At present, the number of the companies offering writing services is huge. All of them claim to provide the best services in the industry, but when it comes to ordering papers, the situation appears to be totally different. Some of them have unclear terms and conditions, others do not give its customers an opportunity to get a paper revision if needed. Thus, when looking for the writing company, it is essential to check the guarantees it offers. A reliable company should have coherent policies ensuring its customers effective cooperation.

If you are seeking a trustworthy company to order your writing projects from, consider choosing We have clear pricing and discount schemes, strict privacy policy and, what is the most important, we let our clients ask for a revision of their papers. It means that you will be always satisfied with the received pieces of writing.



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Peculiarities of Using Our Services

If you want to get top-notch papers, you are welcome to us. The writers comprising our team are proficient in doing excellent writing projects. They have great writing experience, superior skills, and MA and PhD degrees in diverse areas. No matter your major, you can be sure of getting professional assistance with your assignments. Even if you find some aspects of your paper covered inappropriately, you can get them fixed by asking your writer to make a revision. Besides, we have a fantastic offer for you, called an extended paper revision. Let us highlight the features of such a superb option that is included in our VIP package.

According to our policy, a free revision is provided within 48 hours after the deadline expiration. To get your work revised free of charge, you need to explain what exactly the writer has to pay attention to. In other words, you have to give the expert working on your assignment explicit revision instructions. The only thing you should keep in mind is that your revision requirements should comply with those provided at the order placement stage. Otherwise, you will need to place a compensation order.

What about an extended paper revision? According to this option, a period of a free revision is extended from 48 hours to 4 days! Sounds great, isn’t it? To get a possibility of revising your writing projects for free within such a long period of time, you just need to tick a respective box when filling in the order form.

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Advantages of an Extended Revision Option

We want our clients to be satisfied with the obtained pieces of writing. That is why we never neglect their “revise my paper” requests. It goes without saying that our writers are true professionals and can create outstanding papers on any topic. Still, everyone can make a mistake. This is the very reason for which we give our customers a chance of improving their papers at no cost.

The benefits of the option guaranteeing you an extra content revision time frame are obvious. Take a look at the points listed below:

  • Save your time. If you pick the option allowing you to revise your papers within the offered extended period, you will not need to do the revision on your own. It means that you will not need to spend your time trying to improve your paper.
  • Spare no efforts. Why waste your energy on such a complex task if you can entrust it to experts and devote your attention to more important things?
  • Save your money. If you become our VIP customer and use an extended revision service, you will be able to save some money. It means that you will not need to place a new order in case you have not managed to request a revision within 2 days – a common period allowed for free revisions.
  • Get a quality work. You will get a paper meeting all your demands and quality standards. As a result, you will be able to get the desired grade.

As it can be seen, this option is rather beneficial. Thus, do not miss an opportunity to use it to get the papers surpassing your expectations! Why do a revision on your own if you can delegate this complex task to us and get the writing project created in adherence with your guidelines?

VIP services

Extended revision
2.00 USD

SMS notifications
3.00 USD

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Proofread by editor 3.99 USD

Get an order prepared
by Top 30 writers 4.8 USD

Get a full
PDF plagiarism report
5.99 USD

VIP Support 9.99 USD


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