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A Case Study of Diabetes in Older Adults essay

Introduction Cases of diabetes are on the rise in the modern society especially among the old people. A survey carried out by Centre for Disease Control (2002) showed that cases of type 2 diabetes in the United States are increasing at an alarming ... Read more »

A Guide to Treating Asian Americans with Depression essay

Without any doubt, the 21thcentury has transferred the world into a new era where a multicultural and multiracial civilization determines human social values. According to the statistics, 4.3% of the USA population is represented by the Asian ... Read more »

A Plan for A Report of Drug Trafficking essay

Selling and the use of narcotics are a real problem in today’s society, not only at the local but also at the global level. Therefore, there is the need to research and find out the causes of this behavior, and the way it can be curbed. ... Read more »

A quasi-experiment essay

The design of a quasi-experiment constitutes a study in which one has limited control over the distribution of the treatments or factors being studied. The unique feature in this empirical study is that it is short of random task (Achen 66). In ... Read more »

Abortion-Freedom of Choice essay

1. Reproductive rights have become a national policy. Reproductive legislation is subject to a rather large amount of changes. A person who was probably the most zealous women health rights activist was Margaret Sanger, the founder of the Planned ... Read more »

Abortion Murder essay

Abortion is the act of taking away of an embryo or fetus from the uterus that results in or is caused by the death of fetus. This can happen unexpectedly being a miscarriage or be synthetically induced by surgical ,chemical or other way. Medically, ... Read more »

Abortion problem essay

Introduction It is hard to imagine a more controversial branch of philosophy than that of ethics. Although one should clearly know the borderline between right and wrong in order to be considered sane, it is striking that many people actually fall ... Read more »

Academic doping and brain stimulants essay

It is true that fans support their favorite athletes in competitions. However, athletes are not justified in the use performance enhancing drugs to boost performance. Unfortunately, many athletes have been found guilty in the use of banned ... Read more »

Accident Investigation essay

In reference to the investigation carried out by CBS concerning the Little General Store Propane Explosion investigation, the management of companies involved played a vital role in terms of information provision (CBS, 2008). The investigation ... Read more »

Acromegaly essay

Introduction Acromegaly is a disease resulting from hormonal imbalance leading in the pituitary overproducing the GH (Levy, 2004). This results in un-proportional and exaggerated growth. Common cases involve elongation and dilation of hands and ... Read more »

Adaptation & Accountability essay

The Organization: Hacienda HealthCare Hacienda HealthCare is a leading healthcare organization located in Arizona. It basically offers specialized healthcare services focusing on the medically fragile infants including chronic young adults and ... Read more »

Adrenal Insufficiency (Addison disease) essay

Addison disease also referred as hypocortisolism, chronic adrenal insufficiency, and hypoadrenalism, is a chronic disorder where the adrenal glands fail to produce sufficient steroid hormones – mineralcorticoids and glucocorticoids. The ... Read more »

African American Children between the Ages of 1 and 14 Living in Mecklenburg County, NC Suffering from Asthma essay

Introduction The African American community has a high population in Mecklenburg County. Out of the total population of about 920,000 people as per the 2010 census, about 30% are African Americans. It has the highest number of people in North ... Read more »

AIDS in Africa essay

Debora Spar and Nicholas Bartlett present a critical analysis of the origin of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) in their article “Life, Death and property rights: The pharmaceutical industries face AIDS in Africa” .The article ... Read more »

Alcohol Addiction among Teenagers essay

Introduction Teenage drinking is something that has been taking place in various societies for centuries; for instance, in the pre-Revolutionary America. During this time, young trainees had the opportunity to access buckets of ale. The trend has ... Read more »

Alpha 1-Antitryspin essay

1. Introduction Alpha 1-Antitryspin or α1AT is a glycoprotein composed of 52 kDa molecule which is produced in the liver and then released in to the blood. The primary function of α1AT in the human body is to restrict the activity of an ... Read more »

Alzheimer's Disease. Abnormal Psychology essay

Alzheimer’s is a brain damage that slowly destroys the brain cell progressively and irreversibly affecting the cognitive ability, and thinking complicating to inability to performs even the simplest task. The condition is associated with old ... Read more »

Alzheimers essay

Abstract Alzheimer's is a chronic debilitating disease that results in the loss of the cognitive and other function required in the normal functioning in the society. The cause of the disease is not clearly known but there are a few hypotheses on ... Read more »

Alzheimers disease essay

Alzheimer's disease is a form of dementia which is actually the most common of all types. Its also referred to as sensible dementia of the Alzheimer type (SDAT) or primary degenerative dementia of the Alzheimer type (PDDAT) (Cox 5). It's incurable ... Read more »

Ambulatory Care essay

Ambulatory care is a medical care which is given on an outpatient case. Some medical illnesses do not require the patient to be admitted to the hospital. They can be cured while one is at home. These may include; when one want to have a blood test, ... Read more »

An Inquiry Concerning Human Understanding by David Hume essay

In an Inquiry Concerning Human Understanding, Hume asserts that the matter of fact is our reality. Our perceptions of the matter of fact are based on the cause and reason relations, therefore the reality is a reflection of facts in our feelings ... Read more »

Analytical Psychotherapy essay

Analytical psychotherapy is the school of depth psychology that is based on the discoveries and concepts from Carl Gustavo Jung. He came up with wide and most relevant view of the human psych. It is a theory of human personality types and a ... Read more »

Anemia essay

Introduction Anemia is a condition which arises when the oxygen carrying capacity of the red blood cells is insufficient to cater for the body’s physiological needs (WHO, 2001). This could be as a result of reduced number of Red blood cells or ... Read more »

Animal Testing essay

Animal testing in all fields, from cosmetology to medicine, is opposed through arguments that it causes suffering to animals, and that animal tests in medical field endanger human life. Advocates of animal rights claim that animals should be spared ... Read more »

Anorexia and Television Advertisements essay

My research topic is the rate of anorexia among women and its correlation with viewing an advertisement on television. This topic is significant because it brings forth clear causes of anorexia among women. Research asserts that the topic gives ... Read more »

Antibiotic Resistance in Bacteria essay

The most alarming issue in the modern is the hardship encountered in treatment of infections caused by bacteria due to resistance of bacteria to antibiotics. There are various categorization of antimicrobial agents defined their action mechanism. ... Read more »

Antibiotic Sensitivity essay

A. Define the term "selectively toxic." Why is it an important feature of antimicrobial agents?  A substance or drug is said to be selectively toxic if the agent used in it is able to inhibit or kill the microorganism that is meant to without ... Read more »

Antibiotics essay

Antibiotics are classed as broad spectrum and narrow spectrum.What is the difference between these two classes of antibiotics? Why is it important that the medication such as antibiotics are given regularly and on time, and that the course is ... Read more »

Anxiety Screening Tool-Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder essay

Psychological Screening tools and the rating scales are useful in measuring a juvenile’s mental health ability and the continuous progress that is normally established either at school or home. The screening tools and the ratings are not ... Read more »

Application to Teach Pediatric Residents, Interns and Medical Staff essay

Getting to where I am currently has not been a walk in the pack and I strongly believe that my undertakings at the undergraduate level have been instrumental in preparing me for successful academic achievements. Consequently, I am tendering my ... Read more »

Aspergers Syndrome essay

Introduction Autism is brain disarray that affects and prejudices a person's ability to communicate, socially interact, form relationships and respond appropriately within an environment. There are several characteristics of these circumstances and ... Read more »

Assisted Euthanasia essay

Being a part of our society, nurses have to abide by the morals, social values, and norms that a society defends. The social values, morals, and norms have a great impact on the nursing practice when it comes to the issue of sanctity of life and ... Read more »

Assisted Reproduction essay

Introduction Assisted reproduction in the contemporary world has received a lot of attention with great developments in the field of medicine. As a matter of fact, this has led to many ethical issues that surround it. When the term assisted ... Read more »

Association of Depression and Diabetes essay

Protection of Human Participants Benefits of participation addressed by the authors included individuals’ understanding of their current health status and access to education about handling individuals’ health in order to prevent attack ... Read more »

Asthma essay

Asthma in children is a very harmful respiratory disease that may even lead to death. Asthma has an influence on the children socially, physically as well as emotionally.  Therefore, it is the responsibilities of the parents as well as the ... Read more »

Asthma Disease essay

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2011), Asthma continues to be a serious public health problem. Asthma is a syndrome characterized by paroxysmal or persistent symptoms such as breathlessness, chest tightness, wheezing and ... Read more »

Asthma vs. Emphysema essay

For many years people have been asking the same question, whether asthma and emphysema are the same diseases. If they are not, than what is the key distinction between them? Another question is whether one of them follows the other one. Therefore, ... Read more »

Attachment Disorder essay

Introduction Attachment disorder can be related to mean mood, poor social relationships or behavior disorders. This disorder arises as a consequence of lack of healthy attachment to caregivers in early childhood and results in problematic behaviors ... Read more »

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Description essay

This essay seeks to explore Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, its effects and the treatment effects. As such, the purpose of the essay will be three-fold. First, it will provide a description of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, and ... Read more »

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) essay

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a state of the brain that leads to excessive activity ,inattention and impulsivity culminating in impaired social behavior especially in children. It's a chronic disorder which if not treated its ... Read more »

Autism and Immunizations essay

Autism is a type of disability that emerges during child development, and is known to appear within the three years after birth in children, challenging their communication ability and interaction process with others. In most cases, autism is ... Read more »

Autism in Our Society essay

Introduction Autism is a developmental disorder which has been associated with disability in development. It is mostly noted when children are developing especially when they are developing speech and associating with other children (Cook, 361). The ... Read more »

Autoimmune Disease essay

Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease categorized by an unsuitable immune response to nutritional proteins that are present in foods such as barley wheat. This immune response results to the swelling of the small intestine and to impairment and ... Read more »

Autoimmune Disorders essay

Introduction An autoimmune disease is considered as one of the nastiest disorder which affects the body’s immune system. The normal immune system goes down losing the ability to identify its own cells and attack itself. The condition ends up ... Read more »

Autoimmune Haemolytic Anaemia essay

Autoimmune hemolytic anemia is a disorder that occurs in the body when there is a malfunction in the immune system. The immune system produces auto antibodies that attack the red blood cells, making them burst and in turn making the plasma levels of ... Read more »

BA-MD Program essay

Cloning and other issues have made headlines in most of our information channels, but there are different ways in which knowledge gained by practicing physicians have about the medical ethics and laws. They can have a direct impact on the care type ... Read more »

Basal Ganglia and Movement Disorders essay

Basal Ganglia, also known as basal nuclei, are a group of subcortical nuclei in the brains of vertebrates, involved in various processes like cognitive, motor, and mnemonic functions (J. P. Bolam, 1999). It has been shown that basal ganglia ... Read more »

Behavioral Health Prevention Program Design essay

Introduction Motivational interviewing is a method used to inspire people to embrace positive life and behavioral changes through the use of motivational talks and interviews. Motivational interviewing is a patient-centered behavioral change ... Read more »

