Free «How Successful Have the Irish Government and the European Central Bank Been in Running the Irish Economy over the Last Two Years?» Essay Sample

Ireland was able to locate a distinctive selling proposition in the European framework and utilized the tools the EU provides to promote economic advancement and progress including the structural, as well as regional funds in a wise and maintainable manner. On the other hand, Ireland appeared not to be resistant to the complications that the financial uncertainty presented to numerous world’s leading economic systems. What is more, Ireland suffered from more significant problems than the majority of other EU countries. Yet, Ireland has not been the sole nation that requires reform. Financial consolidation and development boosting reforms are essential all over Europe to continue to be ambitious on an international market. Ireland, on the other hand, finds itself in the number of nations with more serious rearrangement requirements.

In 2012, the Irish Taoiseach (Prime-Minister) Brian Cowen asserted that the country had officially made an application for the monetary assistance from the EU's European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF), as well as the International Monetary Fund (IMF), a petition which appeared to be accepted by the European Central Bank (ECB) together with EU ministers. The application was permitted by the Eurozone financial ministers. “Details of the financial arrangement were not immediately agreed upon, and remained to be determined in the following weeks, though the bailout was believed to be in the region of €100 billion, of which approximately €8 billion was expected to be provided by the United Kingdom” (Duthel, 2011, p.53).



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 Criticizing the measure, the Green Party head J. Gormley noted that his political force might desire to conduct a General Election, with the implied hazard that they might retrieve from Government.  Since several members of lower house announced that they might not carry on  backing  the administration and concerns were escalating, Brian Cowen organized a press conference, wherein he declared that the Government planned to bring in and adopt the Budget, as well as its  parliament's  bills, prior to  the coming new-year elections (Duthel, 2011).

Nevertheless, the disagreeing representatives of Cowen's party Fianna Fail in addition to opposition  desired no-confidence decision for the administration, as well as  for the parliament to be dissolved before an important budget voting in December 2012, which might offer the means for accepting the rescue package. 

The EU consented to “a €85 billion rescue deal of which €22.5 billion from the European Financial Stability Mechanism (EFSM), €22.5 billion from the IMF, €22.5 billion from the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF) and bilateral loans from the United Kingdom, Denmark and Sweden” (Duthel, 2011, p.53). The residual €17.5 billion should arrive from the National Pension Reserve Fund, as well as various other internal capital options.

In 2011, it was announced that Ireland obtained the initial rescue package portion of €3.6 billion. This was a somewhat bigger sum than it was formerly anticipated mainly because of the better-than-predicted public sale of the EFSF bonds (EFSF auction attracts €43bn of orders, 2011).  Afterwards, the coalition-based administration of Brian Cowen was defeated in the General Election in 2011, and was substituted by a coalition comprised of Labour Party and Fine Gael.

 Later on, in spite of all the actions undertaken, Moody's reduced Ireland's banks' financial debt to "junk status". Discussion carries on about whether the new administration will demand a subsequent bailout. “By August 2011 the largest of the six state-guaranteed banks, Bank of Ireland, had a market capitalization of €2.86 billion, but loans to the six by the ECB and the Irish Central Bank were about €150 billion” (”EFSF auction attracts €43bn of orders”, 2011, para 5).

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The Role of ECB

The function of the Euro system in Ireland over the last two years, particularly the one of the ECB, is frequently misinterpreted (Asmussen, 2012). In accordance with the dimensions of the economic system, hardly any other euro region obtained such an abundance of assistance from the Euro system. Hardly any other establishment offered more aid to Ireland, compared with the ECB. For example, EU/IMF funds put together were 67.5 billion altogether. Euro system assets assistance to all Irish entitled banking institutions appeared to be more than the double of that sum (Asmussen, 2012).

In reality, ECB assistance and IMF aid tends to be serviced on different grounds. They do not work like equivalents, and there is a difference between central bank financing and fiscal funding (Asmussen, 2012).

Before the plan of fiscal assistance was decided with the foreign loan providers in 2012, the ECB had actually been offering serious assistance to Ireland for a few years. The Euro system was offering the life-preserving infusions to the banking mechanism. Although this assistance was completely consistent with the common guidelines utilized by the ECB to virtually all euro nations, Ireland achieved more positive results than some other regions, since its banking market fluctuations were especially significant.

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“The ECB was, thus, an established key partner of the Irish authorities in staving-off the worst effects of the crisis, well before the EU/IMF programme was designed. This state of affairs is a far cry from the claims that the ECB 'bounced' Ireland into the programme in late 2012” (Asmussen, 2012, para 25).  ECB has helped Ireland, and that continues to be the Banks’s position up to these days. Obviously, this particular assistance could not have been feasible, if Ireland had not been the part of the Eurozone.

Prior to  EU/IMF support plan  arrangement, the overall Euro system finance assistance for Ireland (incorporating fiscal policy procedures to all entitled banking institutions, as well as critical assets assistance from the Irish Central Bank ) came to approximately 100% of the GDP. The complete loan supply currently is over 125 billion euros (Asmussen, 2012).

Nevertheless, there appear to be legal restrictions to what the Euro system will be able to do, and an apparent difference in the responsibilities of a State versus the responsibilities of a central bank. There could likewise be no question that the present sum of assets’ assistance given by the ECB, as well as the Irish Central Bank to Irish banks has to be considerably decreased after a while, and the banking institutions are striving diligently to accomplish this (Asmussen, 2012).

