Table of Contents
This paper looks at the PESTEL analysis and the ways it will help a new business specializing in technology with its objective to devise ways of saving energy and minimize consumption on appliances. It also looks at the PESTEL analysis template that represents Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental, and Legal aspects and which is used to determine whether the newly established enterprise will be successful. The body of this paper looks at the factors that must be considered when acquiring a solar panel and the trends in the manufacture of solar panels in the United Kingdom (Degunther 2009).
This paper looks at three trends that are to affect venture into the manufacture of solar panels in the next three years. They include: efficiency of the solar panel and suitability of the panel in relation to the climate and prices. The types of solar panels are discussed with the photovoltaic system known for its contribution to the promotion of green energy. The advantages of the solar panel are found to outweigh its demerits. The paper also discusses its role in generating income.
Moreover, the wind turbine is discussed and the paper looks at how weather patterns enhance performance of wind turbines in the United Kingdom. The role of Feed-In Tariffs in the promotion and encouragement of development of green energy is also discussed in this paper. Trends in the manufacture of wind turbines in the next 3 years will include: efficiency of the wind turbine, suitability, and price.
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The role of motion sensors in the saving of energy is also discussed. The paper answers the question how they have helped reduce energy consumption. Lightings controls, which include timers, dimmers and occupancy, motion and photo sensors, are also discussed since overall they allow to save up to 45 percent annually. Energy saving glazers are discussed in terms of their role in saving energy. Heat loss through the window is minimized hence fewer cold spots and less draughts. They also help isolate the house from the outside noise and reduce condensation of air inside the house. Finally, the paper looks at how green energy will enhance the livelihood of people in the United Kingdom.
Tools for Enterprise
PESTEL tools are used to find out the position and current status of an individual or an organization in relation to their existing position and external environment. PESTEL tools are used as a basis for strategic management as well as for forthcoming scheduling. This paper looks at PESTEL analysis in relation to technological innovation in the context of individuals or organizations and how it impacts technology, social, political, economic, environmental, and legal factors (U'ren 2010).
Political factors affect policies, government directives, local, and national organizations. Policies may be set in a way that prohibits the use of wind turbines since they may be considered to create public risk once they fall from the roof. Economic factors include funding mechanisms, enterprises, businesses, budgets, and income generating targets, while the social aspect covers demography, education, culture, lifestyle, population, and societal attitudes (Scotland 2010).
Technological factors involve innovation and changes of existing technology imperatives. Existing and emerging technologies are both relevant since they are used in teaching, administration, and research. Legal factors affect those legislations that are proposed and passed in the United Kingdom. These factors can have effect on macro level, if they are implemented in the United Kingdom, or on micro level, if they are for an individual or an institution (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory & United States 2005).
PESTEL analysis is important since it ensure that actions of an individual or organization are affiliated positively with those forces of change that affect the world. This promotes and ensures that the organization takes advantage of change hence has more chances of being successful. PESTEL analysis also ensures that decisions that failed are not made in the future, and this explains the effectiveness of using PESTEL analysis. When an individual starts operations in a new region, PESTEL analysis is useful as it helps reduce those unconscious assumptions and in turn helps an individual or organization to adapt to those realities that are present in their new environment. In the United Kingdom, there is a wide range of solar panels manufacturers.
When choosing the best solar panels, several factors which mark the trends in evolution of solar panels have to be considered. These include efficiency of the solar panel and suitability of the panel in relation to the climate and prices in the United Kingdom. These trends have been changing continuously with many solar panels manufactures venturing in the United Kingdom market where they produce quality solar panels at lower prices (Smith 2011). The decision on whether to venture in the technological market of the United Kingdom saves energy and reduces consumption depends on these trends. In the next three years, the industry of solar panels will experience immense positive changes and increased competition.
Solar panels are rapidly gaining popularity in the United Kingdom. There are two types of solar panels: the Solar Thermal Heating and Solar Photovoltaic. The Solar Thermal Heating panels are usually used in heating water. The Solar Photovoltaic panels are used for conversion of energy into household electricity. Solar panels need to be ideally suitable for small on-grid and off-grid applications. The manufacturing quality should be of high standards to provide high performance and high energy yields over a long lifespan in any climatic conditions (Hantula 2010).