Behavioral Theory Counseling Scenario essay

Counseling is both an art and a science since it combines the art of warm relationship with clients and the science of applying scientifically derived techniques to adequately deal with any issue of concern presented by a client. Murdoch & ... Read more »

Behind the Formaldehyde Curtain essay

Embalming is usually carried out to preserve the human remains and make them presentable for public display. This practice is widely used in Northern America. The process to which a body may be subjected are to some extent circumscribed by law. For ... Read more »

Benefits of Masturbation essay

Masturbation is probably one of the activities a person – whether a man or a woman – does for some particular reasons. However, most of the discussions about the practice seem to be very complicated, since the topic is directly related ... Read more »

Beta Blockers essay

Beta-blockers are drugs used specifically to manage cardiac upon experiencing high blood pressure or heart attack. They normally aid in minimizing hormones that causes stress. Beta-blockers are effective in dealing with other situations such as ... Read more »

Biochemistry essay

This research is about ways in which statistical proteomes can easily lose active editing domain naturally. This is revealed by the editing mechanism involving the aminoacyl – tRNA synthetases (aaRSs) together with its inactive form of the ... Read more »

Bipolar Disorder Analysis essay

Out of many disorders that bother human psyche, bipolar disorder, or as it is also called manic depression, stands out as one of the most common and interesting to study, as its diversity, the variety of its symptoms, and the seriousness of the ... Read more »

Bipolar Disorder Research essay

Bipolar disorder is a condition which is  known as a manic depression. It is also known as bipolar effective disorder. Bipolar disorder is a diagnosis for the disorder of mood. People who have this kind of disorder (bipolar disorder) experience ... Read more »

Bone prothesis essay

Introduction Osteoporosis is an illness typified by low bone mass as well as structural weakening of bone tissues resulting into bone vulnerability (Tosteson &Hammond, 2002). Osteoporosis connected to fractures creates chief morbidity, which are ... Read more »

Borderline Personality Disorder essay

Borderline personality disorder refers to pervasive condition of instability in emotions, interpersonal relationships, and self-image (Gunderson & Links, 2008). Most individuals with borderline personality disorder tend to be extremely ... Read more »

Brain Adaptation essay

Introduction The human brain is a product of enormous evolutionary changes, which have taken place over time to influence the way human beings behave. The field of evolutionary psychology is vital in understanding human behavior and the adaptation ... Read more »

Breast Cancer essay

1. What are some of the types (address four) of treatments available? Cancer of breast is normally treated with chemotherapy or the patient can undergo surgery. Doctors usually administer treatment basing on the possibility of recurrence. Lumpectomy ... Read more »

Breast Cancer in Young Women essay

Cancer is a disease in which cells abnormally multiply themselves in an uncontrollable way. Majorly breast cancer occurs in women, although at times men also become victims. Although the disease is predominant in older women, it also occurs in ... Read more »

Breastfeeding essay

Breastfeeding can be defined as the practice of a mother feeding a toddler or infant with that milk formed from her mammary glands, generally directly from the breasts' nipples. Naturally the infants have got the instinct of suckling that enables ... Read more »

Bunions essay

Bunions are swelling on the big or the great toes of the feet. Shiel defines it as, "The common bunion is a localized area of enlargement of the inner portion of the joint at the base of the big toe" (Shiel, par 1). He further describes them saying, ... Read more »

Bystander Behavior essay

Also referred to as an onlooker or spectator, a bystander refers to a person who is present but does not take part in an event that involves an unacceptable behavior or a conflict (Fischer, Greitemeyer, Pollozek, and Frey 267–278). Everybody ... Read more »

Cancer essay

This is a chronic disease belonging to a broad group of diseases characterized by unregulated cell growth. In medical terms, cancer is referred to as malignant neoplasm. This chronic condition is caused by uncontrollable cell growth leading to ... Read more »

Cancer screening among African Americans essay

In the recent years cancer has become widespread illness, for which the researchers and pharmacologists try to find some cure, create new medicine. But, as the proverb says, it is better to find an illness and try to avoid it than cure. The ... Read more »

Cardiology essay

Just like other boys in my village, I wanted to be someone “big” and useful in the society while growing up. When asked what I wanted to be later in life, I would think of nothing else, but being a doctor. The name commanded respect, and ... Read more »

Cardiology Practice essay

Abstract Saving lives is something noble, and that is what doctors are specifically supposed to do. But despite this noble course, a clinic is a business to the doctor and therefore apart from saving lives, he also aims at getting profits from it. ... Read more »

Care Pathway for Chronic Kidney Disease essay

eGFR – Estimation of the glomerular filtrate rate          PCR – Polymerase chain reaction NSAIDs – Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs         ... Read more »

Caregiver Fatigue essay

Introduction This is an article critique examining the study findings of a research carried out to identify the burden of the caregivers specifically narrowing the study down to the burden of caring for a relative with dementia. This article is ... Read more »

Carl Rogers Person-Centered Therapy essay

The person-centered therapy was initially developed in the forties by Charles Rogers and represents constantly developing approach to human growth and change. Its central hypothesis states that the potential of any individual for growth tends to ... Read more »

Carl Wilhelm Scheele essay

W.C. Scheele is one of the key figures in the development of pharmaceutical profession. He made scores of discoveries in chemistry that are very important. Among them include the discovery of oxygen and chlorine. W.C. Scheele was born in 1742. His ... Read more »

Causes/kinds of amnesia essay

Amnesia is very critical disease which brings a lot of change not only to the victim but also to the members of society (Malloy 76). This paper takes critical analysis of amnesia, its causes, type and treatment in a bid to have an in depth knowledge ... Read more »

Causes of Stress essay

The 21st century health complications do not only arise from bodily deficiencies and extremes, but also from external factors exerting pressure of humans. Stress can be defined as a resultant negative effect on a human health emanating from external ... Read more »

Cervical Cancer essay

Cervical cancer is a malignant tumor originating from cells covering the cervix. The cervix is a structure that is as a bridge between the body of the uterus and vagina. This is a tubular structure, inside which is a channel (the cervix). The cervix ... Read more »

Characteristics of Simulation Mannequins essay

Simulation is now widely use in the field of medicine to give students the opportunity to apply the basic principles they learn in the classroom to true-to-life problems that would require analytical reasoning and crucial decision making while ... Read more »

Chemotherapy Induced Nausea and Vomit essay

During cancer treatment, most patients are likely to experience acute nausea and vomiting as side effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. The three stages of chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting are: The acute phase, which occurs ... Read more »

Child Behavior Problems essay

Children adopt new behaviors during growth and development because they interact with peers and other people in the environment (Bauer, 2009). A child can copy negative or positive behaviors depending on the behaviors of people with whom he or she ... Read more »

Childhood Apraxia of Speech essay

It is generally true that childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS) is a motor speech disorder that influences people’s ability to plan, produce, coordinate and sequence speech sounds. The diagnosis of this disability is challenging, especially for ... Read more »

Childhood Obesity Prevention essay

Introduction The end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century has seen enormous technological development and an expansion of globalization campaign. The life of people across the globe has continued to be enhanced by these ... Read more »

Christian Clients’ Preferences Regarding Prayer as a Counseling Intervention essay

Counseling and therapy sessions have for a long time been chosen by people of all denominations to help them deal with emotion and physical distress. Research has determined that counseling has integrated the use of prayers in between sessions, ... Read more »

Clinical Decision Support essay

This document is primarily intended for clinicians, staff, patients and other individuals to provide intelligently-filtered knowledge and personal-specific information in order to improve overall health and healthcare. The patient can, therefore, ... Read more »

CMS Article essay

This article supports that the Centers for Medicare & Medicare Services (CMS) encourage public comment on two regulations that lay a foundation for improving excellence, competence and wellbeing through consequential use of certified electronic ... Read more »

Cochlear Implants on Deaf Children essay

Cochlear implant is a device utilized for the correction of sensorineural hearing loss among deaf children. There has been much debate and criticism over this device and its functions since its inception. Both legal and ethical issues are involved ... Read more »

Cognitive assessment development essay

Age of Assessed Child: 4 Years Brian is a four year old boy; he is the only child to parents of middle income. He lives with his parents in a gated community, and goes to kindergarten school in a high cost boy school run by missionaries. His friends ... Read more »

Cognitive Impairment essay

Introduction Dementia is a serious cognitive impairment of a person who was previously normal, which is more than what is expected in the normal aging process of a person. It may be as a result of injury to the brain globally which is static or may ... Read more »

Cognitive Psychology essay

It is obvious that computers are capable of performing a variety of tasks with impeccable accuracy. First, the computers are able to accomplish numerous tasks in a relatively short period as compared to human beings. Computers do not waste time ... Read more »

Cognitive Task Analysis essay

Cognitive task analysis (CTA) refers to a cognitive management and may be used in numerous fields of human activity to find out how, or why, people succeed or fail in their engagements. Scholars have developed multiple methods of CTA, emphasizing ... Read more »

Cognitive Therapy essay

Cognitive therapy was developed in the early 1960s by Aaron beck. The goal of this therapy is to identify distorted beliefs and by changing these beliefs alter a person’s behaviors and emotions. Cognitive therapy recognizes three cognitive ... Read more »

Columbia St. Mary’s hospital essay

‘A passion for patient care’ is a motto that drives one of the significant health care units of the nation named St. Mary’s Hospital. Columbia St. Mary’s is now ranked among the best hospitals in the nation! Two of those Columbia St. ... Read more »

Combating Compassion Fatigue essay

Without any doubt, the main aim of the hospital professionals and caregivers is to provide an effective treatment for the patients with showing devotion to others. However, an excessive medical care and nurse’s support can cause the ... Read more »

Community Clinical essay

Introduction Late last year I had the honor of teaching about lowering blood pressure in the community. The activity was occurring in a church where I was doing community service. I explained to the community members about the dangers of high blood ... Read more »

Community Task essay

Description of Measles Outbreak Measles, also referred to as rubella, is a highly infectious viral disease of the respiratory system. The specific virus associated with measles is known as the paramyxovirus, which belongs to genus morbilliviruss ... Read more »

Comparison of Models essay

Addiction is a complex disease, and according to Hanson, Venturelli and Fleckenstein (2008), it can be referred to as the state of episodic intoxication detrimental to the person and society, which is marked by a great desire to go on taking the ... Read more »

Complex Adaptive Systems essay

The complexity of health care is presently being seen in all disciplines, levels and virtually all over the world. As opposed to the olden days when specialization was the practice rather than norm, medical practitioners have embraced the modern ... Read more »

Confidentiality of Health Information, HIT 109 essay

Typically, it is of necessity to undertake greatest concern and endeavor while protecting the confidentiality of computerized medical records (Ball, 1973). This paper aims at examining the following queries: whether corrections should be date and ... Read more »

Consultation essay

Contemporary medical practices place patients, healthcare providers and families in circumstances with complex moral questions and difficult decisions. Such situations have given rise to ethics consulting where help is given. Health care givers, ... Read more »

