Free «The privacy rule and you» Essay Sample

Client security and privacy is obligatory for healthcare professionals. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) oblige nurses, doctors, laboratory technicians and other healthcare service providers to maintain privacy of patient’s health information. This is not only a State rule but also code of ethics for health practitioners.

How HIPAA privacy rules apply to nurses:

Nurses are caring consultant of patients. Therefore, they are supposed to maintain a caring relationship with patients. In addition, as a professional the nurses are supposed to maintain a code of conduct and follow the rules of business. The rules apply to nurses are mentioned here under:

  • HIPAA rules don not allow nurses to discuss patient’s medical and health information to anyone.
  • It restricts health practitioners to maintain privacy of their patient’s medical data from its colleagues, fellows and family.
  • It restricts doctors and nurses to not discuss the private medical information even with patient’s friends, fellows and family members.
  • The rules allow doctors and nurses to disclose patient’s medical information for treatment purposes only.
  • Sharing patient’s medical and health information with someone else is also against the code of ethics for nurses.



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How privacy rules applies to other healthcare practitioners:

Other healthcare practitioners include covered entities, hospitals, laboratory technicians and other healthcare service providers. They are entitled to disclose the protected information such as laboratory and pathology reports, X-rays, diagnoses and other medical information for treatment purposes without the patient’s authorization.

But, all healthcare practitioners have to follow code of ethics for healthcare practitioners with all restrictions and permission of sharing medical and other health information of patients.


The results are come out after examination of restrictions and privileges to nurses, doctors and other healthcare practitioners. It has been found that the code of ethics for healthcare practitioners apply to each segment of healthcare field with same spirit. However, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) differ in some extent as explained above.


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