Free «Exemplary Program Development» Essay Sample

West Community Mental Health Program model will be developed to assist rural community with a systematic and collaborative approach to treating mental health disorders. The program is expected to uniquely address the identified gap in the current programs. The program will seek to provide valuable feedback for the possible improvement of the programs design and implementation (Schliep, 2008). The value of the programs positive impact on families outweighs the perceived hassle of getting the belts of the machinery running smoothly. The West Community Mental Health Program revolves around its strong leadership and sound program design. The program provides center and home based treatment options and the provision of ongoing staff training. 

Structure of the Program

The program structure entails mission statement, billing mechanisms, financing and licensure of certifications and relation with outside professionals. Third party financiers such as private health insurance companies have developed slightly more flexible policies (Schliep, 2008). The structure of the program is centered more on the clinical aspects of prevention, assessment and intervention for patients with mental health problems.



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Mission Statement of the Program

The mission statement of the program recognizes co-occurring disorders and the mandate to treat them. West Community Mental Health Program’s mission statement is “to provide treatment to adults and adolescents with mental health disorder equitably”. This reflects the programs philosophy on treatment.

Licensure and Certifications

The structure of the program entails licensure and certifications. West Community Mental Health Program licenses and certifications enable the program to provide enhanced services to persons with mental disorders which include psychiatric and substance abuse disorders (Schliep, 2008).

Billing Mechanism

In the context of the billing mechanism used, the program will receive reimbursement for addiction treatment and mental health services. Within the billing structure, the top management will assess the programs source of funding and determine if the program has enough funding and receives reimbursement for providing services for both substance use and psychiatric disorders. 

Treatment Time

The treatment procedure includes persons, set of people and family mental therapies, along with a range of significant and recreation mental therapy programs. Admissions in the program will be accepted 24 hours a day by contacting 773-8954-546.      

Diagnoses Treated

West Community Mental Health Program will primarily treat patients with diagnoses such as schizophrenic, schizo-affective, bi-polar, disorders dissociative, major depressive, addiction, psychiatrist disorders and acute psychosis and dual diagnoses. Patients with other mental conditions will be deemed for admittance based on a person’s needs evaluation (Schliep, 2008).

Function of the Program

The program will increase rate of early identification efforts and utilize referral sources. Schliep (2008) says that the program will include three early childhood special education classrooms in two elementary schools and one family resource center. This will provide community outreach in a manner that is reportedly highly successful. West Community Mental Health Program is committed to the idea of disseminating their vision for mental health care throughout their catchment area. Schliep (2008) noted that throughout the program development, those involved will work to increase their training in assessment and interventions in order to pursue the highest degree of early identification possible.

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The program will ensure increased community satisfaction rate in the treatment of mental health disorders. Schliep (2008) indicated that the program seeks to hand out satisfaction to all community members and encourage them to give feedback. People with ongoing and yet undetected mental health issues were more likely to enter school requiring additional educational and behavioral support.

Mission Statement - Beliefs - Attitudes - Values

The mission statement of West Community Mental Health Program is a declaration of the overarching goals and values of the program. The mission statement of WCMHP is “to provide treatment to adults and adolescents with mental health disorder equitably”. The mission statement is reflective of the program goals and philosophies. The program is mandated to provide inpatient, outpatient, education and consultation. The major value of the program is that the administrators will maintain an open and honest dialogue towards clients an aspect that is replicated to the other levels of staff (Byrne & Neville, 2009).

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West Community Mental Health Program believes that a strong program leadership is a key asset for success of the mental program. The program will provide additional opportunities for the leadership to be in front of program staff. The program leaders will continually share their continued vision and be actively involved in problem solving with the staff members of the agency (Schliep, 2008). The program will ensure that the targeted populations receive the services through the community collaboration especially those suffering from psychiatric disorders or those who have been identified as having substance abuse disorders.   

Talents/Personnel Structure Function

The team of specialists includesboard certified psychiatrists, psychologists, registered nurses, licensed clinical social workers. A mental health worker plays an important role in several parts such as health promotion, preventive, curative and rehabilitative services. Byrne & Neville(2009) says that in order to prevent professional isolation, mental health program workers needs to know where to seek advice. Neria et al (2006) says that the required talent includes social workers, psychiatrists, clinicians, and nurses. All these personnel will work under the medical director of West Community Mental Health program. Social workers review difficult cases with the onsite psychiatrist. They take part in patient consultations prior to arriving at dispositions for certain patients. On the other hand psychiatrists provide a high level of oversight on appropriate cases and they also work alongside the social workers in seeing patients as they arrive (Neria et al, 2006). Nursing staff in the mental health program play the role of identifying and supporting individuals in significant distress and intervene rapidly.

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The key talents include nursing, medicine health, psychiatric and social work. Medicine health involves physicians with specializations in occupational medicine, internal medicine and pulmonologist. Neria et al (2006) noted that social work talent will include clinical professionals with a range of backgrounds from pure clinician psychotherapists to non clinical entitlements specialists. Mental health talents will encompass social workers and psychiatrists.


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