Controlling Health Care Costs essay

American health system is one of the major institutions in America that impact the lives of every citizen. Whether rich or poor, young or old, female or male, good health facilities and services are crucial in establishing a strong and healthy ... Read more »

Correctional Administrator essay

In order to design an efficient metal health program for the inmates the primordial consideration is to determine the mental health of the patients in general. Once, it is determined who has normal psychology and who are in need of special ... Read more »

Cosmetic Surgery essay

Cosmetic surgery is method of improving the aesthetic appearance of a person. On the other hand, plastic surgery entails reconstruction of certain function of human body. The main role of cosmetic surgery is to improve the physical appearance of a ... Read more »

Cosmetic Surgery Addiction essay

Cosmetic surgery is a plastic surgery carried out to remove wrinkles and various signs of aging from a person's face; a slit is normally made close to the hairline and the skin is pulled back as the extra tissue is removed. Cosmetic surgery is ... Read more »

Cosmetic surgery for teenagers by bdul rhman essay

In spite of public controversy, liposuction remains to be the fastest procedure to cope with fat. Liposuction as a cosmetic surgery in which fat is removed from under the skin using vacuum suction, is considered as a low-effort alternative instead ... Read more »

COVID-19 and Prejudice against Asians and Orientals essay

Abstract This paper outlines shows how the novel COVID-19 epidemic has come with major changes in professional and social life. In the professional sphere, the role of pharmacists has changed with this new virus. These professionals have been first ... Read more »

Creative Intelligence and Their Influence on Organizational Decision Making essay

It is arguably true that everyone has the ability to think irrespective of how he or she is likely to think. The bottom line remains that everybody is not only capable of thinking but also able to think creatively. However, Constance and Staley ... Read more »

Critical Periods in Development essay

Critical period in brain development refers to the most sensitive stage in establishing of the brain architecture of an individual. The topic covers effects the environment and personal experiences have on the development of mind. Environment issues ... Read more »

Critical Thinking Skills essay

Nursing as well as any other profession is distinguished by the need to apply leadership qualities. Nurses often find themselves in situations when the resolution depends on their own decisions only. Critical thinking as information processing is ... Read more »

Cultural Construction of Learning Disabilities essay

In the article ‘Adam, Adam, Adam, and Adam’ McDermott & Varenne (1998) define the cultural element as a primary reason for classification of Adam as a child with a learning disorder (LD). The authors state that rather than being a ... Read more »

Cumulative trauma disorders essay

Cumulative trauma disorder (CTD) claims are a growing concern. However, because knowledge of CTDs is quite limited, a magnified effort is being implemented to learn more about the cause and prevention/treatment of these injuries throughout ... Read more »

Current Topics in the Field of Nursing essay

Nursing is a biological science. Nursing entails dealing with the care of human life and treatment of the ailments. It always entails continuous engagement with the members of the society to teach them responsible living behaviors and guide them. ... Read more »

Deinstitutionalization of the Mentally essay

Introduction Deinstitutionalization is defined as the process of removing patients who are mentally ill from large hospital institutions and take them to the local community. The process of  deinstitutionalization  was designed with the ... Read more »

Dementia essay

Dementia is a chronic mental disorder that leads to the damage of brain functions leading to a reduced recall ability, reasoning, decision making and conduct. The damage results to the incapability of the individual to carry the day to day ... Read more »

Dermatillomania essay

Dermatillomania, which is also called a compulsive skin picking, is a psychological disorder that leads to the damage of skin. The face is usually the main object for the patients suffering from the disorder but dermatillomania may involve almost ... Read more »

Designing and Applying Complex Adaptive Systems essay

Introduction Designing and applying complex adaptive system principles to transformative change within John Hopkins Hospital means addressing serious system problems that undermine patient safety, redesigning systems of care that restrain shortages ... Read more »

Detection of Baculovirus (BV) infection by culture in SF9 insect cells and by PCR amplification of viral DNA essay

Abstract. Use of BEV system for production of BV in insects is widely used in commercial production processes. The method is aimed in the manufacture of insecticides or in expression of medically important foreign genes. Most common strategy ... Read more »

Determining the Identity of Two Unknown Bacteria essay

Introduction The aim of the experiment was to identify two unknown bacteria, tube N and tube 15.  Multiple tests were carried out to demonstrate biochemical reactions, fermentation abilities, and the presence of enzymes. Results found are ... Read more »

Developmental Concept essay

Physical Development How I Feel about Height and Weight Peer pressure is one of the most challenging life experiences that affect the adolescents. I am a neither short nor slim. Some of my friends are slim while others are fat. The problem with ... Read more »

Developmental Stage of a Toddler essay

Introduction A toddler is a developmental stage in childhood between the age one and three. At this stage a child experiences a great cognitive development which involves starting to understand the environment. Taking a study case of B. G. who is ... Read more »

Diabetes and Exercise essay

Problem Statement The clinical problem that led to the study was diabetes, which is a critical condition prevalent among individuals. Diabetes is attacking individuals all over the globe at an alarming rate, and it needs to be addressed urgently in ... Read more »

Diabetes Disease essay

Diabetes is a polygenic disease that affects millions of people every year in the whole world. There is no cure for diabetes patients, but with proper management and a healthy lifestyle, they can lead normal lives. Improper management has made ... Read more »

Diabetes Problem essay

According to the World Health Organization, approximately 177 million people worldwide have diabetes. It is on the third place among causes of death after heart disease and cancer (Peacock, 2000). Ancient Chinese, Japanese, Arab, and Hindu writings ... Read more »

Diabets in Young People essay

Introduction In the recent past, diabetes health issues have been of great concern to nearly in the whole worlds’ young population. This indeed is calling for a dire need of intervention which cannot be denied under any circumstances. Medical ... Read more »

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder (DSM-IV) essay

Mental Disorder's diagnostic and Statistical Manual categorizes psychiatric diagnoses. It is known commonly as DSM-IV. The American Psychiatric Association was the organization responsible for this manual publication. The manual covers mental health ... Read more »

Dialectical Behavior Therapy essay

In order to better understand the Dialectical Behavior that Jenna is suffering from and the relevant therapies that should be applied in her case, it is important that the Biopsychological model is given utmost consideration. The Biopsychological ... Read more »

Diffusion: a Natural Phenomenon that Drives Respiration and its Supporting Processes essay

Respiration plays an important role in humans and animals. It is a process where they obtain energy by breathing or taking in oxygen. The principle of oxidation reaction drives respiration by using oxygen to oxidize the carbon-containing compounds ... Read more »

DNA essay

DNA outlining was first launched by Alec Jeffreys and his associates in 1985 and it was labeled as DNA fingerprinting. In quintessence, a DNA profile is same as fingerprinting. Since each human being possesses a distinguishing fingerprint, therefore ... Read more »

DNA Molecule essay

There is a chain in the organism of each human. It begins with the cells which contain the information for a protein that means a gene. It consists of thousands of nucleotides. Many genes, each of them is a part of the DNA molecule, make the ... Read more »

Doctor –Nurse Substitution essay

Doctors - Nurses Substitution The demand for health care services has increased in developed and developing countries due to population explosion. In many times the supply of doctors and physicians is limited. One possible solution to this problem ... Read more »

Down syndrome essay

Introduction This is an essay on Down syndrome, also known as trisomy 21 which is an abnormality of chromosome 21 that causes mental retardation, short stature, microcephaly, and characteristic facies. Diagnosis is suggested by the physical ... Read more »

Drug Abuse as a Social Problem essay

In all societies, there are problems that are common and affect the entire population. Drug abuse is a vice that has enforced its roots in most societies in the world, today. Drug abuse can be defined as the act of using drugs for a wrong purpose ... Read more »

Drug Abuse Today and Children essay

Deleterious consequences of drug abuse and addiction are an indisputable issue; it comprises interconnected social, economic, and health care aspects. Moreover, drug abuse is a global problem, which involves both individual and social development. ... Read more »

Drug Addiction and Craving as a Model of Pleasure essay

Drug addiction refers to the continued use of mood altering substances despite adverse consequences. The need for pleasure is what drives people to addiction. Studies on animals like rats help to understand effects of drugs in human beings. Gilpin, ... Read more »

Drug Trafficking essay

Drug trafficking refers to the global illegal trade that entails the cultivation, manufacture, storage, distribution, and sale of substances. These actions violate the drug prohibition laws. Rowe (2006) points out that drug trafficking is an illicit ... Read more »

Duke Balanced Score-Card essay

In the discussion the focus is on Duke Children's Hospital Balanced scorecard according to the research carried out by a group of authors who studied the development strategies used by this firm that has three major departments (CQI, 2008). The ... Read more »

Eating Disorder Issue essay

The medical world defines eating disorders as complex illnesses that require careful diagnosis prior to treatment. Once an eating disorder develops into a full-blown disease, it becomes impossible to cure it through will power (Costin 25). Eating ... Read more »

Ebola the silent killer essay

Ebola is the name of the virus that causes the disease known as Ebola hemorrhagic fever (EHF). The name came from a name came from a river valley that is located in the Democratic Republic of Congo and it was here that the outbreak of this Killer ... Read more »

Effect War on Drugs has on Rate of HIV of Individuals in Criminal Justice System essay

Abstract Since 1970, the number of individuals held in criminal justice institutions for offenses related to illegal drugs has increased significantly. This can be attributed to the implementation of tough laws on illegal drug possession, use or ... Read more »

Effectiveness of EMDR essay

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a psychotherapeutic technique that Dr. Shapiro developed in 1987. Since then, this therapeutic technique has evolved into a multi faceted approach in treatment of a variety of psychological ... Read more »

Effects of Bipolar Disorder essay

Abstract Extreme imbalances of emotions that an individual might experience are not merely mood swings. These extreme changes of emotions are indicators of a mental illness called bipolar disorder. This essay discusses the bipolar disorder in ... Read more »

Effects of Cardiac Rehabilitation and Nutrition after a Cardiac Event essay

The term cardiac tamponade is the most undesirable diagnosis to cardiologists and health care providers in general because of the severe and debilitating effects that it has on the patient. The term means compression of the heart by pericardial ... Read more »

Effects of Genetics and Environment on Human Behavior essay

Introduction The topic of genetics has not only attracted the attention of researchers across the globe, but has also raised the debate on a number of concerns on the human behavior. Development in genetics has a significant impact on the healthcare ... Read more »

Efficacy of Treatment Approaches in Outpatient Therapy essay

Abstract Those patients, who do not need to be hospitalized, are given outpatient therapy services, which reduce hospital costs, since there are no charges in the use of inpatient facilities, such as food and beds. There are two forms of outpatient ... Read more »

Electronic Medical Records essay

Electronic Medical Record (EMR) is a computerized medical record that is created in an organization of care delivery for example, a hospital, or a doctor's surgery. These records tend to be part of the local health information system that ... Read more »

