Free «Advantages and Benefits of Music Education» Essay Sample

In the modern system of music education, there are stable stereotypes about understanding of music only as an art form. Perhaps this approach is justified in a narrow professional training for musicians in philharmonics, musical theaters, choirs, orchestras among others. Except the future art mission, the music education has also a plenty of other advantages and benefits. They are mostly related with the personal features of a music student in any age. For instance, in the first years of life, music is of particular importance for each child. Moreover, the musical experience that kids do not receive in enough amounts in preschool age can not be offset in adulthood. Therefore, for the older students, music education has other convincing benefits.

Music lessons for several years in a childhood improve brain in adulthood. Even a few music classes give a huge improvement, when it is about to listening and audio processing, according to new research of modern scientists. The effect of music on the brain in the last decade has become a hot research topic. Currently, researchers for the first time directly examine what exactly happens after the kids stop playing musical instruments even after several years of practice as it often occurs in childhood. Comparing with their age mates, who did not play any musical instrument, the adults who have behind them one to five years of playing experience in childhood have improved brain reactions. Many children learn music in groups or attend individual classes, but only some of them continue seriously engage music in junior or senior high school.



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The music is not an end in itself, because it leads to the development, not only in the musical sense, but also emotional and physical. Even though, a child does not become a professional musician, he/she also receives a powerful push to the development of many basic skills associated with the educational process and the overall development of the brain.

First of all, music has benefits for the brains as well as for the physical development. Music makes a corrective effect on the development of young music learners, especially of the preschool children. The process of singing corrects the violations of the tempo-rhythmic structure of speech, sound pronouncing and stuttering and improves children’s pronunciation. In addition to that, according to leading medical research, singing is one of the best forms of breathing exercises.

Listening to music has a beneficial effect on the development of the central nervous system. When the child grows up, music lessons help to develop his/her artistic taste, sense of beauty and love of art.

Playing instrumental music promotes fine motor skills. Moreover, it teaches to focus on a particular object. Playing the wind instruments, as well as singing, and improves respiratory processes. Musical moving activity contributes to the expansion of psychomotor, improves behavioral reactions, develops rhythmic and auditory perception, and also releases the accumulated aggression by transforming it into exercise.

The development of brain abilities is also so important, as the physical development, starting from the birth and finishing with the end of life. Music is one of the most pleasant ways how to enhance brain power and improve memory. The participation in the music classes from the early age can help with the learning ability and memorizing skills of a child. It is so because of the stimulation of different patterns of brain development. Music stimulates those parts of the brain, which are responsible for the various brain function, skills and abilities, such as reading, math and emotion. This aspect of music influence is often a topic of scientific studies.

The scientists are sure that children, who also attend music classes and learning playing or singing, has better achievements in school education, comparing with those children who do not have anything in common with music. Moreover, the music-educated children start reading sooner, as their age mates. The higher IQ level and the development of certain brain parts are like bonus by the music education.

Besides, this has advantages not only for children and other young music students. However, it is also a very beneficial process for adults. Music trainings help to keep mind alert. It encourages many thinking and headpiece. The brain remains active all the time. This has a positive influence on memory, because it teaches to stay concentrated.

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The other interesting fact is that music has also a plenty of advantages for the personal development, such as improvement of the social life, teaching of discipline, patience, positive character features, encourages learning constantly and thinking creatively, etc.

The music education is one of the best ways to develop social skills. It breaks out the social shell, which may appear between children and their age mates. As they can play musical instruments or/and sing, they get usually involved in musical groups or ensemble. This is the same as the team work, so it also teaches different secrets of the communication. These skills are very important in the everyday life. First of all, it is about the relationship with friends, how to behave and treat other people. Moreover, it helps with the working together. Each of the participants has to pay attention to the other participant, so they learn how to respect and listen to each other. What is more important, it shows how to support one another. These advantages of the music education are not only for children, but also for the more adult students. It does not matter when the person learns music, this positive effect does not let wait.

In addition to that, the music itself disciplines the one. Except the leadership skills, music education teaches to be patient and to do what is needed, even if sometimes it is not wanted. It happens that by studying music, something might go wrong. For example, it is hard to play some notes or accords, but music requires a huge insistence.

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Moreover, if there is a certain time for trainings, there is no possibility to stop earlier. The proper music education needs hours and hours of practice. Only the developed, during the music education process, will power can guarantee the further success. The most complicated is that music classes usually based on the repetition. The students have to practice the same things many times. In addition, music education teaches how to overcome it and to keep going. This is very important in any age, especially, for the preschoolers as music increases their attention and performance. Moreover, it teaches children a sense of rhythm. These qualities make the process of learning at school and later at the university easier for those children. It is also the question of patience. Music develops this ability which is very important not only in music, but also in the real life.

Besides, music develops other very important personal features. It changes the attitude of life and general education. It also influences the character. It bears the humanization of education, the implementation of which creates the conditions for better qualities and abilities of the child, the sources of its life. The humanized relationships between teachers and students, setting education at the center of the educational process, respect for the individual, understanding its requests, interests and dignity, trust in it. The music education humanize person in general. It makes him/her sincere, humane, benevolent, and merciful. They also help the child carefully realizing and practicing of the rules of good behavior. The music classes encourage students to be patient. Moreover, they unlearn capricious and form the aesthetic taste.

