Free «The Integration of Young Muslims in Maltese Schools» Essay Sample

The European Union is experiencing tremendous changes in population diversity. Since individuals from all over the world move to European countries for work-related reasons or simply to immigrate, they bring along their cultural and religious traditions. Malta is a member of the European Union and also has small minorities, including Muslim groups. Since the Maltese educational system is built on Christian values and the National Minimum Curriculum supports a Christian view of life, students of Islamic background should have their beliefs secured.

This dissertation will examine whether young Muslims living in Malta are faced

with a number of social barriers, present within educational institutions, that may affect the

way they think, live and behave. It will also question whether these young individuals, as a

result of these social barriers, may fall victims of any social exclusion or discriminatory

practices at school.

Thus, this dissertation will perform an analysis of the Maltese educational system to

see, if there are any cultural or religious barriers and will seek to present solutions to their

elimination. It will also deal with creating potential ways of integrating young Muslims into



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the educational process. Also, it will undertake to develop potential methods and techniques

to incorporate Muslim students into social life without harming their basic beliefs. And,

lastly, it will seek to create effective methods to provide effective inter-cultural dialogue in

order to foster bonds and mutual understanding between the individuals of different national


The National Minimum Curriculum (NMC) is a very important document, which

includes all the basic required elements for the educational process and provides for finding

solutions to the above stated objectives. The legal framework of the Maltese National

Minimum Curriculum states that a school council can ask the Minister of Education to

include courses in addition to those established. Besides, it guarantees that the parents have

the right to decide if their children should not be exposed to specific religious instruction.

That provides for introducing courses that are required for minorities, allows developing

methods to bring along educational courses that suit the minorities’ needs. In addition,

parents can decide to keep their children away from particular religious instruction, which

contradicts their beliefs.

The NMC also includes such principles as respect for diversity, stable learning

environment, an inclusive education, increasing participation in curriculum development, and

decentralization and identity that strongly support individual expression and diversity

celebration. These principles can help to develop the methods for securing freedom for

religious practices and cultural expression. At the same time, they will allow the development

of identity. The NMC also presents educational objectives. The most important of them for

the purpose described above are the development of citizens and a democratic environment,

religious education and competence in communication. These objectives can be used to

protect Muslim youth from religious discrimination and, on the other hand, from the

influence of radical teachings. They can also be a very helpful tools for developing the

methods and techniques to teach the youth effective communication skills.

Muslim culture and beliefs should be analyzed for contact points with other cultures

and religious systems, especially Christian. It will be very helpful in defining potential

conflict situations and working out preventive measures. Analyzing culture is very beneficial

for developing cultural training courses that would help Muslim youth to retain their identity.

It is also very important to arrange special classes for people with Islamic background

where they would be able to learn about their new homeland. As experience has it, sometimes

cultural and racial tensions rise when national and religious minorities are not aware of local

traditions and customs and insult local people unintentionally, when practicing their rituals.

Malta has a rich Christian heritage and educating Moslem youth about the history and the

culture of the nation will produce awareness and mutual respect.


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