Electrostatic Discharge Protected Area essay

Over the years, toxic impact caused by material use has increased. Such an increase is due to little user awareness of the negative impacts of chemicals on the environment and the general. Nevertheless, electronics can be used to curb the problem ... Read more »

Endocrine System essay

Endocrine system refers to the organ system consisting of glands that manufacture and secrete hormones to regulate various activities in the body, which involve cells and organs (Kemp 1). Hormones refer to chemical messengers that play a significant ... Read more »

Epidemiology essay

Escherichia coli O157:H7 is an Enterohemorrhagic  strain of the bacterium Escherichia coli  and a cause of food borne illness whose infections leads to hemorrhagic diarrhea, and occasionally to kidney failure, especially in children and ... Read more »

Epidemiology Research essay

Epidemiology refers to a special type of scientific study that explores various factors determining the distribution of various healthcare and infection within the human population; often factors considered herein include health, disease, and ... Read more »

Epigenetic Drugs essay

Cancer is a group of several diseases caused by faulty cells. The faulty cells grow, multiply and spread far much faster than normal cells. These cells vary from the normal cells to the extents that they do not die when they are supposed to like the ... Read more »

Epilepsy Genetics Change essay

Introduction Epilepsy is disorder of the brain that occurs due the clusters of the nerve cells in the brain which results in the signaling abnormally. These nerve cells normally are used in the production of electrochemical impulses in that are used ... Read more »

Estrogen Therapy essay

Estrogen therapy refers to the medication that contains estrogen hormone to replace the natural estrogen, which the reproductive system no longer makes once women reach menopause (Lobo, 2007). The aim of estrogen therapy is to alleviate the symptoms ... Read more »

Ethical Egoism essay

Under ethical egoism, the students were right in engaging in ways of ascertaining their admission into the business schools. It was out of their self perpetuation; they could not afford to sit around meanwhile their applications were denied. It ... Read more »

Euthanasia analysis essay

Voluntary euthanasia is the process of terminating a patient’s life due to his/her own consent to end the suffering that they are undergoing. The issue of euthanasia has been debatable for over a long period now, with some supporting it while ... Read more »

Evolving Practice of Nursing and Patient Care Delivery Models essay

Researches argue out that healthcare forms a big basis to how a country will develop economically if the overall state of healthcare delivery is good. A streamlined healthcare delivery ensures that the populace receives nursing in time and also ... Read more »

Evolving Practice of Nursing and Patient Care Delivery Models Research essay

Introduction This document gives an overview of the evolving changes that happens in the US healthcare system and  upcoming opportunities for nurse care professionals. It also explains the concepts of accountable care organizations, continuum ... Read more »

Example of Visual Persuasion essay

Images neither affect communication among the people nor influence the behavior of a man. Visual image has a profound effect on what a person does and how he or she feels. Human experience and experimentation present a tremendous opportunity for a ... Read more »

Executive Functioning of the Alzheimer Disease essay

Introduction By definition, executive function entails capacity to perform tasks familiar tasks for example book balancing or being able to plan projects. A new study has found that Alzheimer’s disease start developing when one’s memory ... Read more »

Facing Death essay

The PBS documentary Facing Death is a sensitive insight into tough decisions that families and friends face in reference to the issue of end-of-life care. The tremendous technological advances made in health care have made it possible to sustain ... Read more »

Familiarity effects in visual comparison tasks and their implications for studying human intelligence essay

This is a summary of the article Familiarity effects in visual comparison tasks and their implications for studying human intelligence by Sheldon Tetewsky. Just as the title suggests, the article reports on a research, carried to establish the ... Read more »

Family Health Assessment Analysis essay

Family Health Assessment is a family health approach concerned with assessment and intervention. It is also concerned with family health in relation to cultural diversity, research and evaluation of family health and social policy, and social ... Read more »

Fibromyalgia essay

Fibromyalgia is usually treated by a combination of nonpharmacological and pharmacological elements. Due to the fact that fibromyalgia causes chronic pain, pharmacological therapy plays the major role in treating patients with diagnosed ... Read more »

Five-Factor Structure of Personality essay

The evidence for and against the five factor structure of personality depends on the establishment of the factorial invariance of forms and samples that have significant implications on the taxonomy of the personality traits. The methods can be used ... Read more »

Folates and S-Adenosylmethionine essay

Folates and S-Adenosylmethionine is believed to be major components in treatment of major depressive disorder. These compounds will provide a good alternative to patients who have been observed to respond poorly to conventional antidepressants. ... Read more »

Forensic Nursing essay

Introduction Forensic nursing is claimed to be one of the most prospective emerging specialties in the nursing profession. The intent of forensic nursing is to fulfill the promise of quality care and allow for the effective application of nursing ... Read more »

Fungal infection essay

Fungal infection One fungal infection that affects the human beings is the athlete's foot which causes the skin to be itchy, scaly and dry. It is caused by the ringworm fungus called Trichophyton. This fungus thrives on skins with warm and moist ... Read more »

Generic Medical Survey System essay

Introduction Carrying out surveys in the medical profession is both demanding and time conscious. In addition, it is quite different from the other researches that involve the public. This is because the medical professionals have tight work ... Read more »

Genetic Engineering Essay essay

Everybody wants to be perfect, to have a perfect life, car, wife or husband, job, children, to eat the best and most nutritional products, which will help to maintain perfect health. On the other hand, means to achieve that may be horrible and lead ... Read more »

Genetic Engineering Issues essay

Cancer is one of the most dangerous diseases. An estimate of 13% of human deaths globally is caused by cancer (Brown 2011). So far, there is no discovery for effective control and treatment for cancer. It can develop in any person at no particular ... Read more »

Genetic Testing and Its Implications essay

The article informs about the Human Genome Project which aims at generating new technologies related to the human DNA and the future of medicine in the twenty-first century. This theory, according to the health officials, will shape the American ... Read more »

Genetically Modified Foods essay

Genetically Modified Foods Over the last few years, genetically modified foods have raised a contentious debate over their suitability in the U.S. market and in other parts of the world. For instance, the European environmental organizations have ... Read more »

Genus Klebsiella essay

Klebsiella is a type of bacteria that belongs to a family which commonly thrives in the intestinal tract of human beings, hence the term enterobacteriaceae. The bacteria usually do not move in their habitat. Its other characteristic includes ... Read more »

Glaucoma, Aging essay

1. Glaucoma A patient with open angle glaucoma was referred. Open angle glaucoma is a condition in which the fluid inside the eye affected drains slower than it should, this result in an increase of fluid pressure. The pressure in the eye can ... Read more »

Growing a Disease essay

Recently, concerns have been expressed about overdiagnosis of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD or ADD) and overprescription of drugs prescribed for medical treatment. Some scholars (Dr. Richard Bromfield, Dr. Peter Breggin, Dr. David ... Read more »

Guillain Barre Syndrome essay

Introduction According to Clark (2010), Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS) is a disorder of the immune system. In this disorder, the body's immune system turns against the body system and attacks it, it specifically targets the peripheral nervous ... Read more »

Healing Hospital essay

This paper analyzes the components of the healing hospital paradigm and its relationship with spirituality. It also focuses on the challenges of healing hospitals and a Biblical evidence of the importance of faith, love and care in the healing ... Read more »

Health and Trust in the United States essay

Health is the core life value as it occupies the highest position in the hierarchy of human needs. It is one of the most significant components of human happiness, and one of the major conditions for the successful social and economic development. ... Read more »

Health Care Financial Reform Proposal essay

The issues on health care reforms started long time ago. In Czech Republic, health care reforms started in way back 1990; three proposals were conceived, but it was not until December 1990 when one of the proposals was accepted; and it proposed that ... Read more »

Health Care Organization essay

Good morning everyone? Before addressing the core reason for this meeting I would first wish to thank all of you for spearing your time and making thedecision of being present in this meeting. As you all know, it has become a public truth that the ... Read more »

Health care policies essay

National health care expenses are projected to reach over $2.8 trillion and be over 16 percent of the gross domestic product (GDP) by 2011 according to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) (Kaiser Family Foundation [KFF], 2007). ... Read more »

Health Care Policy Issue essay

Abstract The policy issue that will be addressed in this final project paper is health care policy. Health care policy relates to how to preserve and advance the health status of the public. The significant goal of health care policy is to develop ... Read more »

Health Care Provider and Faith Diversity essay

Abstract The American society is a congregation of different cultures of different states. Cultural diversity of the United States has rich history that dates back many centuries. The American society enjoys a number of advantages for having rich ... Read more »

Health Care Providers and Faith Diversity essay

Different religious groups have different believe system in the provision of the healthcare. The health personnel such as doctors and nurses should be aware of the religious beliefs of their patients for effectively delivering medical care. In ... Read more »

Health Care Reform essay

Whether or not there is need for heath care reform is an issue that has attracted a heated debate in both the public and the political arena. This is especially so in the United States where there have been numerous proposals by the political ... Read more »

Health Care Reform and its Influence on Utilization essay

Abstract For some time now, healthcare reform in the United States has been a contentious issue. Most stakeholders agree that as compared to other developed nations, the U.S. is spending so much on healthcare, yet its quality and access worrying. ... Read more »

Health Insurance essay

Several ethical issues have been raised by the article. First, the health insurance companies are charging more in premiums despite the reducing demand for health care. Secondly, employers are cutting down the benefits of the employees while ... Read more »

Health Promotion: Medical Errors essay

The principal objective of a professional nurse is to ensure proper care for patients and enhance their health. Nurses provide and direct the care incorporating their knowledge of medicine, patient’s condition, the established diagnosis, and ... Read more »

Healthcare Insurance Policy Letter essay

The current role of economics in the study of health and medical care is extremely significant. It is often claimed that the issue of healthcare is fundamentally an aspect of medical parameter and the considerations are beyond any jurisdiction of ... Read more »

Healthcare System Analysis essay

Various reasons explain why the health information management was created. These include the fact that it facilitates in planning information systems, development of health policies, recognition of the current and future informational needs, ... Read more »

Healthy Grief essay

Grief emanates from heartbreaking events such as the loss of a loved one. Kubler-Ross asserts that individuals facing grief must be advised appropriately and encouraged effectively to cope with the situation they are facing. Encouragement will boost ... Read more »

Hepatitis A essay

Hepatitis A refers to an acute disease that affects the liver. It is an infectious disease, and the infected individuals can transmit the disease to other people through food, water, or direct contact. Hepatitis A virus, which is an RNA virus, is ... Read more »

Hepatitis A Problem essay

Hepatitis A is an acute liver disease caused by the hepatitis A virus. It is considered to be the most favorable form of hepatitis as it cannot take a chronic course. The source of infection is a person with hepatitis A. He/she sheds the virus in ... Read more »

Hepatitis b medication treatment essay

Hepatitis B is a more serious disease than hepatitis A because complications are more common. Some people become carriers of the virus with no symptoms or evidence of liver disease, while about 5 percent of exposed adults develop chronic hepatitis ... Read more »

