Free «The Influence of Primary Children's Ideas in Science on Teaching Practice» Essay Sample

The article focuses on how the children’s ideas and perceptions about the world affect their mindset when learning science in the primary grades. The whole idea of the article is the adaptability of the instructional design to the personality of children in the way they perceive the world and science in particular. One of the key ideas is that the teachers should not only conduct classes and provide learning material according to the curriculum, but also listen to the students’ ideas and thoughts.

Despite the fact that science and math are very precise subjects, and the notions, which are discussed in class, cannot be modified, the teachers have to listen to the students’ opinions and try to understand what the students are thinking. Thus, it will not only help them provide more individual material for each student in particular, but also help them understand whether the class in general needs more explanation and clarification on the subject or topic in class. Listening to the students’ ideas can also help the teachers motivate children in class. The results of the study showed that those students who have not been heard by their teachers often felt discouraged to study the subject and even to do the homework.



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The results of the study provide implications to the teachers about how to improve their ability to recognize the students’ needs through active listening to their ideas and opinions during the classes of science. Additionally, the study also refers to the fact that in most cases the teachers’ knowledge is enriched with the ideas and examples provided by the students if the teacher is ready to listen to his students and take active part in discussing their opinions and thoughts.

The article presents a research study of three teachers, two of which are experienced teachers, and the third one is an intern. They were video-recoded during their classes of science in primary grades. The results of the data collection were then carefully analyzed and interpreted with the application of codes and patterns. The research aimed at providing information about the teachers’ role in listening to the student’s ideas during the science classes. The article also focused on describing the main characteristics of the three teachers in order to help the reader reveal the features, which facilitate the recognition of students’ ideas and improvement of the general level of in-class teaching methods.

The study, which is described in the article, helps the teachers see how they usually tend to behave in classes when dealing with the primary grades. The students bring in their thoughts and ideas, which are usually denied by their teachers, and the students feel abandoned and discouraged to study in class. When the students get the freedom to show their interest in study and provide ideas for better understanding the subject, the teacher gets heard by the majority of the class. Actually, this is the aim of each teacher.

For this reason, it is important to conclude that the study showed a major gap in teaching, which lies in the ability to understand the students. Science classes are quite tight for the students, and given the fact that many of them come from various social backgrounds, there is a problem in giving them the answers to their multiple question about geology, physics, and other nature sciences. By carefully listening to what the students say in class, even if these thoughts sound far from reality, the teachers can improve their class results and learn each student’s individual needs.


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