Free «Alexis de Tocqueville» Essay Sample

The three prominent groups were in conflicting relations; their differences attracted attention and some groups were considered superior in astuteness. The free and enslaved Americans did not have anything in general, because neither confinement nor languages nor habits showed resemblance. Alexis de Tocqueville asserts that during the 19th century free and enslaved Americans occupied an equally lesser position in America and they suffered from oppression. European tyranny rendered African Americans and Indians more disorderly and in a less enlightened way than previously. The moral and physical condition of African Americans and Indians persistently developed to be lower, and they continued to be dictatorial, rendering the African Americans more despondent.     

Native Americans

In 19th century, White Native Americans were perceived as superior groups in the country due to the unification of marriages between Native Americans and African Americans, which was an official agreement. According to Alexis de Tocqueville, public views are seen as renowned for a Native American men to unite withother groups such as African American. As time progressed it was noted that if the African Americans were oppressed by Native Americans, they were allowed to bring action into legislation. However, it was established that none but African Americans were selected to be among the judges. It was also noted that although they could lawfully play the role of attorneys, discrimination did not allow them to stay in the office. Democracy did not have part for the African Americans hence laws were favoring Native Americans.  



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Native American schools did not admit African American kids  and Americans of European descent. In his article Alexis de Tocqueville indicated that the extent of racism and lack of democracy was at a high notch because in the plays bullion could not obtain a chair for the oppressed race alongside their previous oppressors while in hospitals they lied apart. When a free and enslaved African American died in the midst of Native Americans his bones were thrown away and the difference of circumstance prevailed still in the impartiality of bereavement. In the late 19th century, the African American felt free from the Native American but they could share neither their privileges, nor the delight, nor the work and suffering.

In the Southern states of America, slavery still persisted; the African Americans were carefully kept apart. Although they could sometimes allocate the labor and leisure with Native Americans, the Native Americans consented to mix with them to a definite degree. Alexis de Tocqueville noted that although legislation treated them cruelly, the behavior of the citizens became extra lenient and sympathetic.

Democracy did not reassert its rights and did not restore provisional neutrality among the African Americans and the Native Americans. Instead, the author says that in the North, self-satisfaction reserved the most authoritative of human obsessions. It was the prejudice of the Native Americans which repelled the African Americans. This increased in portion as it unshackled and discrimination was certified by the etiquette while it was pushed away by lack of democracy in the nation. For the Native Americans the influence of slavery from free and enslaved African Americans affected their personality and passed on an unusual propensity to their thoughts and experiences.

The same causes related with slavery have been repeatedly generating conflicting results for the previous two centuries in the areas occupied by the Americans of Europeans descent. The effects of slavery and racism helped to establish an outstanding difference amid the profitable capability of the South and North American people. As a result, just the Northern state of America is in control of transport, production and assembling.

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In the United States the whole race of Native Americans fashioned a well-bred body, led by a certain number of advantaged persons whose riches was expected to last and whose freedom was inherited. These leaders of the Native Americans reserved alive the conventional intolerance of the Native Americans, in the body where they were the representatives and maintained idleness in honor.      

Americans of European Descent

Americans of European descent introduced weapon, passionate feelings and iron among the inhabitants of North America. The development of European habits has been much hastened among free and enslaved African Americans. The Americans of European descent were perceived to be skilled in the dexterity of farming. The Indian was on the other hand were perceived as rough beginners.

Americans of European descent were placed among a population whose desires were to take advantage of the presence of slaves and Indians to work in the farms. The inhabitant was isolated in the center of antagonistic people, with whose traditions, idiom and edicts he was incorrectly acquainted. While the Indians were endeavoring to civilize themselves, the Americans of European descent continued to encircle them every side and to detain them with smaller limits. Americans of European descent appropriated themselves most of the advantages that the natives might have resulted from the ownership of the soil and the purchase of land at a low rate.