Hepatitis B Vaccine Production Using Yeast essay

Background Information Content Overview The discovery of the hepatitis B advanced beyond protecting people through blood transfusions from hepatitis B to the broader scope of protecting people from the disease. In the late 1960s, virologist Blumberg ... Read more »

Herbal Treatments essay

Prostatitis refers to inflammation of the prostate gland. Most of prostatitis conditions are as a result of bacterial infection, even though the evidence of infection is not always found. An inflamed prostate can result into pain while urinating and ... Read more »

History of Penicillin essay

Introduction Penicillin has got its popularity due to the victory in the fight against infectious diseases. It is the oldest of practically applicable antibiotics excreted from the green mould. Microbiologists, biochemists, pharmacologists, ... Read more »

Hospital’s Primary Care Trust essay

In the diabetes care wing of the hospital’s Primary Care Trust, significant lapses in the basic management of wounds for diabetic patients have been on the increase. Consequently, the patients have ended up being amputated on various parts of ... Read more »

Houston Dialysis Center essay

Houston Dialysis Center is located in Houston General Hospital, which is a not-for-profit intensive care hospital with 25 beds. Although, most of the hospital facilities are for inpatient care and emergency services, there is a 100,000 square-foot ... Read more »

How cancer cells harm the body essay

Why is it that one of the most frequent questions asked by people diagnosed with cancer is "how long do I still have to live"? The answer lies in the fact that your chances of survival after cancer is diagnosed remains relatively low compared to ... Read more »

Human Rights/Ethics essay

Introduction The contemporary professions are characterized by guided by strict rules and regulations as a way of promoting ethical behavior. One of the professional areas which require total observation of regulations in order to sustain human ... Read more »

Hypertension essay

Hypertension, commonly known as high blood pressure is a health condition where blood pressure is heightened (Trievieri et al p 2). If this continues over a period of time, it can bring stroke which is very dangerous as it can kill. In some cases, ... Read more »

Implicit Personality Theories essay

Introduction Implicit Personality Theory tends to relate the general perspectives or expectations human beings have about people after knowing their central traits. The theory was developed by Solomon Asch who noted that there were similar ... Read more »

Importance of Therapeutic Communities essay

Research evidence indicates that therapeutic communities should be the intervention of choice for drug dependent offenders. According to Bennett (2006), therapeutic community models are based on the premise that inmates with long histories of drug ... Read more »

Influenza and Measles essay

Introduction Measles is a viral disease that is highly contagious and mostly common among children. Basically, it is a respiratory infection caused by precise virus. It is spread via droplets form infected person’s organs such as the mouth, ... Read more »

Institutional Pharmacy Setting essay

Introduction An institutional pharmacy is responsible for providing an array of services to the residents of hospitals, nursing homes, hospice care and other long term facilities. It provides deliverance of services and prescription drugs which are ... Read more »

Intelligence as Experience essay

Intelligence vs. experience is the puzzle that raises a lot of controversy in society, especially considering interviews meant to recruit new employees. Experience is defined as the knowledge or skill which is gained during the handling of ... Read more »

Intervention Programs to Curb Diabetes in the Community essay

Introduction Diabetes is a medical condition that affects a good number of people in the society. There are two types of diabetes: type I and type II. Type I diabetes refers to the body inability to produce enough insulin while type II refer to the ... Read more »

Interview for Nurses essay

Interview Form Candidate name: ________________________________________ Candidate ID number: ____________________________________ Name and title of the interviewee: _____________________________  Describe the specialty area of the interviewee: ... Read more »

Introduction to Benner essay

Narratives have become a wonderful and exciting way of learning the practice of caring for patients, especially for a Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS). This is because the idea of looking at the nursing practice through the use of narratives does not ... Read more »

Job stress essay

Stress refers to an emotional, physical, or chemical factor that leads to mental or bodily tension (Linden, 2005). Various factors, including job, may put a person under stress, which will change the normal behaviors of that person in a negative ... Read more »

Johns Hopkins Hospital essay

Abstract Johns Hopkins Hospital is the most proficient and medically advanced facility that provides patients with a great care. This research paper reveals the reasons to consider the particular hospital one of the best medical facility in the ... Read more »

Journal article review essay

Substance abuse treatment is crucial to contemporary society, in which everyday life stresses and personal problems lead to increased alcohol or drug consumption, which, in turn, leads to numerous social, family, and other problems. This issue is ... Read more »

Juvenile Diabetes essay

To begin with, Juvenile Diabetes is another name for Type I diabetes mellitus which is common among children. In essence, Type I diabetes can be defined as insulin-dependent meaning that treatment with insulin is necessary from the time the disease ... Read more »

Juveniles and Adolescents essay

Juveniles and Adolescents and Drug Use Drugs are defined as substances other than food and water, which when taken up into the body change the physiological and physical body functions. Drugs commonly fall under two categories: they can be either ... Read more »

Keeping Infectious Diseases at Bay essay

Infectious diseases are normally caused either by bacteria, viruses, or other organisms that enter our body through various modes. Due to this, infectious diseases are often easily transmitted or passed from one person to another of which it is ... Read more »

Kidneys essay

Kidneys are among the human body organs that can be transplanted from one body to another. Medicine has enabled people to trade in body parts, a concept that remains contentious, with some hailing it as noble while others think it is illegal. Among ... Read more »

Kinds of Nurses essay

Nursing is a field of caring sciences. Nursing professionals are supposed to take care of humans from individual level to others, to the community and to the whole living beings on the Earth. All of us in our lifespan visit different nurses/doctors ... Read more »

Lalmba Medical Centre essay

Efficient medical information systems that incorporate high quality integrated electronic records of patient’s medical history are significant to any hospital in the world today. This term paper investigates the design and development of a ... Read more »

Laparoscopic appendectomy essay

An appendectomy can be described as the surgical excision of the appendix. The appendix is a hollow pouch shaped like a worm that is joined to the cecum. The cecum is the located at the start of the large intestine. When the appendix becomes ... Read more »

Law and Healthcare Administration essay

Physician-patient relationships are a vital component in the healthcare system administration since the healthcare fraternity deals with services from the physician that focuses on the health of the patient. The core value of a physician is to treat ... Read more »

Legalizing Medical Marijuana essay

Abstract The legalization of medical marijuana in the U.S. is an object of continued public debates. A number of states have already enacted laws, legalizing therapeutic marijuana use, whereas other states have pending legalization laws. This paper ... Read more »

Leukemia Society essay

Introduction Leukemia is a disease that is associated with the abnormal or immature white blood cells which are generally referred to as leukemia cells. These leukemia cells do not do the normal function of the white blood cells, which helps the ... Read more »

Life after Stroke essay

A stroke is what happens after blood flow to a certain area of the brain stops, resulting into the damage of brain cells and their dysfunction. Blood transmits important nutrients and oxygen to the brain; without the supply of this critical ... Read more »

Local Coverage Determination essay

A local coverage determination is a decision made by a fiscal intermediary or carrier whether to cover a particular service on an intermediary-wide or carrier-wide basis in accordance with section 1862(a)(1)(A) of the social security Act. For ... Read more »

Measuring Health and Disease essay

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the case definition? The case definition identified would help them in creating awareness to those that are not affected and the emphasis or the reference would be based on those already affected. It will ... Read more »

Medical Anthropology essay

Cross-Cultural Comparison and its Contribution to Perspectives in Medical Anthropology Every discipline or sub-discipline is characterized by, among other things, a set of theoretical perspectives that support its subject matter. In this context, ... Read more »

Medical assistant and patient relationship essay

Abstract Medical assistants are quite important as they are key influencers of the relationship between the physician and the patients. The medical assistants are vital in enhancing the effectiveness of the physician as far as treatment is ... Read more »

Medical Imaging in Germany essay

Medical Imaging is the creating of images of the human body or its parts in their respective functions with an aim of examining and diagnosing diseases and conditions. The discipline integrates radiology, medical thermographs, endoscopy, medical ... Read more »

Medical limitations of Link SB Charite 3 essay

The Charite SB Charite 3 started being used as an alternative to Spinal Fusion for patients with slow anterior migration. Despite its high success rate, the Link SB Charite 3 has some unsatisfactory short and long term ... Read more »

Medical Negligence essay

Medical negligence is also called medical malpractice and may occur in various ways. Any health care provider can commit negligence (Judson et al 35). Examples of activities that may be negligent include misdiagnosis of a patient, improper treatment ... Read more »

Medical Professionalism essay

Professionalism in the medical field is a core component in the provision of value based health care services. As a result, it is important to establish the most appropriate medical professionalism trends in every health care setting. Medical ... Read more »

Medical Protocols essay

These are procedures used for treating patients which include treatment plan and summarized consensus statement. The use of these protocols are generally accepted in field of medicine as it promotes high quality practice and reduces variation in ... Read more »

Medical Student Dermatology Interest Groups essay

Medical Student Dermatology Interest Groups Without any doubt, the Medical school interest groups have given the students an undoubtedly profound opportunity to take active leadership roles, and to build professional relationships with the faculty, ... Read more »

Medicare and Medicaid Managed Care essay

The provision of health related services and medical attention to particular set of individuals in the United States is achieved through two outlined Medicare and Medicaid programs. The two programs are supervised by the Medicaid and Medicare ... Read more »

Medicare Financial Policy essay

Appointment Policies This policy deals with how the patients conduct themselves when coming for their appointments. It entails how the patients should be reminded or setting the times they should come and see the medics. In case of necessity it ... Read more »

Medicare/Medicaid essay

Medicare refers to the "nationwide health insurance program" provided to cater for the aged, who are 65 years and above, and certain individuals who meet a "specific criteria", such as the disabled persons (Colamery, 2003). The program has benefited ... Read more »

Medication Adherence Devices essay

Introduction Medication adherence refers to practice of following recommendations made by medical professionals or other health experts mostly relating to medication. Many people find it difficult to follow through recommendations and interventions ... Read more »

Medicine essay

Effect of Pre-Operative Anti-emetic Medication Administration on Post-Operative Nausea & Vomiting Anti-emetics are drugs that used to help reduce or prevent nausea, feelings of sickness, and vomiting that is caused during treatment. Burtles and ... Read more »

Medicine Admission Request essay

I have passion and a burning interest in family medicine. To me, a career in medicine is one thing which has been resonating in my mind for a long period of time. In this regard, I have always participated in many medical community works . For ... Read more »

Medicine and Disability over the Last Thirty Years essay

Introduction In the last thirty years, the field of medicine has shown tremendous changes and developments that have led to very wonderful medical solutions. So to speak, the field of medicine is associated with great help especially to the disabled ... Read more »

Medicine in the American Civil War essay

The American Civil War was the initial major war in the history of America, and it claimed the lives of many people. According to history, more than 600,000 people lost their lives or sustained serious wounds due to Civil War. It was estimated that ... Read more »

Meningitis: Practice Problem of Interest essay

For a long time, meningitis has been a problem in many parts of the world. It is considered to be an emergency medical condition that is a great threat to life, since it attacks areas close to the human brain. It was first detected in Geneva in 1805 ... Read more »

