• How to Write a Standard Essay

    How to Write a Standard Essay

    The essay is a rather short written work that has an arbitrary construction, in which the author expresses the thoughts and impressions on a particular issue of some phenomenon or subject. The essay ...

  • How to Become a Worthy Citizen: Five Tips

    How to Become a Worthy Citizen: Five Tips

    Nowadays, it becomes more and more popular to live alone and does not care about others. We do not want to accept someone's rules. We prefer to create and follow our own. However, each of us should ...

  • Into The Wild Essay

    Into The Wild Essay

    The history of the creation of the book “Into the Wild” is very interesting. Its writing began with an article in the magazine “Outside,” which described Christopher ...

  • How to Write the Date Correctly

    How to Write the Date Correctly

    Very often, students are faced with the need to write dates in their papers. Not all young people know how to do it properly. Here are some helpful tips for you.Dates in British EnglishThe main ...

  • Tips on the Article Critique

    Tips on the Article Critique

    Nowadays, it becomes more and more popular to use new approaches to estimate students’ knowledge. Many professors are fond of such writing assignment as a critique article. Why is it so ...

  • How to Write an Opposition Essay

    How to Write an Opposition Essay

    The opposition essay is a paper in which you need to study two or more opposing things and compare them with each other. You must present your arguments for each position. The essence of the ...

  • Essay Concerning Procrastination

    Essay Concerning Procrastination

    It’s no secret that procrastination has become an issue today. Without any doubt, each of us resorted to procrastinating at least a few times in life. As a matter of fact, 20% of mankind state ...

  • Reflective Portfolio: Definition, Contents, and Writing Tips

    Reflective Portfolio: Definition, Contents, and Writing Tips

    What Is Reflective Portfolio? How does It Differ from Other Academic Assignments?Most of the students have never received a task to write a reflective portfolio. So for some of you, this assignment ...

  • College Movie (Documentary) Review

    College Movie (Documentary) Review

    Writing a Movie Review for a College ClassMany students feel puzzled when they are faced with a movie review for a college or university class. However, this is one of the greatest tasks, as it ...

  • How to Write an Opinion Essay

    How to Write an Opinion Essay

    If you want to write a successful opinion essay, you should remember some basic facts.Use the essay structure that consists of 5 main paragraphs. Such kind of structure is used very often and has ...

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