Free «The North-South Gap» Essay Sample

The North-South issue has become of great concern at the end of the twentieth century. As Adedeji and Senghor (1989) explains the failure to explain to resolve the current problems in north/south economy relations continues to pose a great to a world threat world peace the developing countries, have yielded no fruitful and positive results (467). There are various reasons which make this issue to be of great concern. The big issue is the gap between the North and the South is ever-increasing. It should also be noted that the income per head is increasing in the countries of the North which has only15 per cent of the world population. Moreover southern countries produce goods which are less valuable for the developed country. Due to this fact poor countries cannot manage the global economy since their products less required and their opinion not considered by the rich countries. Also blatant imperialism and Cold War politics of the past 70 years has contributed to the expansion to the expansion north-south gap.



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During the Cold War, the forms of the U.N. program were created by East-West and North-South fault lines. Most of countries also organized themselves into the Group of 77, to pursue a program of economic and social growth and redistribution of prosperity. The South wanted to attain change of trade by stabilizing price, regulation of transnational corporations, improved foreign aid and reduced foreign debt. In mid-1970s organization of petroleum exporting countries boosted oil prices which forced countries of the industrialized. As Cammillen (2007) explained when the number of these countries continued increased, they formed a majority in various UN fora, notably the general Assembly (168).

According to Yachir (1989) “one must consider the East-west conflicts not in ideologically terms, as is so often done in the west, but in pragmatic terms” (14). The processes of deliberation and centralization of capital, and also internationalization of creation, have extended with some significant suggestions. The recent stage of globalization has been outlined by strongest and mainly sweeping waves of absorption of economic activity that we have known traditionally. In terms of multinational firms’ activities, the possibility of vertical crumbling of production,

The North-South issue gap was talked about by three diverse philosophical schools, which said whether this gap could be minimized in the current economic system. Moderate theory of economic development is the dominant theory in the International economy. Globalist views see the dilemma in the present free trade system. Every theory can be condemned at some point, but all of them have precious information for the multifarious perception of the issue.

In conclusion we can argue that in solving the problem of north-south gap examination of the African immigration causes and policies was done by Africans immigration to the Southern European countries to solve the origin causes directly. Several European governments have also adopted short-term from illegal migration while it ignores long-term solutions of economy growth, investment, democratization, political reforms, human rights respect.


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