The book of Mathew belongs to the gospel genre. The book was written by Mathew, he was a Levi. The book talks about Jesus Christ, his parents, his twelve prophets, the story of john the Baptist, leaders like Pilate and religious leaders like the Pharisees. This is the first book in the New Testament to talk about Jesus Christ the son of God. The book goes beyond the birth of Jesus Christ and brings out the prophecies made all the way from the time of Abraham. After the birth of Jesus, the book gives a detailed life history of Jesus Christ , his baptism, sermon on the mountain, his miracles and teachings , last supper, Judas the betrayer and finally his death. It’s from this book that we learn that the death of Jesus Christ was meant for forgiveness of sins. His burial and resurrection from the dead have also been noted. (Nelsonword, Thomas Nelson Publisher, 1993)
The book of Acts in the New Testament belongs to the narrative genre. This book is a continuation of the gospel of Luke. It is based on the story of the early church and the aftermath of Jesus martyrdom. Luke is believed to be the author of the book of acts. This book is credited to be a narrative as it relays the history of the early churches. The book begins with the administration of charge to the twelve disciples to spread the gospel. Peter serves as their leader and Judas Iscariot is replaced by Mathias. After the resurrection, the disciples are filled with the Holy Spirit and peter delivers a sermon. The disciples face a lot of challenges and oppositions throughout their preaching mission but they keep on pushing strong. The book focuses on the split of the church into Hellenists and Hebrews. The death of Stephen as the first martyr, conversion of Saul the persecutor, Paul’s and Barnabas missions are other contents in the book. (Nelsonword, Thomas Nelson Publisher, 1993)
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The book of Ephesians belongs to the epistle genre. Epistle is a letter sent to a person or group of people. The book of Ephesians is a letter written to Ephesians by Apostle Paul while was still in prison. Paul and Tychius are the main characters in the book. The book was written in order to encourage the believers. Apostle Paul states that truths and blessings are unity of believers possessed by all the believers. He also writes that salvation is by God’s grace through faith and that deliverance from the bondage of sins can only be redeemed by the God’s blood and sealed by the Holy Spirit. Paul reminds all the believers to always act as per to God’s commands. All believers are reminded to live as servants of Jesus Christ. The letter also touches on marriage where all husbands and wives are asked to observe marriage vows. Lastly, Paul urges all the believers to take prayers as a Christian’s tool. (Nelsonword, Thomas Nelson Publisher, 1993)
Apocalyptic books in the New Testament contain prophetic writings. The book of Revelation belongs to the apocalyptic genre. The book brings out John as the spirit of the Lord where he hears a commanding voice and writes its down and sends it to the churches. Some of the visions that he sees are the seven candlesticks and the son of Man, four creatures covered with eyes in front and back, a scroll with seven seals, seven angels with seven trumpets, a sign of women clothed with the sun with moon under their feet and a crown of seven stars on her head, a beast emerging from the sea with ten horns, seven heads with diadems and blasphemous names, a number standing for a man which is six hundred and sixty six, the lamp with 144,000 faithful, scarlet beast containing Babylon as a harlot, the falling of John at the feet of a great angel who orders him to worship God alone and the chaining of the dragon for thousand years.