“Taken” is a film released in 2008. The film was directed by Pierre Morel and stars veteran actor Liam Neeson, Famke Janssen and Maggie Grace. The screenplay was written by Luc Besson and Robert Mark Kamen. “Taken” is an action thriller film about the struggles of a father, Bryan Mills, who goes to great lengths to find and rescue his daughter, Kim, who was kidnapped by a group that enslaves women against their will for prostitution. Since the film’s release, it has received great reviews from critics and viewers alike and I must agree with the good ratings and reviews the film has been getting. “Taken” is a very intense film that increases awareness about human trafficking, women slavery, and prostitution. The story behind Bryan Mills’ experience as an ex-agent for the Central Intelligence Agency comes second to what the film intends to portray. Yes, the film involves action and people would find Bryan Mills’ skills and experience in finding his daughter in Europe despite his lack of knowledge of where she is, and in dodging and fighting the villains in the film, and it also shows an emotional and touching relationship between father and daughter, but the story behind the group that kidnaps women takes center stage.
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The most disturbing scenes in the film include the events where the people who Kim trusted (the seemingly innocent men in the airport) were involved in her disappearance, and when they showed that rich people are involved in human trafficking. The film creates a feeling of unease where people would be aware that they should not freely trust people, especially when they are in unfamiliar places. Furthermore, the involvement of rich people in human trafficking shows why the crime has reached a global level and why it has been very difficult for authorities to stop it – because people are willing to pay large amounts of money so they can enslave and abuse people, especially women. I appreciate the film because it is realistic in this way, it increases awareness, and it serves as a cautionary tale to everyone. The film also emphasizes the importance for this type of crime to be stopped and prevented.