Mental Illness essay

Abstract Mental illness has puzzled those affected and most probably those afflicted by the condition for centuries. The intricate nature of mental health contributes to the mystery surrounding the best way of caring and managing the mentally ... Read more »

Mercy or Merciless Killing essay

Ever since the primitive human communities began to take care of those who are not able any more to provide for themselves on their own, humankind has been no more belonging to animal world. Since then neither subject of any monarch (whatever tyrant ... Read more »

Methamphetamine and Spokane essay

Methamphetamine refers to an extremely intense stimulant, which elicits an energetic and euphoric feeling (Weisheit & White, 2009). The addictive property of methamphetamine is higher than that of crack cocaine, heroin or marijuana. In the ... Read more »

Microbiology Morphological and Physiogical essay

Escherichia coli Escherichia coli (E. coli) is a single-celled organism, non-spore forming rod that lives in gastrointestinal track of people and warm-blooded animals. However, this organism can be observed in soil and water where fecal ... Read more »

Midwifery essay

Midwives are medical specialists whose clients are pregnant women and their main role is to look after pregnant women and the baby throughout the antenatal period, during labour, during birth and even after birth. Midwifery is different from other ... Read more »

Mimicry Piece essay

“I found this in a boutique entrance and it really caught my eye. The mimic word was done in bright red and blue colors that seemed to interestingly chase after one another and never catching up with the subsequent letter or word. The ... Read more »

Mississippi Medicaid Policy essay

Mississippi has a high percentage of children with disabilities who are in need of education and medical facilities. The Medicaid policy to be implemented in the state will go a head to assist children who have been denied learning opportunities due ... Read more »

Mitosis Abnormalities essay

Mitosis abnormalities usually results when there is a formation of two cells. The two cells result from the original cell as duplicates. This process results to one cell consisting of 46 chromosomes becoming two cells that contain 46 cells each. ... Read more »

Mobility and Safety essay

Getting older is associated with the slowing down of activity level. Physical activity of elderly people is limited. Limited mobility contributes to the development of various diseases. For instance, lack of exercise leads to diminished ... Read more »

Monopolies essay

The United States economy is the globe biggest national economy. In 2011, the United States economy was projected to be 15 trillion U.S. dollars, roughly a quarter of the world nominal gross domestic product. Measured on output levels, the nation is ... Read more »

MRSA essay

For close to a decade and a half, the prevalence of MRSA, acronymic to methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus has drastically been on the increase globally. Evidently, severe infections due to MRSA, including bacteremia, are key causes of ... Read more »

Natural Medicine-The Path to Overall Health essay

Introduction Both natural and prescription medications can give out excellent results when used under the appropriate auspices. Both can also be perilous when used outside standardized guiding principles. However, the main problem with the ... Read more »

Nazi Medical Experiments essay

Introduction Medical experiment is treated as a way to find positive approaches in examining, curing patients. Researches in the sphere of medicine are useful in developing many issues regarding medical practice. However, its notion stays ... Read more »

Nerve Cells essay

The nervous system is one of the first systems to start developing in the body and is one of the last systems to finish developing. Perhaps, it is this system that coordinates the activities of human biological organs in response to signals taken ... Read more »

New Pharmaceuticals essay

New drug development process is a lengthy and costly process which can be terminated at any time during the development process. Several reasons can contribute to abandoning the process and some of them would be presence of dangerous compounds or if ... Read more »

Night Shift Effect on Medical Staff essay

Working at night could cause a lot of health problems. However, not many people seem to assume the negative effects of night shift, especially the health workers. Even after working all night, rarely do the workers get enough sleep. In this article, ... Read more »

Non-Invasive Fat Reduction Procedures essay

Introduction The reliance on non-invasive fat reduction techniques has significantly increased in the recent years. The procedures utilize specialized equipment and highly sophisticated technology to create some form of controlled injury to the ... Read more »

Number of americans without health insurance essay

Americans at the age of 65 heavily depends on the Health Insurance Funds to care about their personal health. Most of the Americans uses their health insurance coverage as the strategy to effectively overcome the financial situations when their ... Read more »

Nurse Job Satisfaction in Magnet and Non-Magnet Hospitals essay

The issue of nurse job satisfaction in magnet and non-magnet hospitals has recently raised much concern. This has been attributed to the insufficiency of nursing care in hospitals. According to Kalisch and Lee (2012), studies done on the magnet ... Read more »

Nursing Home Facility and General Acute Care Hospital essay

In today’s healthcare practice, patient safety remain as a quality indicator that is associated with the nursing profession as nurses shift to adverse event-sensitive care (Powers, 2003). Even as both nursing home and general acute care ... Read more »

Nursing in Canada essay

In this article, I expounded on a number of roles as a collaborator, teacher, caregiver, counselor, client advocate, communicator, and delegator that any nurse ought to demonstrate in their line of work. It will be explained further how I displayed ... Read more »

Nutritional Education in Medical Schools essay

Nutritional Education in Medical Schools It is an open fact that there is a close relation between diet and the overall well being of individuals. In the US healthcare system, primary care providers usually have patients’ primary contact. ... Read more »

Older Adults Patient Education essay

(1)   Define negotiation as it applies to patient education. The process of negotiation is how doctors or nurses relate with the patient during their conversations. Patient education implies a way of helping patients to become educated ... Read more »

Online Therapy essay

The online therapy is counseling that is carried out through the internet and is sometimes referred to as eTherapy because it is often known to be done online. Many people prefer this type of therapy because it is convenient and comfortable way to ... Read more »

Opiates Effects essay

Opium poppy is bad, because it has many side effects when used in excess and may also lead to dependency. It negatively affects the body through such effects as sweating, aching of muscles, insomnia, and anxiety. Additionally, it may lead to sexual ... Read more »

Orange County’s Mental Health essay

Introduction The mind is what controls an individual. Therefore, it is critical to ensure the well-being of the mind. Societies that have a high level of mental ailments are doomed to fail. However, detecting mental illnesses is very difficult. ... Read more »

Organ Donation Should Be Mandatory essay

Organ Donation Should Be Mandatory Introduction Organ donation should be mandatory In our developed society, the health conditions of the population are not on the high level. There are many people all over the world who suffer from the lack of ... Read more »

Organ Transplant essay

Abstract The attempt to replace the defect organs and tissues with fully functional organs started a long time ago. Organ transplant failed to be successful for a number of attempts because the technology was crude. Determination of the ... Read more »

Orthostatic hypotension essay

1. Orthostatic hypotension Orthostatic hypotension is a kind of hypotension where the blood pressure in an individual suddenly falls while stretching or standing. This kind of symptom is caused when blood pools in the lower extremities as the body ... Read more »

Osteoporosis in Young Women essay

Osteoporosis is a disease that is associated with thinning of bones that result to severe pains in case of a fracture (Boz%u030Cic%u030C & Ihan, 2012). Women are at a higher risk of getting the disease. The disease has no observable symptoms, ... Read more »

Pain Management before and after Knee Replacement essay

Osteoarthritis is a medical condition that affects joints of a body including hips, knees, hands, neck and lower back. It damages cartilage found on the joint and makes the surface rough. The bones lubricate against each other causing pain that is a ... Read more »

Paramedic or Healthcare Professionals' Prehospital Practice essay

Paramedics are the licensed healthcare specialists who offer patients paramount prehospital progressive life sustenance. They are highly skilled prehospital providers, principally in the prehospital non-hospital environment, who primarily work as ... Read more »

Parenteral Nutrition essay

Parenteral Nutrition (PN) is the feeding of an individual intravenously through bypassing the normal process or procedure of eating and digestion. As a result, the individual receives nutritional formulas which contain glucose, salts, added ... Read more »

Patient Confidentiality and Ethical Implications essay

In medical practice, patients are entitled to confidentiality. It means that their personal information, got in the professional interaction with health personnel is kept in secret. It is maintained within various ethical frameworks and it is also ... Read more »

Patients’ Privacy Breach at Froedtert Medical Center essay

Patients ought to be secure at both the health care centers and their social setting in their respective homes. Indeed, it is the ethical responsibility of physicians to maintain the confidentiality means of the patients at all times within the ... Read more »

Personal Responses essay

Genetically modified foods are foods gained from genetically modified organisms. People began selling this food in 1996. Notably, GM foods comprise of plants such as corn, soybeans, and rice. Nowadays, scientists began creating different types of GM ... Read more »

Personalized Medicine essay

Introduction Technological advancements have led to significant improvement in the quality of healthcare provision. Technological advancement helps in efficient diagnosis and treatment of various ailments. Technological advancements have helped in ... Read more »

Pharmaceutical Companies: The Ugly Truth behind the Cure essay

Pharmaceutical companies remain one of the most crucial topics being discussed as businesses in the context ofglobalization. Most of the pharmaceutical companies are focusing on their businesses incomes instead of providing a cure for most fatal ... Read more »

Pharmaceutical Industry essay

Direct-to-consumer advertising (DTC advertising) is referred to as any promotional effort done by pharmaceutical firms presenting the prescription of drug information to the overall public using the mass media (Wilkes 47). This marketing strategy ... Read more »

Pharmacists in Hospital Discharge essay

Medication inconsistencies are regular at the hospital discharge and could end in some confrontational incidences, clinical readmissions, and urgent unit appointment. Clinical analysts have been pushed to characterize medicine inconsistencies at ... Read more »

Pharmacy Admission essay

I have gained a strong conviction to pursue a doctor degree in pharmacy hoping that this will assist me in achieving my career goals and open up many opportunities. I am always focused and this has eventually assisted me to accomplish various ... Read more »

Pharmacy Entry Question essay

Pharmacy students receive very good jobs in their field. As far as concerning the ratio, nowadays, 60% of pharmacy students are serving patients in hospitals and medical stores etc. Pharmacy students get jobs at hospitals and other medical clinics, ... Read more »

Physical Injury and Cardiovascular Disease essay

Introduction Physical injury can have adverse effects on the body that may be evident months or years later after the injury. Physical injury consists of the trauma caused to the body by objects, heat, cols electricity, pressure or radiation. The ... Read more »

Physiological Disorder essay

Introduction There arise a number of occasions when the body organs malfunction and stop working as they are supposed to do; this condition experienced by the body is often termed to as a physiological disorder or disease. There are a number of ... Read more »

Piaget's and Vygotsky's Theories essay

Piaget and Vygotsky came up with various theories that attempted to explain cognitive development. The fulcrum of Piaget’s theories was the interconnection of cognitive and biological development. On the other hand, the base of ... Read more »

Polysomnography essay

The term polysomnography is a Greek word derived from the following terms, "poly" which means several, "somno" which means sleep and "graphy" which means to write. This term refer to a variety of tests carried out on patients while they are ... Read more »

Positive Psychology in the Work Place essay

Introduction Given the highly turbulent, but still competitive nature of today’s global economy, growth, excellence and maximizing the return on both financial and human capital, they are receiving the increasing attention. In line with the ... Read more »

