Free «Nursing Organizational Chart» Essay Sample


The aim of this paper is to analyze the organizational structure and social culture of the organization. This paper reviews the structure of the hospital and its environment of assistance for client centered care. Further, this paper discusses information systems, methods of communication, and decision forming capability of the organization regarding cultural background and organizational structure of the facility. It analyzes the possibility to achieve reporting and communication in a formal and informal way. The issues pertaining to power and control also evaluate the leadership in the organization. The paper will further go beyond discussing the social and cultural impacts of the community. Lastly, it will estimate generational differences, which affect the organizational culture in the work environment.

The Significance of the Organizational Structure

The classical theory permits the various departments to work effectively by offering employees different tasks to perform. This theory consists of four elements: span of command, organizational structure, chain of command, division and specialization of labor. Division and specialization of labor decrease the workload of a worker that will enhance efficiency throughout the organization. The chain of command is power, authority, and responsibility assigned from management to the functional units of lower levels (Eleanor, 2005).



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 Organizational structures describe how the departments should be systematically organized and maintain command. It provides certain methods of communication that should be acquired through a formal procedure. The span of control guides how many workers a manager can manage effectively. The structure of organization offers an environment and optimum conditions for client centered care by providing services with various levels of care facilities such as med-surgical units, emergency services, intermediate care unit, delivery, labor and intensive care. A manager runs each department and reports to the head of nursing. The managers are always in contact with employees and communicate directly with staff and also patients in the hospital. The interaction at a personal level enables managers to communicate the significance of the mission of the hospital, which is to provide the best health care and exceed expectations of all patients at all times. By maintaining this mission, a close relationship with clients is possible. The application of information systems is the method to communicate and interact with staff members throughout the hospital (Sushma, 2012).

The Environment of Aid for Client Centered Care

The organizational structure plays a powerful role in the formation of a positive environment that supports the client centered care. The actual use of parallel organizational structure permits to maximize the organizational performance and provides clients with health care services of the superior quality.

The creation of a positive environment relies on the maintenance of the superior quality of services as professionals focus on their designated functions and tasks that they accomplish in the organization. Therefore, the division of functional departments of health care is highly significant because it enables health care specialists to focus on health care services without wastage of time and concentration on functional problems. At the same time, the functional department concentrates on maintaining the organization and its facilities. Under such a condition, the organization works effectively without any interference resulted by malfunctioning of some organizational elements (Eleanor, 2005).

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The Application of Communication Methods, Information Systems and Decision Making Capability

The application of information system promotes the operation of the organization because it enhances the efficiency of professionals’ work performed within the organization. More precisely, information system permits health caring professionals and employees to store and process required information faster and accurately. It results in the smooth functioning of the organization although there is a risk of information breach, but it can be prevented through the use of advanced information technological solutions.

At the same instant, the organization often uses audio-visual means to communicate, specially those times when professionals want to coordinate their actions while they have limited time to spend on communication. As a result, in serious and emergency cases when patients require urgent medical assistance, the use of modern technology of telecommunication permits health care professionals to extract the extensive information regarding the condition of patients, their current status of health and health problems. This effective communication bridges gaps between health care specialists and different departments of the organization. As a matter of fact, specialists can effectively communicate with each other and make a concrete decision. The decision making process emphasizes on the communicating and discussing current issues. Hence, communication and discussion permit elaborating the most effective decision chosen from various alternatives that usually arise during the course of discussion. In this manner, the organization shapes their functioning in a democratic communication style, and professionals possess opportunity and right to implement their recommendations and suggestions (Paese, 2005).

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Lines of Reporting and Communication

It is possible to choose various lines of reporting and communication. Fundamentally, it is possible to divide these lines vertically and horizontally. Vertical reporting ascends from workers to managers or vice versa comes down from managers to subordinates. In this way, the circulation of information moves within the organization. While, on the other hand, there exists horizontal communication and also reporting that takes place among various departments and specialists who work in different units or departments and hold the similar rank in the organizational hierarchy. The combination of the horizontal and vertical communication maximizes its efficiency(Hart, 2004).

Formal and Informal Reporting Lines. The Issues of Control and Power

The formal reporting lines imply to the communication between subordinates and managers on issues that relate to the provisions of health care services. Information reporting lines chiefly imply to the communication among health care specialists considering the refinement of a decision. After the recognition and understanding of the decision, the formal reporting lines begin to work, and the implementation of the formal decision occurs. It is possible to maintain the optimum level of responsibility of health care specialists due to the formal communication line, and the line is a way of control over their work (Hart, 2004).

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Cultural and Social Influences of the Community

Social and cultural values effect health care services, because of the fact that health care specialists need to learn social and cultural background of patients and offer services accordingly to cultural beliefs of patients. At the same time, the community provides assistance to the organization in maintaining the health care services within the community, whereas the organization hires volunteers from the community to support health care specialists.

Generational Differences

Generational differences can certainly raise gaps in communication within the organization, but the bridging of communication gaps is possible through the cooperation among the representatives of different generations.


This paper summarizes that organizational structure is highly significant. It is essential to understand the thorough functioning of the organizational structure that encourages enhancing of the organizational performance.


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