It is clear that there is a dire need for school based institutions to have a crisis intervention program that articulately prevents and analyses the problems faced by these institutions. The problem is of current importance nowadays, because during the last decade the United States has seenthe increase in school based violence and othertraumatizingacts. The students, teachers, school staff, parents and relatives are all victims of the violence. Such an issue necessitated the need for professional literature that would be used to educate the culprits about the vices of violence in the society. The resultant literature written by professionals wasintroducedinto the school curriculum. As a result, all relevant departments allocated resourcesto deal withthe crisis in the education sector at the school level.
The absolute need for schools to have crisis intervention and management programs came as a result ofcrises that rocked the school system in 1960s. Therefore, this essay aims at reviewing the book School Crisis Prevention and InterventionbyStephen Brock andShaneJimerson.These two authors are popularpsychologists in the United States. Dr. Stephen Brock’s professionalism includes a doctorate from the University of California. Currently he is the head ofthe School Psychologists Association in California. On the other hand, his co-author Dr. Shane R.Jimersonis a professor in the University of California. His contribution to the field of psychology is well-recognized worldwide.
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It is clear that this bookhas comprehensively addressed the needs for schools to tackle violence and other traumatic situations in schools. It has discussed in detail the school crisis intervention models that are team based, thus aiding administrators and all relevant people deal with a variety of traumatic incidences that occur in schools. The book has stated that effective management of violence and other traumatic incidences in schools require the schools to have cohesive teams with members from a several departments to make them multidisciplinary. The authors note that these teams are more versatile and, as a result, they are capable of formulating more comprehensive crisis management plans. The book states that the plans should encompass crisis prevention in schools and the neighbouring society, crisis preparedness, intervention processes expected to cut downthe damages caused by the crisis. Lastly, the plan should have recovery processes thatguide the affected systems navigate from their crises. It is paramount that these teamsshould be integrated with the society-based crisis response and emergency response teams. Thecooperationillustrated in the book bears a lot of advantages. For instance, itaids the school based teams to assess effectively the traumatic effect of violence and other potential crises. Therefore, the school teams effectively align the school crisis prevention and recovery plans with the overall community based plans and service delivery models.
All in all, School Crisis Prevention and Interventionoffers its readers, especially students, educators, psychologists and all community, service providers with a variety of newly formulated theories, practices and other relevant professional literature in the spectrum of crisis intervention and management in schools. The book has come up with school safety guidelines expected to guide the management in identifying the troubled students in their respective schools. Therefore, it is clear that the overriding message that the authors of this book desired to convey is that crisis in all facets of the society is manageable irrespective of its size. They stated that crisis requires proper intervention and management expected to transform the damages of the crisis to formidable opportunities that foster the impinged people with hope and resiliency to the crisis. Therefore, School Crisis Prevention and Interventionserves as an antidote to violence in schools.