Preoperative Fasting essay

This paper seeks to explore a clinical practice of preoperative fasting among patients that are set to undergo an operation. It, therefore, uses evidence-based arguments and literature review to analyze, compare, and contrast the past and the ... Read more »

Primary Care Medical Home essay

A primary care medical home is a physician/patient relationship-based primary health care setting with an orientation toward the individual, families, communities and populations. It is also referred to as Patient-centered medical home (PCMH). Kurt, ... Read more »

Professional Integration essay

Introduction Professionals are equally faced by emerging challenges on how to operate and optimize the use of their expertise and at the same time gain profits. Healthcare market world has registered a stunning integration which includes formation ... Read more »

Psychological nigrescence essay

Psychological nigrescence was developed by William Cross to show the stages that individuals traverse in becoming black-oriented. Created in 1971, the concept essentially suggested the orientation of a black person from self-hating due to low ... Read more »

Psychology as a Science essay

Psychology refers to a branch of science concerned with the study of animal and human behavior (Simonton, 2009). This consists of a number of branches, namely educational psychology, developmental psychology, psychotherapy, animal psychology, social ... Read more »

Psychosis Caused by Bath Salts essay

Psychosis is defined as a gross impairment that is characterized by severe distortions of perception and thought as manifested by delusions. Psychosis cause by the use of bath salts is a non-specific condition that is associated with a variety of ... Read more »

Radiation Sickness essay

The signs and symptoms of radiation exhibited by an individual normally depend on the amount of radiation that they have absorbed into their bodies. Normally, this depends on the space between the individual and the source of the radiation. The ... Read more »

Radiographic Grid Types essay

Introduction             In the most contemporary clinical imaging situation, the most typical way of reducing scatter is by the use of radiographic grid. However several methods have been ... Read more »

Recommendations by Experts on How to Prevent Child Abuse essay

Abstract The problem of child abuse is pervasive. Since the end of the 19th century, child abuse and neglect has been recognized as a serious social problem. The goal of this paper is to review how child abuse evolved into a social problem and how ... Read more »

Red Crescent Movement essay

The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement is a non-making profit organization that operates in 186 countries. This organization kicks back its root in 1919, and its major goal is to provide aid to the victims of technological and natural ... Read more »

Relationship Between Obesity and Diabetes essay

Introduction Most of people with diabetes in the US are also obese, as the recent survey conducted by National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey has shown. Obesity remains the chief adjustable factor in the prevention of diabetes. Recent ... Read more »

Repairing Spinal Cord Injuries essay

Geron's clinical examination for a human embryonic stem cell (HESC) therapy for spinal cord injury is back on track nearly a year after the US Food and drug administration (FDA) stopped the research. Lately, the Silicon Valley biopharm company ... Read more »

Reproductive System essay

Testosterone is a naturally occurring potent androgenic steroid hormone which regulates how the male reproductive system develops and accounts for secondary sex characteristics in males. The hormone is secreted chiefly in testes, yet may also be ... Read more »

Research Proposal on the Toxicity of Aspirin Analogous To Cultured Colorectal Cancer Cells essay

The continued use of aspirin by individuals who have been diagnosed with the cancers of the colon or the rectum has been linked with better clinical responses to the treatment of these types of cancer. Indeed, the existing experimental evidence ... Read more »

Responses to Emergency and Planning Problems for Neighborhood Emergency Tea Outreach essay

Having gone through the Neighborhood Emergency Team Outreach, there are possible hitches that one can face with regard to planning set up and response to emergency cases. The physical address given in the program is elaborate as it adequately ... Read more »

Role of a Nurse essay

Any attempts to analyze the role of a nurse should start with clarification of the term “nurse”. According to Basavanthappa, the word “nurse” was derived from the Latin root “nutrix”, which means “to ... Read more »

Sarcoidosis essay

Introduction Sarcoidosis is an illness that results from a particular type of tenderness of the body tissues. It can emerge in almost any body organ, but it start most frequently in the lymph nodes or lungs. The cause of sarcoidosis is mysterious. ... Read more »

Schizophrenia essay

Introduction Early scientists and doctors such as Dr. W.A.F. Browne and Dr. Amariah Brigham suspected that schizophrenia is a disease of brain. The invention of brain imaging technology in 1980s proved this when it was found that schizophrenia is a ... Read more »

Schizophrenia Problem essay

Schizophrenia refers to a psychological disorder that involves delusions and wrong perceptions of the surroundings (Cohen, 2003). Scientists have speculated that schizophrenia may result from chemical imbalances in human brain. Schizophrenia does ... Read more »

Security of Health Care Information System essay

Abstract Recent empirical research indicates that many health care organizations have moved from paper-based health care information systems to electronic ones. This is after paper-based health information system has proven inadequate to handle the ... Read more »

Self-Worth Theory essay

Self-worth theory maintains that the ability of a person to achieve something has a direct connection to his or her perception of himself or herself (Crocker & Knight, 2005). This theory shows that the most significant thing to people is the ... Read more »

Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome essay

The first reports of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome were in February 2003 in South Asia. SARS is a viral and acute respiratory illness that is caused by a coronavirus. The first signs of the disease emerged among the staff in a Hanoi Hospital. ... Read more »

Sexually Transmitted Diseases Problem essay

Sexually transmitted diseases refer to the infectious diseases that people acquire by having sexual intercourse with the infected sexual partners (Rosenthal, 2012). However, people can transmit some of the infections through sharing needles and ... Read more »

Should Doctors Be Able to Prescribe Medical Marijuana? essay

Introduction In the near past, marijuana has gained popularity as a more holistic kind of medical care within the health care industry. It is leading the way as a revolt against the traditional pharmaceutical firm approaches to medicine and ... Read more »

Should tobacco companies be held responsible for smoking-related illnesses and deaths? essay

Any company or industry that manufactures a given product requires a customer in order for the business to be successful in the long run. In most cases, business organizations use marketing or advertisements in order to get people to try their ... Read more »

Sickle Cell essay

This theme aids in the acquisition of knowledge requisite for a better comprehension of what Sickle Cell Disease entails. As a genetic disorder of the human circulatory system, Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) leads to a condition in which the Erythrocytes ... Read more »

Skilled Nursing Facility essay

Skilled nursing facilities, or nursing homes, are the healthcare alternative for the elderly who need constant medical care. In the nursing homes, people of senior age are provided with qualified medical care, the state of their health is monitored ... Read more »

Sleep and Stress of Undergraduate College Students essay

Abstract This is a research into sleep and stress assessed evident in a group of undergraduate students in Family and Human Services courses. The survey and analysis were made and the perceived stress scale was recorded. The results of this research ... Read more »

Social Impact of Infertility essay

Infertility is the biological inability of a person to contribute to conception. It may also refer to the condition whereby a woman is unable to carry pregnancy to full term. This definition however is relative and depends on the demographic ... Read more »

Soft Drugs Legalization essay

The illegal use of soft drugs has continued to increase in the United Kingdom, despite efforts put in place by law enforcement authorities. Storry (2007, p.158) affirms that “today, soft drug use has become fairly mainstream among the United ... Read more »

Stockholm Syndrome essay

The disorder can be seen in the case of victims and their captor, as well as in family relations, when husbands beat their wives, who have sympathy for them. Thus, Stockholm syndrome is a phenomenon where hostages express sympathy or empathy for ... Read more »

Straptococcus mutans essay

Bacteria could bring both positive and negative results to the function of the different parts of the human body. It could be noticed that through this particular fact, the research on the different bacteria making up the human body and how they ... Read more »

Strategic Health Plan essay

Kingston health community is a dynamic organisation devoted to providing a variety of services whose objective is to improve the health and well-being of all the people living in the Kingston community, CA. It consists of a network made up of 10 ... Read more »

Stress essay

Stress is the mental, physical or emotional response by a body to an experience or an occurrence. At least every person experiences or has experienced stress at one time. Stress usually affects the normal functioning of the body as the body tries to ... Read more »

Stress and Health essay

Stress refers to anything that affects one’s mental and physical well-being. Stress is not desirable as it may lead to worse conditions in individuals. It is worth noting that stress may lead to brain damage and even death. Everyone in society ... Read more »

Study of Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children essay

In spite of the achievements in aspects like health and technologies, the World is still facing a number of health challenges. The health challenges are mainly seen in the increasing poor population of the World, who some times do not have the ... Read more »

Suicide, Eating Disorders, and Fetal Alcohol Syndrome essay

In order to decide for a nurse to hospitalize a person who contemplates to commit suicide, one has to establish the individual’s potential to do that. You should strive to understand if the person really has the strength to go ahead and take ... Read more »

Teen Pregnancy essay

Abstract Teenage pregnancy remains one of the most challenging social issues in the United States. Billions of dollars are spent annually on programs to reduce the scope of teen pregnancy in the country. This paper provides an overview of teenage ... Read more »

Teenagers Drug Abuse in School essay

Introduction Drugs and alcohol have become so common in the world’s middle and high schools that for many students, schools days have become something to look forward to because of the experiments with substances. Relying on survey responses, ... Read more »

Telemedicine and Optic Imagery essay

Effects of Telemedicine and Optical Imagery on Health Care Telemedicine is the provision of medical information through telecommunication from one place to another to improve patients’ clinic (Conde et al., 2010). Telemedicine has both ... Read more »

Tetanus essay

Tetanus, as a Pathophysiological Process of the Muscular System Muscles are the tissues network of body with a rich supply of blood. According to Advamag (2007), because of their rich supply of blood, muscles are rarely susceptible to infections. ... Read more »

The borough of Queens essay

The Queens borough is one of the highly populated in New York vicinity. Health wise it is among the leading boroughs whereby the health status has been raised to a higher level compared to the rest of New York neighborhood. It is noted that the ... Read more »

The Childhood Obesity essay

Introduction Obesity involves a condition where a child’s well being and health is affected negatively by the body fats. Obesity diagnosis is usually depended on BMI Body Mass Index due to the difficulty in the direct determination of body ... Read more »

The “Circulatory” System of Vascular Plants Compared to Humans essay

In any living organism or thing, the circulatory system plays a significant role in ensuring the delivery of oxygen, water and food among other important substances. The circulatory system is also charged with the duty to remove waste products from ... Read more »

The Cognitive Psychology of Schizophrenia essay

Introduction Schizophrenia is a disorder that has been misunderstood and its symptoms misinterpreted by many. Since the disorder was first recognized at the end of the 19th century, there has been no consensus on the mechanism to diagnose the ... Read more »

The Constitutionality of Partial-Birth Abortions: Right to Choose or Infanticide essay

In the American civil society, abortion is a divisive matter. Various interest groups vehemently oppose abortion, whereas there are others that support partial birth abortion and claim it is a woman’s constitutional right. Religious groups ... Read more »

