Free «International Corporate Finance Meeting» Essay Sample

We held a meeting whereby the students presented an article that relates to this firm. The article appeared in the Wall Street Journal was entitled ‘Toyota Eyes India Market, Builds School To Get Edge’ The point of discussion from the presenters was the steady growth of the Indian automotive market combined with the crumble of the United States market which presents an opportunity to open up an a car manufacturing plant in India.

It captured my attention that our competitor Toyota Motor Corporation is re-entering the Indian market where it plans to open up a plant as well as a Technical Training school. Toyota is confident that the Indian auto industry will keep growing despite the recent global economic meltdown. Background information gathered from the discussion is that this competitor plans to utilize skilled labor from the training school in 3 years time. Secondly they intend to introduce new low-cost car models so as to increase their Indian market share.

Having gathered this information, we established that it can aid us in obtaining a share of the rapidly growing Indian car market. This can be achieved through mergers with existing Indian technical institutions, to provide technical expertise in term of skilled labor. Moreover we can manufacture a line of affordable cars for the Indian market at a relatively lower cost due availability of labor. Execution of these factors would guarantee favorable percentage of the Indian car market share.



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I would also like to bring to your attention the fact that Toyota’s market share in India has dwindled over the recent past. This information would help to counter our rival’s measures in the Indian car market. The same data would give our firm a much needed competitive edge that would propel our firm into an Indian automotive industry leader.

To conclude, the shift from the United States to the Indian market will reduce competition for the American market. This can be tolerated given the foreign market presents an opportunity for growth and expansion. Furthermore, it bodes well with our aspirations of having a commanding presence overseas.


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