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At the beginning of the music education, it is common to feel frustrating and unconfident. There are many demotivational questions. The worst are the doubts in own abilities. However, lots of practices make a positive result. The first achievement encourages to keep going and try to achieve more and better. This raises the confidence in oneself. There is another very important fact. The years of practicing music make a person in a good sense depended on it. So even, if there any failure, the desire to play or sing pushes to the further efforts. As a result, the future success makes anyone to be proud.

The next advantage of the music education, as well as of the general education is the constant learning and after learning. It is impossible to know everything. Besides, music always develops, so there are always new materials for learning them. More and more new styles, new backgrounds and new directions appear constantly.

Music is one of the best ways of self-expression. It is a common language in the world, which is understood everywhere by everyone. There are other ways of the self-expression, such as writing or painting, but the music is unique among others. What is written is not clear for everyone. There is a need of translator, but this is not the authentic text anymore, because it has walked through the prism of the translator’s understanding. There must be an excellent specialist to leave the origin features. As well as the painting, there people who understand art and who do not have any idea what the artist wanted to say. With music, it is much easier. It is clear for everyone. However, the point is whether everyone understands. So, music helps to express feeling by the musician and to understand them by the listeners. This is what is taught on the music classes, to feel and to lead this feeling to the others. The music education is also the way to learn how to play someone’s music, as well as, to compose own.

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In addition to that, music helps to relax. The current life is full of stress. Everyone hurries somewhere. People are afraid of not being in time. During one day, they try to manage so many deals, which centuries ago were the long-period deals. This is not good for the person’s physical and mental health. It also requires any relaxing therapy for each of the rat-race participant. Listening to the music can make it. Moreover, the effect is much bigger by playing music instrument, not by listening. Music is a simple pleasure and joy. It calms the mind. Music is the most effective aid communication among all existing ones. There is also a possibility to avoid depression by playing music.

This is also the way of developing of the creativity. By learning of someone else’s works, students learn how to create their own. Moreover, they know the special features of the successful musicians and composers, so they can easily choose their own style and create.

Music is a kind of entertainment. What can be more exciting than the learning of performance of this entertainment? Sure, it is not so easy, especially at the beginning, but it does not mean that it is not funny. Furthermore, every time the abilities become better. New opportunities appear. Music education can lead to the music career. It is the best way to combine work and pleasure. This is what music offers. It is an undeniable fact that most of the teenagers dream about playing in the band and be popular musician, or to compose music and rich the level of the greatest composers of all the times.

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The last, but not the least, it is very important to have a good teacher. The great teacher will do everything in order to encourage students to keep going with playing or singing and to develop their skills. A person with a clear understanding of his/her professional goals and confident in his-her importance and significance is a strong link in the chain of people of any profession. The music teacher always practices the kind of relationship with his/her subject, he/she faces a choice every day, it takes hundreds of decisions, giving preference to one and reject the other, and loyalty, efficiency, quality of the solution depends on how well he knows the nature of the subjects teaches. In the middle of the 20th century, the U.S. teachers came to the unanimous conclusion that the necessary understanding of the nature of school subjects. The art of music is one of the most important ways of understanding of the reality.

During the music education, teacher should explain the nature of music. There are five criteria of it. He must be directly related to the needs of music pedagogy, its history and the present, and take into account all the major aspects of music and its education, and at the same time be broad enough, and concentrated. Moreover, he must contain a lot of momentum for musical education, and be relevant to society, which operates this or that system of music education. One of the major problems of music education is to teach students to understand the forms of expression inherent in the aesthetic sense.

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In addition to that, the musical material plays a huge role. For the study of music in all phases of education, including the earliest ones should be different genuine expressiveness. By the process of selecting the products, it is very important to be aware that the perception of music in all the richness of its expressive colors, a phenomenon rather exceptional. Therefore, not taking the path of conscious simplicity repertoire, should be selected such works that are being available for at least a partial understanding, would contain conditions to improve abilities more deeply into the music. All the restrictions on the genres and types of music should be removed. The pop, jazz, folk, classical and contemporary music of the various ethnic groups represented in American society can take place in the school curriculum. The only criterion is that they must meet unconditionally the true expression. In the center of the process of musical education, there should stand musical experience. This is the alpha and omega of music education. All activities, such as singing, playing instruments, improvising, listening to music, as well as accompanying should always be focused on the development of aesthetic perception and sensitivity, aesthetic sensitivity to the sound. The methods used by a music teacher should not detract from the aesthetic qualities of students of music, focusing it on music and not music points.

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Accordingly, unique nature and value of music lie in the fact that it is able to represent human emotions and experiences through its inherent aesthetic qualities. The formation of responsiveness to the aesthetic properties of music is the key to the knowledge of subjective reality and priority of musical education and education in general.

The result of music education is the acquisition of knowledge, particularly about feelings. On the surface, music does not seem to be so special. It is important to mention that it makes the mood better and helps to relax. This is only one of the huge amounts of its advantages. Music itself has the great influence on the person in any age. Moreover, by playing, all these positive effects multiply in many times. In addition to that, the facts of the advantages and benefits of the music education still remain obvious. It is useful for the health, mental and physical. It is the way of personal development and improvement of the social and communicative skills. Moreover, it gives the opportunities of self realization and the personal achievements. It entertains and improves creative abilities. It also disciplines and develops patience. What is also very important, it guarantees the communication with a good teacher who realizes all the importance of deep understanding of the subject. Since he feels the desire for music and educates this feeling in his students. There are a plenty of other positive effects.

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If their any doubt whether there is a sense to encourage a child or later more adult person learning music, there is the only way to be sure. It is the way of practice.


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