Free «Critical Analysis» Essay Sample

The research on pain management claims that pain is a complex and multidimensional experience and hence must be approached from a multidimensional point of view. Because of this, the authors claim that the need for more standardized and specific information about pain management is very important as far as hospice and palliative care is concerned. Their study therefore aimed at finding out the best methods that can be employed to achieve the goals of providing information in a thorough manner to the hospice nurses. The study was anchored on the principles of adult learning. The study would involve scoring the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health-care Organization by the hospice staff. The staffs were to evaluate the nature and intensity of pain and inform patients and families how to assess and report pain Rankin, E.A. & Mitchell, M.L.

On the other hand, he study conducted by Gordon, Berry and Darl shows that the pain management should entails the family/ patient and the hospice care agencies. The study argues that under-treatment of pain occurs because of the unwillingness of the family members to report the pain. Because of this, the author argues that the hospice and palliative care agencies should share their experience of and enthusiasm for quality pain management no matter what the diagnosis or setting .



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In their study to determine the abilities of hospice nurses towards management of standardized patients in the home setting, Michael et al found out that nurses have confidence as far as pain management is concerned. However, the study argues that communication between physician and hospice nurses should be enhanced. The study claims that nurses should be willing to share the information. The study also asserted that there should be interactions between the hospices nurse and the referring physicians.

From the three articles, it is clear that the problem was clearly identified. It is also apparent that the participant involved in the study can make representative sample that can be applied in a broader sense. However, not all the researchers had controlled environment. It is only the research conducted by Michael et al that was done in a controlled environment. All the articles managed to identify and address some of the barriers. The message from each article came out clearly. The research done by Michael et al, for example urges the nurses to share the information. Rankin and Mitchell on the other hand claim that self-instruction module should be provided to the nurses to facilitate pain management. O the other hand, Gordon, Berry, and Darl concluded that the significance of quality pain management should be extended to the family and patients.


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