Free «Reasons Organization Change» Essay Sample

Organizational changes allow the organization to conform to the current demands in the market. Human resource is the most critical factor in facilitating organizational growth and development since they determine cohesion among the other resources in an organization. Contemporary, organizations have adopted changes dictated by a numbers of factors.

Technology advancement triggered most of the organizations to change or flex in order to adopt the current mechanism for of production. For instance, current strategies for storing and managing data in the organization have seen most organization changing from hardcopy data storage to software storage. In addition, most organization have replaced employees with the advanced technology machines, which have been found to be efficient, cost effective and modernized[1].

Cultural diversity forms another reason that has led to organizational changes. The diversity in selecting employees from different corners of the world has facilitated human resource manager to adopt multicultural approaches in managing the employees. Currently, different organization attracts international employees who bring in mix cultures. Conflicts and problem solving skills have therefore, changed to meet the extensive fields and understanding. Managing such employees has led to adoption of concepts such as cultural intelligence and emotional intelligence in human resource management field[2].



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To effectively maintain and attract more customers to the interest of organization, competitive approves have to be renewed. In this connection, human resource functions have adopted approaches to motivate employees to deliver their best. For instance, organizations are adopting contract and job appraisal with the aim of enforcing responsibility and commitment among workers[3].

Effectiveness for current Recruitment and Selection and Training & Development practice

Organizations have adopted a process of selecting and recruiting employees that will enable them reduce the cost of managing the employees. In this connection, several employees regard internal recruitment as the most appropriate approach in recruiting employees to fill the top position. Internal recruiting enables the organization maintain the organizational culture, while amending on areas that have been identified as source of disappointment in the organization. For instance General Electronic Company replaces it CEOs from the top management teams in the same company. However, to introduce new ideas in the organization, junior employee are sourced from the university and other training institutions. These institutions are introduced in the organization at a tender age to ensure that they conform and understand the organization’s goals, culture and market strategies[4].

Organizations have also embraced the call for gender equality in selection and recruitment process. Women abilities have for a long time been despised are now transforming and gaining competitive ability in the organizations[5]. The era where women were regarded as weaker sex has died and employees in most organizations are incorporating women in their management teams. General electronics has not been left behind in this factor.

Training has also emerged as a vital factor in promoting organizational stability in the market. Training during orientation, induction and while dispensing duties in the organization has gained favor in various organizations. Despite undertaking training in the training and teaching institution, organizations are allocating resources meant to help the new recruit in the organization to gain the basic know how or the organization performances[6]. For instance, General Electronic Company organizes forums meant to train the recruits. In supporting development, General Electronic Company have adopted leadership, innovation and change management forum. The forum is effective in introducing new skills and innovations in the company that have enabled the company maintain a competitive edge in electronic marketing. Employee development has also enabled organization escalate the production rate. GE’s program “Development of CEOs” forms an effective approach of developing young employees to become qualities of a CEO.

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In conclusion, organization changes impacts on human resource functions resulting to modification of management strategies. Human capital remains a core factor in determining success of the organization. Therefore, changes affecting human resources should be well evaluated and analyzed to cushion the organization from succumbing.


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