The research agenda proposed will help to alleviate the conflicting perspectives regarding research in developmental education. This is because findings of this study may shed some light in incorporating some of the ideas into practice. Das (2009) says that extensive research in developmental education can be ignored because an ideal student dataset for a successful developmental program contains extensive information on a student background, prior academic preparation and performance and their experiences with remediation. Das (2009) further noted that research on student’s background and individual characteristics along with an insight into student experiences in the developmental education program would shed much needed light on what needs to be addressed to make success for all a real possibility.
The use of creativity research will provide a potentially transformative approach to developmental education and the integration of these fields will enhance student performance in both college credit courses and the workforce (Ciez-Volz, 2008). The research should embrace a humanistic developmental perspective and articulate the role of educators in enhancing the creative potential of all students regardless of their developmental classification within the community college (Ciez-Volz, 2008). According to Ciez-Volz (2008), the research should assume that developmental student’s posses the capacity for creative thinking, which when cultivated at the community college can help them become more effective thinkers and problem solvers in the knowledge economy.
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The research on developmental studies should strive to compare the long term outcomes of students assigned to developmental courses and those who are placed in regular courses based on their cutoff scores (Habley, Bloom & Robbins, 2012). The research should also employ qualitative inquiry to community college teacher’s perspectives and practices regarding the promotion of creative thinking among developmental students. The researchers should not overlook other perspectives that might also have elucidated the subject. In addition the research should address the importance of both basic and higher order thinking skills, examine the socio-cultural context of developmental education and discuss educational perspectives and classroom applications regarding creative thinking.