The Effects of Childhood Sexual Assault essay

Our constructions of childhood tend to extremes. On the one hand, we hold sentimental notions about the purity and innocence of childhood and endorse Locke's pronouncements about the child's mind as a tabula rasa-a blank slate waiting to be ... Read more »

The Effects of Ephedrine in Sports and Exercise essay

Abstract Ephedrine has been used by several athletes and sportsmen, for a long time, as a stimulant. Consequently, it has given some athletes an upper hand over others. Besides this, some athletes have won medals and titles just because of using ... Read more »

The HIPAA legislation essay

The four standards of Health insurance portability and accountability act were developed to ensure confidentiality of healthcare information. These for standards are national identifiers, transaction and code set, privacy and security. The ... Read more »

The Institute of Medicine essay

As Clavelle (2012) notes, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) through future of nursing report provided recommendations that created a sense of urgency in this particular field of practice. These recommendations were established with a view of removing ... Read more »

The IOM Future of Nursing Recommendations essay

Nursing is a healthcare profession, and nurses play a vital role in caring for individuals, families, and communities. Their main aim is to heighten the quality of life and sustain the optimal health of patients. In order to achieve these goals, ... Read more »

The Legacy of Small Pox essay

Immunization has been there for ages but the first successful vaccine for immunization was the small pox vaccine which was developed by Edward Jenner in 1796 (Moore 6). During this time, small pox was one of the deadliest diseases in the world and ... Read more »

The Little Albert Experiment essay

John B. Watson and Rosalie Rayner’s "Little Albert" experiment was used to advance the field of psychology to a great extent. The two were behaviorists who sought to test some stimulus response in human beings. The performed experiment was ... Read more »

The Media Dilemma of Bulimia Nervosa essay

Bulimia nervosa is a serious eating disorder that has many detrimental effects not only on a patient’s physical body, but also the mental well being. With the emphasis that society has placed on one’s outward appearance, especially the ... Read more »

The Miami Children Hospital essay

The Miami Children Hospital Unit 3 North hosted a community event, the APHON’S Making Miracle 2nd Annual Happy Hour. This event and was held on 14th October 2012 from 5 to 9 pm. The event collected approximately $100,000 for helping kids with ... Read more »

The Mystery of Families with Incurable Disease essay

In the world there are so many mysteries that surround human suffering and one of the m that faces millions of people in the world is that of incurable diseases. It is worth noting that despite the fact that the medical professionals have done a lot ... Read more »

The peripheral nervous system essay

1. The peripheral nervous system (PNS) consists of nerves that connect the spinal cord and the brain to the different organs of the body. PNS is involved with a physical sensation. The PNS has two components: the motor system and the sensory system. ... Read more »

The Significance of Health Psychology in Understanding Sexual Cognitive Behaviors of Alcoholic Women and Teenagers essay

Introduction Health psychology as a discipline requires ability to demonstrate personality and professional qualities in order to address modern day needs of the society. There are three stages of analysis involved in comprehending how a person or a ... Read more »

The Silent Hunger essay

In the study of Abnormal Psychology unusual patterns of behavior, emotions and thoughts may or may not be usually understood as mental disorders. Unusual patterns or behaviors, emotions and thoughts include abnormal eating behaviors that generally ... Read more »

The Untold Story of America's Health Care Crisis by COHN essay

“Sick” could not have been written at a better time. It was written by Jonathan Cohn and published by HarperCollins Publishers in 2007, when the debate on health care had just been returned on the national agenda. In the book, Cohn, who ... Read more »

The Word Obesity essay

The word obesity can be defined to be a medical condition where the body accumulates a lot of fat to an extent where it may adversely affect the general health of a person involved. The life expectancy is also reduced and the person suffers a ... Read more »

The writing and communicating role of a delivery nurse essay

All people need to be cared of not only by their relatives or friends, but also by state. The state provides individuals with necessary medical care since they are born. Delivery nurses play a very important role in this process, in keeping the new ... Read more »

Therapeutic Antibody-Based Drug: Ado-Trastuzumab Emtansine essay

The health sector continues to be one of the most challenging field in the research work. The magnitude of the diseases, in the society, is posing challenges and the research teams are in the process of developing newer drugs that have improved ... Read more »

Therapeutic Effects of Reiki essay

Reiki is an ancient Japanese type of treatment developed by Mikao Usui in 1922. It is a form of treatment where healing energy flows from the healer to the patient. Many people think of this energy as a divine healing power, which differs ... Read more »

Toulmin Method Analysis essay

Prolonging of life, according to McDermid and Bagshaw (2009), involves provision of intensive care services in order to avoid premature deaths of patients and more suffering. The use of technological facilities by medical personnel has greatly ... Read more »

Transcultural Nursing essay

The transcultural nursing theory ensures that health care professionals are extremely sensitive to their patients’ cultural norms and biological characteristics (Maier-Lorentz, 2008). According to the transcultural nursing theory, the most ... Read more »

Transcultural Nursing Issue essay

According to Andrews & Boyle (2008), transcultural nursing is the unification of nursing and anthropology. Anthropology deals with the study of behaviors, origins, customs, development and relationship of human beings. Principles of ... Read more »

Transducers essay

Introduction In our lives today we have had to appreciate the importance of technology, especially in the medical sector. Many people are familiar with the medical applications of ultrasonic imaging, in which high frequency sound waves are used to ... Read more »

Transformative Change at John Hopkins Hospital essay

Transformative change refers to the process of changing an organization or a work unit that has probably performed well enough to maintain the status quo, but now needs to reinvent or transform itself into an entity that is much better equipped to ... Read more »

Trauma essay

Introduction Spiegelman Arthur was a New York based Cartoonist, comics advocate and editor, and he was best known after his graphic novel in 1991 “Maus”. He also worked as a co-editor on the comic’s magazines Raw and Arcade is very ... Read more »

Treatment of Migraines in Pregnancy essay

A thirty year old patient with an uncomplicated 5-month pregnancy presents with migraine headaches. Three drugs have been proposed, Imitrex®, Acetominophen and motrin®. Imitrex is a Sumatriptan which is a selective serotonin receptor ... Read more »

Treatment of Post-Traumatic Fibrosis essay

Fibrosis refers to the process that follows chronic inflammation. A fibrotic tissue is like a scar tissue, thick, and rigid due to excessive accumulation of protein below the skin. Knee stiffness, a post -traumatic fibrosis caused disease, which is ... Read more »

Trisomy 13 and Trisomy 18 essay

Trisomy is a general term that is used to give a description of the presence of three chromosomes instead of the usual single pair of chromosomes. Different types of trisomy develop depending on the type of chromosomes that are involved. For ... Read more »

Types of Sensory Receptors, their Location and Function essay

Chemo- receptors include those receptors related with smell and taste (Elaine & KatjaHoehn 455); they are found in the smell and taste organs, the nose and the tongue. Mechano-receptors are the receptors related with hearing, touch, vibration ... Read more »

Ultrasound and Its Importance essay

Ultrasound is a cyclic sound pressure with a frequency greater than the superior boundary of human hearing. The production of ultrasound is used in the medical fields, typically to penetrate a medium and measure the reflection signature or supply ... Read more »

Understanding the Psychology of the Struggling Reader essay

Students requiring individual education present different challenges as they pass through the education system. The outstanding problems identified in special needs learners include reading, writing, concentrating, retaining knowledge, speech, and ... Read more »

University Blood Drive essay

Blood donation or blood banking is a process that involves collecting, testing, preparing, and storing blood components that are basically intended for transfusion. Information concerning blood drives can be found within the following organizations: ... Read more »

University of Rochester Medical Center essay

The University of Rochester Medical Center is a health care center committed to the provision of outstanding, innovative, patient and family-centered health services through the enrichment of education and technology. To achieve these main ... Read more »

Using Non-Human Primates for Medical Research essay

Debate over the use of non-human primates (NHPs) for medical research; dates back to the 17th century, when William Harvey discovered the element of blood circulation. Later in the 18th century, it continued through Alexander Pope’s ... Read more »

Utilizing-the-DSM-IV-TR essay

Section 1 of Utilizing the DSM-IV-TR outlines a general, initial approach for patient diagnostic and assessment. For the purposes of this assignment, which is to establish an initial assessment plan for a patient, we will assume the following ... Read more »

Vaccinations essay

Vaccination refers to the act of administering an antigenic material as a way of producing immunity to a disease. An antigen is a substance that when introduced into the body, it triggers the production of an antibody by the immune system. The ... Read more »

Vesico Ureteral Reflux essay

Vesico-ureteral reflux (VUR) is a well known heterogeneous disease. It can be described as a disease process coupled with an anatomical abnormality at the uretero-vesical junction (Tarcan, Tiney, Temiz and Simsek 2011, p. 1011). It can also be ... Read more »

Violence in the Mentally ill Population essay

Introduction Violence can be described as an act of being aggressive on others. If not well administered, violence can cause disability in some cases and eventually death (Williams 1999). The relation between mentally psychosis ill population and ... Read more »

Washington mental health counselots associations essay

WMHCA is the professional organization working exclusively to meet the needs of Licensed Mental Health Counselors in Washington State. WMHCA, Washington Mental Health Counselors Associations chartered through its national professional organization ... Read more »

Wechsler Memory Scale essay

The Wechsler memory scale made its first manifestation in 1945 and was one of the first standardized memory batteries. Wechsler’s original test battery was developed with the intention of providing a rapid, simple and practical memory ... Read more »

What is the value medical marijuana use is legal essay

Introduction Marijuana happens to be by far the commonly illegal drug used. During the 60s and 70s, marijuana happened to be thought harmless contrary to present years. It has secured several slang terms such as, cannabis, dope, green, bud, Mary ... Read more »

What Really Is ADD/ADHD essay

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder which is also referred to as ADD or ADHD is a brain based biological condition characterized by distractibility or poor attention or impulsive and hyperactive behaviors. This is among the most common metal ... Read more »

What's Happening in the Brain with ADHD essay

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a chronic developmental and biobehavioral disorder which originally manifests itself during childhood and is distinguished by inattentiveness, impulsivity, and hyperactivity (Phillips & Mersch, ... Read more »

Workforce Shortages in Health Care essay

Abstract The health care sector has continually faced different challenges that have threatened its service delivery. In this regard, one of these challenges includes workforce shortages. Following this point, one area of the healthcare that faces ... Read more »

Writing Grant Proposals essay

The process of writing a grant proposal does not always follow identical procedure across all disciplines because it is intended for different disciplines (Cheryl & Susan, 2009). Some grant proposals require more information than others do, but ... Read more »

Xyz, Inc.’s paper of proposal essay

“Hospices are organized programs of support services for patients in the advanced stages of a terminal illness and their families” (Abrahm and Hansen-Flaschen, 2002). Hospice facilities are very much fruitful for the society, say for example, ... Read more »

Young Women and Heart Disease essay

Many people usually think that heart disease is for men only, but recent statistics show than more women than men are dying of heart disease every year. A major challenge is that symptoms of heart disease in women may differ from symptoms in men. ... Read more »
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