Free «Brave New World Literary Analysis» Essay Sample

The author of Brave New World which was published in 1932 Aldous Huxley, provides a masterpiece of literally work that has gained international recognition for its highly exceptional quality. The author who is an essayist in addition to being a novelist earned himself unrivaled acclamation for his literary works. Although Brave New World propelled him to great heights in his career, Huxley is also famed for brilliant pieces such as Eyeless in Gaza, Antic Hay and Point counter point. His book Brave New World is set in London where he tries to propel his futurism ideologies. He shows a revolution of all time that resulted from various technological advances that were characteristic during the period within which the novel was depicted.

Huxley wrote the book in 1931 where he questioned the values of London during this period. He characteristically uses irony and satire to try and propagate his futurism idealisms. The novel is one which basically concentrates on ideas while the characters and plot aspect of the novel are given a secondary bearing.

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The novel's ironic approach which it exhibits with regard to contemporary values makes it a favorite among readers. The fictional type of literal masterpiece is set in London where the author sets it at a six hundred year timeline into the future, "Then, I projected it six hundred years into the future" (Huxley, xiv). Although the novel takes a critical analysis of the future contemporary issues of early 20th century are vivid in bringing out the real essence that is intended for the novel.

Huxley points out in the novel that the main theme of his novel is not centered on the advancements of science alone but rather based on the effects it would have on humanity as a whole. The author argues that the quality of life can only be changed or altered by sciences of life such as psychology in contrast to sciences of matter such as physics. He goes further to assert his position by claiming that sciences of matter have the ability to destroy life or make it very complex if used in a particular way. Huxley seems to suggest that the real "revolutionary revolution" can only be achieved in "souls and flesh of human beings" rather than what many think of real revolution being external characteristic of material possessions (Huxley, X).

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Huxley in this novel warns the world of the predominant danger of surrendering control to the state over technological advances which are either powerful or new. The author asserts his assumptions using examples that are easy to discern and understand. Some of the examples he uses in this novel include the illustration of how reproduction was rigidly controlled through various medical and technological interventions. The author stresses out these claims by giving methods that may be considered as not moral such as the "Bokanovsky's Process" to control reproduction (Huxley, 3).

The author seems to advice on the importance of distinguishing between scientific and technological advancements. The author in his critic of the state argues that the gist of the state in progressing science is just a publicity stunt and what the state really does is to better technological advances rather than increase scientific exploration and experiments. Some of the accusations that the author pins on the state include their censorship of science. The author argues that the state does this out of fear that it would jeopardize its control. By having this power as the author points out, the state is able to use the results carried out in scientific research to control technological advances no matter the harm it may pose to the country's citizens.

The novel is not simply a warning it also acts as a satirical depiction of the society in which the author lives in during this period. The contemporary way of living that the current world is living in is being characterized by the author. The author makes fun of this situation when he claims that "the problem of hap-piness in other words, the problem of making people love their servitude". The author goes further to claim that "without economic security, the love for servitude cannot possibly come into existence" (Huxley, 14). The author also points out that we live in a world in which the success and prosperity of any community is pegged on the level of economic growth instead of human values.

This novel by Huxley is considered to be an anti-utopian novel in which the author tries to warn of the ardent dangers that are likely to arise with regard to an all powerful state.

The dystopian theme in the novel is clearly highlighted and the author does not shy away from giving his thoughts into this matter. He argues his points from the perspective that an all powerful state would have the might to control the behaviors and actions of its citizenry. Although the aim of maintaining state control and keeping order may justify this position, the use of technological interventions by the government to obtain its objectives all but lead to a loss in humanity or complicates it. Although the author uses examples in this novel that are easily understandable, he falls short in his plot. From the beginning it can be seen that the main theme of the novel is the effects that technological advents would have on humanity in this future. This theme obviously makes the characters in the novel to be weak. However, the author has done a remarkable piece of work that deserves acclamation.


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