Free «Masculinity is the Concept of Manliness» Essay Sample


Masculinity is the concept of manliness. One is described to be masculine if they have a big posture and if they are viewed to be strong. Masculinity is mostly associated with strong people. The kind of job that one does describe how masculine one is. Masculinity might have its meaning in a positive or in a negative way. The movie Scarface is one about boys mostly. By using the word "boys" it does not mean that they are small boys. By referring to the word "boy" one may also mean "man." It is not a matter of maturity but of maleness and what it means to be a male in reference to others. The movie comprises of many men as compared to women. This shows that the movie is concentrates on masculinity and not femininity (Action Research paper Report, 2009).


Scarface is a movie whose main character is Tony Montana. Montana is from a poor family and he grows in the career of being a soldier. He decides to move to Florida but unfortunately he is discovered for the lies he presents to the US officials. Together with his ally, Manny, they are shipped to a refugee camp but they find a way to escape. They start by working in a hotel as cooks but they meet Lopez who offers them a business to work for him. They work as drug traffickers but it doesn’t take long before Montana moves to work for another trafficker and there is enemity between him and Lopez. At one time he almost gets killed and he claims that Lopez was involved. He plans a setup and it proves that Lopez was to blame. Montana sends his friend Manny to kill Lopez and he takes over the empire belonging to Lopez. He also married Elvira, Lopez's wife, and they continued the drug trafficking business. The problem was that they both became heavy consumers of cocaine and this makes them paranoid to the extent of distrusting those close to them. He becomes a greedy and selfish man and without realizing they started experiencing their down fall. Elvira decides to leave Montana for good and she moved out of the house. This left Montana more miserable and his problems continue increasing.



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He is responsible for the bad character of Gina, Montana's sister, who ends up in a relationship with Manny. When Tony finds out that his sister had slept with Manny, he kills Manny out of anger under the influence of cocaine. The sister is also killed in a shoot out and Tony is the last to be killed by Sosa's assassins. This was the climax of the downfall of Montana and his empire. Out of greed for wanting to own everything and being in control, Montana ends up dead and with nothing. Indeed he was a strong man but he died in an unwarranted way.

It is interesting as masculine is not always acknowledged as a positive characteristic. For example qualities such as aggression, self confidence, leadership are associated with masculinity. On the other hand there are flaws about this character and these can be associated with our main character in the movie Scarface. Tony Montana who is the main character in the movie can be described as being masculine due to his uncalled for character of being a killer. It all starts off with him lying to the US officials that his entire family was dead and that he was a political prisoner. Tony has a friend, Manny, who is an ally in the getting out of the refugee camp that they had been dumped after they were discovered of their lies. Out of Montana's bad character, he has brought out the characters of the other males in the movie and he has turned out to be the male protagonist (Stone, 2007).

The movie presents a variety of models of manhood, some of them distinctive of the hegemonic form of masculinity. The movie involves the hegemonic model at its core. In a way, the movie can be viewed as a laboratory where a meticulous form of masculinity holds sway and what that might mean for a society. For Tony Montana, he is viewed as a threat to the society due to the fact that he was in prison for being an assassin and is free. Even after his life in prison, he still continues to carry out the criminal acts which involved killing his enemies. He and his friend work in a hotel as cooks and it doesn’t take long before they are employed by Frank as drug dealers. Out of misunderstanding in their negotiations his cousin Angel is killed. This shows how careless Montana was because he should not have allowed Angel to go with them being a lady.

Montana's character has been developed as one of aggressiveness, competitiveness, dominance and strength and control. Coming from a poor family, his wish has been to own a big empire and be in control of it no matter what it takes. That is exactly what he did and he did not even care that he had killed people. While in Babylon, Tony is nearly killed and he concludes that Frank was behind the act. He plans to set up Frank so that he could confirm if it was him and indeed it was. Out of anger, Montana sends Manny to kill Frank and himself killed Bernstein. He went to Elvira and informed her of the death of her husband. He earned himself an opportunity to takeover the empire belonging to Frank which included the wife (Stone, 2007).

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Montana's character is brought out as a mean and greedy individual. This is because he had the courage to kill Frank so that he could reign in his empire and take over Frank's possession including his wife. He feels like he owns the world because he had grown up in an impoverished society. He was carried away by the pleasures of the drugs and the control he had over the empire. He and Elvira become heavily addicted to cocaine as they had made so much money out of it through trafficking. This resulted to him being more paranoid and did not trust those around him any more. Out of wanting to get everything and be in control he ends up losing everything; the empire, the luxurious house, the wife, the sister, his mother's love and even lost his own life.

The movie is not all about killings and sadness. Pacino (Montana) is the one character whose excess brings Scarface to a different level of praise as an instantaneous trendy classic. Pacino provides even the most dramatic scenes practically laughable. He generates a personality that is a liar, but with morals. Devious, but with a sense of loyalty. His traits disagree with one another so frequently that it should come as no surprise to the onlooker that Montana becomes his own worst enemy. This is another way that Montana has been used to portray the character of masculinity. Many good and bad issues revolve around him but the ending the movie is fair and just to Montana and to the society also (Layman & Crosland, 2007).

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The view of this vast empire of drug dealings is no different than that of a carefully choreographed political picture. This movie is based on environment of lies and deceit. Montana introduces the lies by lying to the US officials that he had lost his family through death in order for him to earn himself a visa. He lied to his mother that he had a decent job and yet he was dealing with drug trafficking. He lied of not having being involved in the murders. The rest of the characters are part of the web of lies and deceit who try to masquerade it with a broad smile and a promise of a better tomorrow. At the same time that these promises are made, vigilant diversions are deliberated by each character to advance themselves. This mirror of a biased association comes from screenwriter Oliver Stone, who treats these realms with the same respect as a lawful government. There is no character that is passed of a heroic, but several (mainly Montana) try to get across that they are not the only antagonists in the world.

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Montana as the main character has clearly portrayed the concept of masculinity through various ways. He shows his character of wanting to be in control. He is also very aggressive and conniving. He has no conscience because he decides to take Elvira, the wife to Frank, in the presence of Frank. He can be termed as a home wrecker because that is what he does. He even goes to the extent of killing Frank as an excuse that he tried to kill him and ends up taking ownership of everything that belonged to Frank. He displayed his character of being mean and selfish.


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