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The assistance of Europeans was necessary to instruct them, but the approach of Europeans corrupted and savaged free and enslaved African Americans. Alexis de Tocqueville concurs with the fact that the modern slave differs from his master not only in his condition but in his origin. Europeans were not amalgamated with the Indians who on the other hand appeared to delude themselves. It was also noted that whenever the Native Americans were the most powerful, they held the African Americans in degradation or in slavery. Similarly the article articulates that when the enslaved African Americans were the strongest they destroyed the whites and this was the only balance that was ever taken between the two races.      

Free and Enslaved African Americans

Free and enslaved African Americans are portrayed as the people who were oppressed. At one stroke they were deprived of almost all privileges of humanity. However, the African Americans lost even the commemoration of their country including important characteristics such as language, culture, religion and customs. In this context during the 19th century they ceased to belong to Africa and at the same time did not acquire any claim to European privileges.  

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In the case of free and enslaved African Americans, oppression effects were largely attributed to lack of democracy during the 19th century. It was presumed that they entered  slavery as soon as they were born. Alexis de Tocqueville noted that African Americans learned that they were belongings of the other in their first notions of being. Free and enslaved African Americans learned that the power of thought emerged to them as a useless gift of providence and that they quietly enjoyed all privileges of their debasement. On the other hand Americans of European autocracies made the African Americans more disorderly hence the moral and physical condition of these tribes continually grew worse. To date the Americans of European descent have not been able to change the character of free and enslaved African American.

During the 19th century, Alexis de Tocqueville says that free and enslaved African Americans made fruitless efforts to insinuate themselves among men who in turn repulsed them. On the contrary, they conformed to the tastes of Native Americans, adopted their opinions and clung to the hope of imitating them to form a part of their community.

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According to Alexis de Tocqueville free and enslaved African Americans have been told from their childhood that their race was inferior to that of Native American and Americans of European descent. They agreed to the proposition and they ended up being ashamed of their own nature. The majority of free and enslaved African Americans had their thoughts inflated with the pretended nobility of their origin and they lived and died in the midst of these dreams.       

Presences of Harmonious Relationship between the Three Groups, and the Differences that are Irreconcilable

Alexis de Tocqueville observations do not suggest the possibility of a harmonious relationship between the three groups, because their differences are irreconcilable. This is because as slavery receded and democracy started taking shape, the African American population followed its retrospective course and returned with it towards those tropical regions where it originated. Also, although the Native Americans abolished slavery the principle of democracy did free them up. Alexis de Tocqueville asserts that for the African Americans brought up after the elimination of discrimination, their state of affairs with the watch of the Americans of European descent is not like that of Indians. They remained uncivilized and depressed of their privileges in the center of inhabitants who were far better to them in riches and acquaintance.

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The emergence of democracy in America did not bring about instant changes because when Americans of European descent chose workers from groups different from their race; they thought that their authoritative rule will last forever. However, Alexis de Tocqueville says that Americans of European descent wrongly experienced the reality of democracy without admitting it. Whatever they did to African Americans, they were dictated by their attention and their conceit or by their kindness. Due to the attitude towards slavery, the Native Americans could not reconcile with other race groups because they were instinctively to be persuaded that despite focusing on the direction of freedom and democracy they were totally unjust.

The Future of the Three Groups

Alexis de Tocqueville noted that whatever endeavors of the Native Americans were made to forget slavery, they did not thrive. There was no foreseen future for the three groups working together regardless their race because discrimination was instilled to a solitary territory of the enlightened world. Democracy helped Christians to adversely oppose oppression as unfair. Democracy brought about strict regulations which were compared with autonomous freedom and the acumen of the present era. The three groups remain divided not on the basis of slavery but due to historical facts that have remained in the minds of many generations.

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Alexis de Tocqueville noted that if independence was denied to African Americans, they were expected in the end to compulsorily grasp it themselves and at the same time it was assumed that if it was easily given, they perceived to abuse it before long. According to the article, the past evils of the 19th century are unquestionably great, but they are the necessary and foreseen consequences of the very principle of modern slavery.


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