Free «Colonialism Economy in Africa» Essay Sample

When it comes to tackling colonial projects, economics is mostly the central. There are three approaches when tackling colonialism in Africa. The first approach is rooted to the neoclassical economical theory. This theory focuses more on the markets and the bottlenecks involved in the resource allocations. The second is dependency. After the first theory was dissatisfying, it led to the birth of this approach that had prevailing and prescribed analysis for the global development. There were so many empirical shortcomings and ideological weaknesses that Marxist scholars decided to attack both the neoclassical and dependency. It has been proved difficult for Marxian mode to be fitted in the pre-colonial era in Africa. It has even been much difficult to come up with African specified modes.

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Marxists, however, decided the use of articulating modes of production and making them more useful as far as the economy for the colonial is concerned. Very useful and interesting studies on areas like agriculture were introduced. Labor and workers, were also featured as some of the interesting topics to be taken care of. This led to the wider changing of the structures in Africa that were incorporated to the worldwide economy. The African economy was to provide raw materials to the markets. The colonial economy was purely export oriented and most of the products were transported to other developed countries for the next stage of processing after which, the product was returned to Africa as a final product and sold to the consumers.

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Africa soil suffered from uneven production because of one product being grown severally on the same land for a very long period of time. The economy during this colonial period developed in three major stages; World War 1 where people were forced to cultivate and taxation was very heavy and dominant, forced labor was being used just to ensure that people could produce what was required. The second period was the interwar year, here, there were regulations; the third was post world war where there were more modifications in the economy and policies were being implemented and state was expected to intervene on the economy development and the welfare of the employees in all the industries.


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