Free «Hamlet and the Female Characters» Essay Sample

Hamlet's sexual implication is well described in his conversation with Ophelia at the 'play', which would have been apparent to a new beginning audience, and actually satisfactory. When referring to a double implication of 'nothing', Hamlet says to Ophelia: "That's a fair thought to lie between maids' legs" (Dover, 111). This is taken to be like a cheap kind of joke, especially for a righteous prince to share with a young woman; nevertheless, Hamlet is not restrained to speak it, and this is not seen as an offense at all by Ophelia (Courtni, 56). The funny thing is that the author of the book is male in a male-prevailing background, and is probably representing the discussion from his own position of understanding. He probably doesn't see things from the way a cultured woman may think or feel if such humor is used on her.

Modern tradition advocates women look at a man's connection with his mother to foresee how women their life will be treated. Therefore, when considering a son's handling of his mother showing how he will care for the woman he loves, Hamlet becomes a good example. In this case, his attitude and the overall handling of the Ophelia, within the play of William Shakespeare, Hamlet, one will find out the correlation on how he is treating women and how he used to handle his mother. An attribute of the personality of Hamlet is to make extensive, sweeping statements and probably no other place or incidence has this been ever more apparent and clear than in his behavior toward women in general. There is a funny comment of Hamlet, "Frailty, thy name is woman. (Shakespeare & Hoy, 11),"and this comes out while conversing about the transgressions of his mother. In such conversation, Hamlet seems to think that all women understand and also act in the same way as his mother does. Therefore, he has no respect for women at all, as he sees them as people who are not ready for any change, who are submissive, cannot make positive adjustments in their lives, and probably good-for-nothing individuals.



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In the play, Hamlet is annoyed and quite disappointment with Queen Gertrude, who happens to be his mother, for remarrying his father's brother so soon after his father passed away, and this is the first time Hamlet is introduced to the audience. In his first soliloquy he remarks on the pace of Queen Gertrude remarriage within a month; "Ere yet the salt of most unrighteous tears. Had left the flushing in her galled eyes, She married. O, most wicked speed, to post with such dexterity to incestuous sheets! It is not, nor it cannot come to good." (Shakespeare & Hoy, 11).

It is explicable that Hamlet is disappointed with his mother for overlooking his father and getting married to Claudius, who happens to his uncle. Hamlet believes that his father is worthy of more than a month of mourning. Therefore, by remarrying in such a hurry, Queen Gertrude has dishonored King Hamlet's reminiscence. This remarriage is a transgression and quite dishonest, nevertheless special consideration had been made since she is queen by title.

Hamlet's judgment of his mother situation deteriorates throughout the progression of the play since his father, who emerges as a ghost, informs him about his mother's unfaithfulness conduct and his uncle's perceptive murder that is quite unconscionable. Even though Hamlet swears to seek vengeance on King Claudius for killing King Hamlet, his father, he is in the beginning more disturbed with the revelations of the ghost concerning his mother, Queen Gertrude. King Hamlet informs Hamlet not to be worried with his mother. After the ghost leaves, Hamlet makes it to be the first thing he speaks about.He also makes a weird comment on the fornication his mother has committed, and this happens before he vows to take revenge on the death of his father.

Even though Hamlet chooses to make up to be mad in order to scheme against the King Claudius, it is well stipulated that he actually become mad. His insanity seems to intensify his resentment toward Queen Gertrude. Throughout the play scene, he openly humiliates her and acted offensively toward her in the secretive scene. The secretive scene explicates more about Hamlet's handling of women and his terrible way of thinking toward Queen Gertrude. Hamlet screams at Queen Gertrude for devastating his aptitude to be devoted to someone. He blames Queen Gertrude, his mother, of such an act that distorts the elegance, and feels embarrassed of humility. He even calls her virtue-hypocrite, takes off the rose from the fair temple of an naive love and finally sets misconducts.

