Free «Age-Old Fixes for India’s Water» Essay Sample

India has suffered greatly due to the persistent environmental pollution. It has in turn worsened the problem of global warming, causing unpredictable climatic conditions. As a result, the monsoon rains started much earlier than expected. The effects of the greenhouse gases together with the mismanagement of water throughout the country led to the extreme depletion of the underground water reservoirs. Thus, the water storage became very poor leading to the elevation of poverty. Moreover, building of dams and pollution of water sources, especially rivers, have posed a dangerous threat to the ecology and people of India (Colopy, 2012).

Soil pollution of the rural areas and further depletion of the groundwater supplies had an adverse effect on the soil that was not even able to sustain roots. All this environmental degradation was caused by cropping up of the new farming methods. They were turned into fertilizer for farming and increased the demand on electricity. In addition, it increased population explosion and, therefore, impacted negatively on the ecology.



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However, some regions of India fell back on the ancient methods of harvesting. The rainwater was captured into the ponds. Further, it permeated into the earth, feeding springs and wells and rising the water level. Such initiatives took place even in the northwest parts of India, where the water ponds were created for fish culture and irrigation and indirectly assisted in replenishing the groundwater resources.

The country faced numerous challenges while trying to restore the once ever green Earth to its former state. The government tries to rise over hundreds of millions of citizens from the abject poverty and protect the environment. There were a lot of attempts of employing immense, vastly engineered, concrete-based resolutions through building of the deep reservoirs and large dams to produce electricity. The main aim was to come up with the sewer and urban water systems similar to those found in the western countries. Such projects are quite economic as they address the needs of the citizens as well as the whole industry. Unfortunately, these initiatives are able to cause even more damage in the rural areas (Colopy, 2012).

The government would be happy to realize economic growth and be ensured that every citizen has an access to the clean water as well as electricity. However, the path taken to achieve this is more harmful to the environment and would definitely deplete the water levels even to zero percentages in terms of the underground water reservoirs. Building of the concrete dams and canals is quite disruptive and expensive initiative, which would drain the economy further down. However, the fact that collected water would not be able to percolate into the underground is the most serious issue of the whole project. The main reason is that the earth is concrete covered and cannot help in bringing up the already diminished underground water levels.

The only viable environmental initiative that would ensure that water returns to the Indian citizens is a massive encouraging people to engage in the older sustainable methods of farming, like the use of natural manure instead of the fertilizers. It would be also important to mobilize them into accepting the traditional harvesting techniques of the rain water through the small earth dams and ponds. Some communities have already taken the initiative, but the government together with the nongovernmental organizations need to step-up and carry out the nationwide campaigns regarding these initiatives. As a result, there would be a massive raising of the groundwater tables. The environment will be able again to sustain farming activities. Reinventing of these indigenous ways of managing water would really enable the rural Indians to control their lives even though the globe is experiencing a massive globalization coupled with global warming (Colopy, 2012).


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