Free «Strategic HRM» Essay Sample

The company Nike shall be the company of investigation in this paper. This company founded in the year 1962 had the modest goal of distributing athletic shoes from Japan to the US at relatively low cost without compromising the quality. The intent of their business was to break the domination of Germany in local industry. At current the company is involved in manufacture as well as distribution of the athletic shoes while maintaining traditional as well as non-traditional channels of distribution in many countries (Nike company website)

The mission and vision statement of the company is similar which states that "To bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world. If you have a body, you are an athlete." The company aspires to surpass the rest in athletic industry while maintaining their position through the provision of the highest quality products to all ages as well as lifestyles. Their products are to be easily accessible in the retail outlets, the website of the company as well as mail order. According to the Values Statement of Nike, much focus shall be on commitment to the stakeholders through continuous strides towards a company which sets social responsibility precedents. The company also aspires in ensuring that the employees and the neighbor communities are treated as per the mission of the company.



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To achieve this, the company has taken the initiatives of analyzing their internal environment which has been the basis of their decisions. The apparel division of the company has constantly been revamped to become extremely fashion savvy. This has caused the company to adopt product and also pricing research thereby constantly focusing on high end market and at the same time, increasing the market share of the company in consideration of the middle as well as the low ranges of prices attempting to make broad the product spectrum of the company (Robert & Stephen, 1998).

The company also strives at perpetuating an innovative thinking legacy with regard to the development of the products that will be beneficial to the athletes at all ability levels so as they can achieve their full potential, or the creation of opportunities of business that will edge a competitive position of the company while giving full value to the shareholders. According to the company, there have been greater opportunities for the adoption of sustainability principles as well as practices responsible for the delivery of the returns of the business leading to the company becoming a driver for growth. The company also aspires at building a deep rooted consumer as well as community connections along with the creation of a positive social in addition to environmental impact on an international context (Robert & Stephen, 1998).

However, others have different opinion about the company. There has been a perceived failure among the company foresight of the problems that are allied to the conditions of labor as well as the factory at the locations of production that has brought about a negative publicity. This has been consequential to a decrease in the extents of sales with the call of the consumers and the entire society for companies that show a higher degree of social responsibility.

Although other people perceive the products of Nike to be high quality, the prices that they charge are significantly high relative to those of the competitors. Most customers have not agreed with the high prices and this is one of the disagreements facing the company. This has forced the company to consider implementation of emerging technology as well as innovations with regard to the development of innovative products. The outsiders perceive that the mid and lower point products have been overlooked which calls for initiatives of improvement.


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