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For the Irish economic system to recuperate, its banking structure should be reasonable and absolutely operative. This will be challenging to achieve with financial institutions that continue to be reliant on Euro system assistance. Using methods available to escape this kind of reliance, the circumstances may be set up for recuperation.

The basis for this recuperation is present. “In late 2012, the ECB played a key role in mitigating the challenges facing the banking system, and in designing programme measures to reverse the situation. I hope you share my view that these measures achieved their initial aims: the stabilization of the banking system” (Asmussen, 2012, para 28).

The choices with regards to the settlements for bond-holders in the previously working Anglo Irish Bank produced much debate. Such choices that were made by the Irish government bodies are not supposed to be made without due consideration.  The outcomes of the following measures must be considered cautiously. It is suggested that the ECB considered it as the minimally detrimental path to entirely cover the impressive financial obligations of the bank (Asmussen, 2012).

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Even though it may have been an unpopular choice, this evaluation was developed at a period of phenomenal strains in fiscal markets and significant anxiety. Guarding the financial trustworthiness and hard-earned benefits from the previous achievements in 2011 was, likewise, an important concern. It was intended to guarantee that no unfavorable outcomes would reach other various Irish financial institutions or all other banks in the EU. Decisive measures and a motivation to make challenging, even questionable choices, positioned Ireland’s fiscal system on a firmer ground (Asmussen, 2012).

The Failure of the Cowen Administration

The 2012 Budget was depicted by analysts in Ireland and all over the globe in uncommonly aggressive words, as €4 billion was taken out from the country's domestic deficit. "The Irish Times labeled it "the most austere Budget in the history of the State".  It was characterized by pay cuts for public sector workers and cuts in social welfare. According to the BBC, social welfare cuts had not been implemented by the country since 1924. The cuts prompted at least one angry outburst in Dail Eireann". (“Ireland Economy Profile 2012”, 2012, para 2).

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In 2012, the budget deficit was as much as 32.4% of GDP - the planet's major deficit, as a proportion of GDP - as a consequence of extra government assistance for the banking industry. “In late 2012, the former COWEN Government agreed to a $112 billion loan package from the EU and IMF to help Dublin further increase the capitalization of its banking sector and avoid defaulting on its sovereign debt” (“Ireland Economy Profile 2012”, 2012, para 1). After coming into office in March 2011, the government headed by Enda Kenny has increased austerity actions to attempt to fulfill the deficit goals within the EU-IMF program for the Irish economy. Ireland attained average development in 2011 and reduced the deficit to 10.1% of GDP, despite the fact that the recuperation has decreased in 2012 because of the Eurozone situation with debts (“Ireland Economy Profile 2012”, 2012).

The Second Bailout

Ireland is producing decent advancement in its efforts to do without the foreign bailout and to begin compensating in its own manner. The European Union, International Monetary Fund and European Central Bank, institutions requested  to verify whether the Irish government  is adhering to the conditions of the  67.5 billion bailout, stated  the nation was working in advance of its objective to reduce its deficits (Pogatchnik, 2011).

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Michael Noonan, the current  Finance Minister, claimed that “Ireland appeared on course to escape dependence next year from its European and IMF lenders, who in 2012 granted Ireland emergency funds after its ability to finance itself was overwhelmed by the worst toxic bank debts in Europe” (Pogatchnik, 2011, para 8). Noonan stated  that Ireland was optimistic in obtaining an agreement with EU leaders  that would get rid of banking obligations from the national debt equivalent to tens of billions (Pogatchnik, 2011).

He mentioned that the objective, chosen as an issue of the EU summit, suggested that Ireland could steer clear of observing its debt ratio reach close to 120 % of its financial output in 2014 - and could  even drop  beneath the financially substantial point of 100 %. In 2011, the Irish GDP increased to 158 billion, with its national debt down to 169.3 billion (Pogatchnik, 2011).


Having a debt weight over 100 % of GDP is preventing the economy from growth. The price of paying that debt indicates the country will not have its economy grow to its complete capability. However, Ireland is predicted and provided to stay on the same path by 2015, to decrease its deficit to less 3 % of its financial output.

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The Irish administration is expecting that the large re-financing agreement might make it possible for many obligations of the Irish bank-bailout, adding up to about 64 billion, to be converted into the mutual European obligations that the country would recompense with more time and less burdensome conditions. Ireland demonstrated that its financial output fell in the initial quarter of 2012, yet enhanced development statistics from 2011 aided the nation to get away from a technical economic downturn (Pogatchnik, 2011).

Dublin has requested the European Central Bank to agree on purchasing Irish state bonds to assist in relieving Ireland’s escape from its foreign bailout at the end of 2013. Ireland’s financial minister, Michael Noonan, mentioned that the administration had requested its foreign loan providers to undertake confidence-increasing actions to decrease bond yields for Ireland, as it was getting ready for its long-awaited comeback to marketplace (Smith (2012).

It could be summarized that even though the previous decisions of the Cowen administration are responsible for the economic downturn of Ireland, the European Central Bank’ assistance was helpful at the given moment, and no other solution could be made in the scenario arisen from the actions taken by Brian Cowen. However, the new administration is very skillful in negotiating with the EU and the ECB to both be able to grow its economy and continue following the financial terms of the previously taken fiscal responsibilities.


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