Free «Greetings from Bury Park by Safraz Manzoor» Essay Sample

This book is considered a memoir because it is a reminiscence of his life as a child. The book is arranged thematically rather than chronologically. It mainly talks about his inspiration in Springsteen’s music and how it emancipated him to talk about his identity and sense of purpose.

Sarfraz Manzoor was two years when they relocated to Britain from their native home in Pakistan. His father worked in the country for a period of ten years. His father worked at Vauxhall in Luton. There life as a family involved working so as to earn a living for them just like most other immigrant families. His life was unlike his peers because as he had no fashionable clothes and few toys.

The frustrations in his childhood is what is very evident in this memoir and he talks about the pressure he faces from both sides of his religion as well as from his peers.

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Manzoor’s relationship with his with his father during adolescence was that of the usual suspicion that parents have during this time and they were not very welcoming when it came to his white friends.



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Manzoor’s relationship with his with his father during adolescence was that of the usual suspicion that parents have during this time and they were not very welcoming when it came to his white friends. He also talks about the pressure that he gets from his father to perform well in school together with his friends. His father therefore seemed likean authoritarian who resented many fun activities for him such as buying fancy clothes and toys. He rarely gave him money to buy things for himself. Being a Muslim also did not help in trying to reconcile between being a Muslim and typical British teenager. His father insisted that he abides by the doctrines of his Pakistani heritage which made him clash with his traditionalist father on various issues. This really frustrated Manzoor as he felt that he had no direct connection with Pakistan because he had even been born there.


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