Free «Health Care Providers and Faith Diversity» Essay Sample

Different religious groups have different believe system in the provision of the healthcare. The health personnel such as doctors and nurses should be aware of the religious beliefs of their patients for effectively delivering medical care. In provision of medical care, religious faith and beliefs of the patient is incorporated with the scientific medical care in offering a holistic medical to the patients. The medical personnel should take into the consideration the religious belief of the patient in the course of offering medical care to the patient. The Christianity and Buddhism belief systems are reviewed to determine the similarities and differences in the provision of health. It is important to note that healing occurs while there is a balance between the body, mind, physical connections, spirit and emotions.

There are similarities in belief system between the Buddhism and the Christianity in the provision of healthcare; in both religions, there is a great emphasis on the religion practices for one to attain healing. Both religions believe in power of prayers and meditation for one to get well. The patients in both religions have faith that through prayers and meditation they can change their suffering they are facing currently. According to Buddhism religion, a patient who practices meditation undergoes less suffering and thus meditation create confidence in patient which is important component of healing. On the other hand, meditation and prayers among the Christians create confidence among the patients that God would heal them (Ashcroft & Dawson & Draper, 2007).



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Another similarity between the Christianity and Buddhism religion in belief system in the provision of health care is that the death is not the end but the beginning of another life. Christians believe that when they die, they will go to heaven if they had lived according to will of God while in earth. The Buddha believes in rebirth after one dies and thus the patients see sickness and death as a stage in life where every person has to undergo through hence the patient in both religion see death not as the end but as a start of new life. Another similarity that exists between the Buddhism and Christianity religions is the moral precepts in Buddhism and commandments in Christianity. These moral codes in both religions help the patient to make choices on medical care given to him. In both religion for instance, procuring abortion is seen as murder and hence prohibited in both religions (Young & Koopsen, 2006).

The differences in belief between the Christianity and Buddhism in provision of medial care lie in practices of yoga and mediation by Buddha. The Buddha practices yoga to attain self confidence and the optimism that enables the patient to reduce suffering which he is undergoing. In Christianity on the other hand yoga is not practiced.

In both Buddhism and Christianity, there are critical component of healing such as prayers, meditation, belief and yoga. In holistic medical care, the medical personnel must take care of all aspect of the patient which includes the body, the emotions and the spiritual. The doctors and nurses should ensure that that they offer all necessary support that is required for the healing to occur. It should not be overruled that the beliefs of the patients have an effect in the healing process of the patient. Prayers for instance are critical for the Christians in healing. Christians believe that when they engage in praying, some natural forces would guarantee their healing. Thus prayers create confidence in Christians thus they pain become bearable. Meditation and yoga is important for the patient who professes Buddhism faith. The yoga ad meditation makes the patient believe that they can control the present and the future. The confidence created in patient practicing yoga and meditation makes the pain bearable and also makes the process of healing attainable.

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The medical personnel who profess different faith from what their patient professes should be conscious with the faith of their patient in offering medical care. To offer holistic care, the medical professionals need to understand the diversity of their patients that they are offering medical care. The medical professionals should have an open mind to take into consideration the faith of their patients in providing medical care. The medical professionals should be in a position to comprise with his faith and embrace the faith of his patients. As it was discussed there earlier, the medical care involves taking care of all aspect of the person and not only physical aspect but emotional, spiritual and beliefs of the person. According to the research conducted, the faith of the patient plays a part in his healing. Meditation, for instance a religious practice in some religions like Buddhism, has been proved to have medical significance especially to heal psychological disorders like depression. In recent times, the medical professions have incorporated patient's faith in healing process and it has been proved to be working effectively.

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It is of essence for the health providers to let it go of their faith and incorporate the belief of the patients in medical care. The patient may come from diversified faiths and beliefs; faith is known to have significance in the health of the patient. The practices in different religions should be considered by the providers of health for them to give holistic treatment to their patient. If the patient sees that the providers of health care, they would be confident in the health provisions and that speed up the healing process. According to the research carried shows that the providers of health care when they understand and respect the different beliefs of their patients on giving the medical care would create a necessary atmosphere for healing. The healthy providers can accomplish this by allowing their patient to exercise their faith for instance praying, fasting even meditating, allowing people to visit the patient as part of therapies together with scientific medical care (Kliewer & Saultz, 2006).


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