Free «Healthcare and Evidence-Based Medicine» Essay Sample

Healthcare has been a critical aspect in the lives of many Americans for a lonf time. In the practice of general healthcare, one of the issues, which have been widely accepted and controversial in both measures, is the adoption of evidence-based medicine (EBM). Its adoption has been gaining momentum across a wide variety of medical institutions.

At its most basic form, EBM can be defined as the utilization of current medical information based on high-quality research which is used in the care of patients on a case-by-case basis. It means that medical practitioners utilize the best available information and clinical evidence to reinforce decisions regarding treatment instead of relying on past experiences and references from medical books and journals. This clinical evidence is widely accessible from both print and online sources to physicians across various fields (Craft-Rosenberg & Krajicek, 2006).

Adoption of EBM can sometimes be a very tricky process depending on the practitioners involved. As the chief executive officer in a heath care facility, there are a distinct number of ways which I can use to integrate and adopt EBM services in my facility.



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1. Technology based implementation- using information technology primarily through the internet, EBM can be used to enhance patient healthcare by making the most recent medical specific data available online to physicians. It will enable them to make critical medical decisions. Online EBM services can also be used by ordinary consumers although it will be in a less technical and easy to understand format (Craft-Rosenberg & Krajicek, 2006).

2. Organizing seminars- the increase in drug costs has been one of the forefront problems in the healthcare industry. One of the solutions to this issue lies in organizing educational seminars to heath workers. I can organize these seminars for physicians in my hospital to update them on drug prescription. The doctors will then use this information to make clear-cut objectives and cost effective decisions within the organization (Greenes, 2007).

The adoption of EBM may not be wholeheartedly received by all medical practitioners. There are various reasons why EBM may receive this resistance.

a) Lack of access to information. Medical practitioners need to be equipped with various information technology tools such as computers, personal digital assistants (PDA’S) and the likes to access EBM information. Some of the local medical institutions have outdated technologies and are reluctant to upgrade.

b) Ineffective training. Some practitioners are reluctant to undergo additional rounds of training just to learn how to access these EBM services

c) Time constraints. Some practitioners simply lack the time which is needed to do vigorous research to update them on current medical information.

Clearly, there is much work to be done with regard to the adoption of evidence-based medicine. Though, there is no denying that today, medical practitioners need updated information on the most current medical information available (Craft-Rosenberg & Krajicek, 2006).


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