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Hamlet curses Queen Gertrude for being accountable for his incapability to be devoted to Ophelia. His mother's dealings have caused Hamlet to regard all women in a diverse light since she has taken away his purity and affection for women. After Polonius is killed by Hamlet, he tries Queen Gertrude to make out if she is aware of the murder. Polonius was Queen Gertrude's father, and both Hamlet and the audience appear to be contented she was not part of that knowledge and discovery. Hamlet makes it his work to let Queen Gertrude know about the secret of her new husband, about the death of King Hamlet. On the other hand, he is intermittent by the ghost who cautions Hamlet to stop letting his mother know. Hamlet is told by the ghost to be more concerned with revenge on King Claudius, which is supposed to be faster (Dover, 248).

Throughout this scene, Queen Gertrude is incapable of seeing her dead husband, (was unable to see the 'gracious figure' of her husband) as implied in the Elizabethan times. This was so, as her eyes are made blind by the infidelity she had done (Dover, 254). The ghost embezzles away from the cabinet when he recognizes that Queen Gertrude is unable to see him. This in turn increases hatred between Hamlet and Queen Gertrude, as he felt the same denial when Ophelia abandoned him. At this moment he undergoes his father's sorrow as a son and as a lover to Ophelia (Dover, 255). It was disturbing to see his father cast off by the Queen Gertrude, in the sameway he was abandoned by Ophelia.

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Understanding Hamlet's extreme dislike toward Queen Gertrude is fundamental in comprehending on his relationship with Ophelia. This provides an insight into his handling of Ophelia and other women.Hamlet believes that Ophelia did not care for him with the affection and esteem she should have done. It is fact that Ophelia and Hamlet were in love with each other, as shown in the beginning of the play, Ophelia is told by her father to stay away from Hamlet, who understandably become upset and disorientated when Ophelia breaks their relationship with no justification.

The audience of the play does not see the next relations with Ophelia and Hamlet but Ophelia is heard telling her father about Hamlet's anguish, making them to both to think that Hamlet is nuts, thus falling for his scheme. According to Ophelia, Hamlet's manifestation was one of a crazy person. She explained for her father the duration he resided her in bedroom and said "He raised a sigh so piteous and profound as it did seem to shatter all his bulk, and end his being. That done, he lets me go, and with his head over his shoulder turned, he seemed to find his way without his eyes, for out a door he went without their help, and to the last bended their light on me." (Shakespeare & Hoy, 27).

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Hamlet turns up to Ophelia on the edge of a collapse, partly grounded by Queen Gertrude's infidelities. When Hamlet turns to Ophelia for support, his mother's lessons are toughened and throughout her dealings, Ophelia validates in Hamlet's mentality, that women cannot be trusted completely.Despite pretending to be nuts, Hamlet still loved Ophelia and was distressed by her betrayal (Dover, 111-112).

Even though Ophelia was only following the desires of her father, her actions imply to Hamlet that she cannot be trusted, not even more than Queen Gertrude. In a mysterious way Hamlet is extremely impolite to Polonius, as he ends up referring to him as "bawd," a fishmonger, and his daughter a whore in Act II (Dover, 105). This is the dropped lover communicating in this scene more so than the crazy man Hamlet is acting to be one.

Hamlet's fury intensifies toward Ophelia when he hears of the King Claudius, Queen Gertrude and Polonius' scheme of using Ophelia to determine if he is really crazy because the love he has for her. Just wanting to delight the royalty and her father, Poor Ophelia enters into the deal, but sadly over indulges in her assigned role during the time with Hamlet. Ophelia nervously rushes into her role at the start of their conversation. She did not even greet him before receiving gifts. Although Hamlet declare not to have issued any gift, and it is seen and acknowledged from her speech: " My honored lord, you know right well you did, and with them words of so sweet breath composed as made the things more rich.

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Their perfume lost, take these again, for to the noble mind rich gifts wax poor when givers prove unkind, there, my lord." (Shakespeare & Hoy, 45). Hamlet calls Ophelia a liar after listening to her speech and connecting with what he had heard them planning. Hamlet seems to be discussing about women in broad when he says that a "wise man knows what a monster a woman can make of them." (Lewis, 86). His cruelty is seen to all women, as he sees them to be same all the time, and that they cannot be trusted.


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