Free «John Lennon» Essay Sample

John Lennon, a rock n roll musician became so influential in the political arena because he addressed crucial national issues directly supposed to be handled by the government. He went from place to place making concerts together with his musician counterparts in the Beatles group. By holding public rallies and music concerts to sing songs that addressed the Vietnam War, he touched the raw nerve of the government. Many people praised him and followed the band from place to place in order to support his end to war campaign. Therefore, since he was an anti- war activist in the United States of America, John became better placed to be politically influential.

A reaction from the government to prevent the people from exercising their right to freedom of speech was very unethical and unconstitutional. The United States of America citizens knew how to utilize various provisions in the constitution and they did so peacefully. However the government failed to listen to them as it was expected to by the constitution. They instead formulated means and ways of silencing the musician John Lennon. In their plan they thought that by silencing the famous anti-war activists then the whole crowd would be voiceless. The Vietnam War would then continue without problem. There no longer would be anyone to speak for them in public against the government.



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The government did not treat John Lennon fairly by preventing him from becoming a United States citizen. On the contrary, the government has the right to allow or deny other people chances to become citizens regarding on their evaluation of the person’s character. Essentially, the people led by John Lennon were concerned with making it possible for the nation to acquire peace quickly than it seemed. However, it became clear that the government had an intention of taking part in the war with the Vietnam proponents. Therefore by denying John a chance to be legally registered as a citizen they were probably inviting more trouble from the people.

Yes the government had full connections with John’s assassination. The people were prevented from holding peace rallies by the government. The government came at logger heads with John Lennon when he got married to Yoko. Particularly, the plan to hold concerts in the country was interfered with by a well-known Senator. Edgar Hoover who was an FBI's proposer cooperated with the white house in order to order John’s deportation from his American home. Actually, President Nixon supported it and later an assassination was organized to silence John forever.

The government became specifically very hard on the antiwar Protestants in the 1972. The main figures were John Lennon, Yoko Ono among other prominent people who were very conspicuous in the crowd. Anti activist’ comments in posters included ‘Give Peace a Chance’ as well as ‘bed of peace’. The slogans became so popular even among the low class citizens and children as well. Government officials were against the move by the public figures and developed various means of bringing an end to the national peace uproar.

However even after assassinating the ring leader the rest of the people continued with the protests. This time led by Yoko Ono the people became madder at the government for not only denying them peace but also killing one of their own. The CIA, the government and the police department tried to inflict fear on the citizens for a long time to no avail. Moreover, as Yoko noted after the death of John was that the assassination was unsuccessful. She commented that government had just entered into more mess by killing the leader since the songs with the message were alive even after his death.


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