your level and the number of pages needed. You can also attach the file with the instructions or additional material. If you are not interested in any additional services, click Proceed.
  3. The next step is payment. Pay for your order, using any convenient method. Once we receive your payment, we will assign the most suitable expert to work on your paper.
  4. In case of any questions, we provide you with an opportunity to communicate with the assigned writer during the entire process. If you have any clarifications, concerning your instructions, just let the writer know.
  5. As soon as the deadline has expired, you will be able to download your paper from your customer area on our website.

As you can see, the process is easy and you will have your project delivered straight to your inbox within the given deadline. If you have any other questions, you can check our FAQ section or contact our support agents (the fastest way to get your answers is via live chat).

Note that all the details of our cooperation are kept confidential, so you do not have to worry about us disclosing your personal information. In case you are in need of timely, personalized and affordable help with your essays, then ExclusivePapers.com is your best choice.

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Get Valuable APA Format Essay Writing Help

But if you cannot write an APA format essay by yourself, then you can always buy an APA format essay from us at ExclusivePapers.com. Our writers are experts in writing custom APA style papers. All of our works are original, extremely cheap and delivered on time. If you have any further queries about our APA paper writing service, then you can call our customer service center any time of day or night or contact them online via live chat and they will answer all your questions gladly.

We Do Know How to Write an APA Format Essay: Place Your Order Now!

Writing an essay in APA format can be intimidating if you lack writing skills and experience. It is vital to note that APA format requires that you craft a paper with the following features: font size 12, a margin of at least one inch on all sides of the paper, use of double space, paragraphs indented half an inch from the left margin and many more.

The majority of students find it hard to write their essays in APA style because they lack the time and experience to handle such tasks. If you are not conversant with writing APA style papers, you can always use our expert help in writing an essay in APA format.


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