The research article addresses the effects of having a program for prevention of cardiovascular diseases among Jordanian adults, through acquiring knowledge and embracing healthier ways of life. This title is clear to the reader. Although the authors might be qualified to carry out the research, their career titles are questionable. It is not clear to the reader whether or not they are students or professors. They claim to hail from the University of California and University of Jordan but their career titles are withheld. Concerning the abstract of the research abstract, the authors have done it well, making it very clear. It includes all components of an abstract, which are problem under consideration, objectives of the research, methodology used, the results obtained as well as recommendations from those findings. In addition to the aims stated in abstract, the paper has expressed that the purpose of the research was to evaluate the role of education and creating awareness on the best health practices for cardiovascular patients.
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The research questions in this study helped to construct null hypotheses. During the research, two groups of adults were used, the experimental and control ones. The first research question was aimed at finding out whether there was any significant change in knowledge between adults in the control group and the investigational one. The second research question, which formed the second null hypothesis, focused on whether or not there was any major variation in attitudes between people in the group under study and the control one. The third one focussed on whether or not there was any significant variance between the scores on adoption of healthy lifestyles among adults in both groups. Finally, the fourth question aimed at finding out whether or not there was any major difference between the performance of men and women.
This research is very helpful in many ways to the nursing practice. The reason is because; acquiring knowledge and adopting new health lifestyles will translate to patient’s response towards the healing process. Cardiovascular diseases have been a major cause of deaths in many countries in the world and therefore, it is only helpful when patients are educated on the best lifestyles that will help lower the mortality rate.
The theoretical basis of this research is very sensible. It is based on the Pender’s Health Promotion Model. It is a theoretical concept which pin points personal characteristics and experiences in addition to intellectual factors as the main elements that heighten health habits. According to the findings in this study and previous ones that were done in the same area, the argument seems to be true and authentic.
The methodology employed in this study was that of a control group and a pseudo-experimental design. It was done in six governmental institutions of learning because the working site in such a place was easily accessible and there were also available resources and facilities, which provided the necessary intercessions. The six schools were divided equally into two; the first group assigned as control schools while the other was allocated to be experimental. A total of 90 participants were used in the study. Participants in the experimental group were given a program that comprised of the information on counselling and behavioural ability construction procedure. Both questionnaires and interview methods were used to collect data from the participants. A number of ethical considerations were made to avoid confrontations with the school management.
One of the strengths in the study is the fact that the sampled population was selected from institutions that have people from different racial and cultural backgrounds. Therefore, the findings are not tied to only a specific culture. Also, the control groups were from the same occupational setting. However, there were some limitations such as on the time for the study. The research was done over a short period of time, which could have excluded significant factors in the study.
Most of the findings from the study were in agreement with the argument from the literature materials. Therefore the results confirmed the literature materials used in the research. It is worth to note that the high rate of mortality among developed and developing countries indicate the importance of applying findings from this research. Although the effect may be minimal, it contributes to some degree in treatment and healing of cardiovascular patients. Therefore, it needs to be adopted in all countries to curb heart problems.