With current innovations in solar panels, the electricity system, also known as the photovoltaic, in the solar panels can generate green electricity from sunlight that is cheap. Unlike in other solar panels, these cells do not require direct sunlight for them to work since they can still generate electricity even when there are clouds. These cells are helpful as they convert sunlight into electricity that can be used to light houses and run household appliances. Solar energy provides benefits to users such as avoidance of electricity bills and reduction of costs involved in electricity installation. In the United Kingdom, there exist the Feed-In Tariffs where individuals are paid for electricity they generate even though they are using (Mccoy 2005). If a solar system is producing more electricity than is needed, the surplus can be sold to grids. Solar energy is renewable, does not emit carbon dioxide, and it is green electricity.
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The average cost of a domestic photovoltaic solar panel is £ 7000, which produces between 3.5 to 4kWp inclusive of value added tax. With increased competition from several solar panels manufacturing companies the prices have continued to fall significantly. There are several other factors that affect the cost of installation of photovoltaic cells: it costs more if a system generates more electricity. It is worth noting that larger systems tend to be more cost-effective as compared to the smaller systems. The panels sitting on the top normally are cheaper compared to those that are built into a roof (Kolodko & Vlacic 2005).
Solar panel are cost-effective since a system producing 3.5kWp usually generates about 3000 kilowatts in an hour. This is about three quarter of electricity needs in a typical household. Moreover, if the system is qualified for the Feed-In Tariff, one can earn savings and income of about £ 645 per year while producing 3.5kWp. The advantage is that individuals are paid for both the electricity that they generate and the one that they are using and also they transfer the rest to the grid. There exists the Solar Energy Calculator that is used to estimate the size of the Solar System (Kemp 2005).
Solar panels need minimal maintenance where they only require to be kept clean and away from shadows. They can be slightly inclined, about 15°, to ensure that they are cleaned by the rainfall. When there is dust, debris, droppings, or snow, they can be removed with warm water. Any solar panel usually lasts for up to 25 years or more (International Solar Energy Society 1976).
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There are opportunities present in the venture of manufacture of solar panels. One opportunity is that the sun is always available hence the demand of solar panels is going to remain high. The other opportunity is that the government has continued to subsidize the cost of renewable energies thus attracting many consumers.
Wind turbines use large blades. They turn round when wind blows. The wind drives turbines thus generating electricity. When the wind is strong, more electricity is produced. Of the wind that blows in Europe, 40 percent blows over the United Kingdom hence making it ideal for vast domestic wind turbines. With domestic wind turbines, electricity can be generated at homes in an effort to harness the wind power. Wind turbines in the United Kingdom bring advantages since they cut electricity bills, thus reducing expenses of individuals. Feed-In Tariffs are also applicable for wind turbines where the excess is transferred to the grid (Creative Educational Video & Insight Media 2009).
Wind is also renewable, green, and does not produce pollutants. Excess energy produced can be stored for use when there is no wind. Roof mounted wind turbines are normally smaller as compared to those that are pole mounted. Maintenance cost of a domestic wind turbine is between £100 and £200, and if well maintained, the turbine can last for more than 20 years.
Motion sensors are used to automatically turn off and on heaters as well as lights. They are normally perfect for bathrooms and bedrooms as they turn off lights and heat when the room is not occupied, thus saving on energy. These sensors are designed to detect movement and signals. They are suitable for controlling household electronics and appliances where they turn on and off once a movement is detected. Energy is saved when lights and heat are turned off when they are not needed.
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Lighting controls include timers, dimmers and occupancy, motion, and photo sensors. They help shut off all the unnecessary lights hence saving energy. The overall saving may be between 35 to 45 percent, where most of the potential saving usually occurs in storage areas, bathrooms, and corridors. As a manufacturer of the energy saving appliance, one has to consider its efficiency so that it could attract buyers. The suitability of appliances as well as the price also need to be considered by the manufacturer as this will determine whether the product will survive the stiff competition in the market.
Energy saving glazer is an innovative product that heats the home, while at the same time saving on electricity bills as it prevents losing of heat through the windows. These are double-glazed windows where there are two pieces of glass with a gap between them that acts as an isolating barrier (Partain & Fraas 2010). They are designed in a way to minimize the leakage of air in or out of the window, which prevents heat from passing through the window. This calls for secondary glazing, heavy curtains, and double or triple glazing.
Energy-efficient windows have advantages as they help save nearly £ 200 a year on energy bills. They do not require fuel and do not contribute to global warming since less carbon dioxide is produced. With an efficient glazer that saves on energy, heat loss through the window is minimized, thus fewer cold spots and less draughts. They also help isolate the house from the outside noise and reduce condensation of air inside the house.
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Heavy curtains can also be equipped with heavy lining to prevent the loss of heat from the room through the windows. Just like the windows, doors can be draught proofed to reduce the loss of heat. Glazed windows have benefits since they are more rigid and firm, save more energy, they are resistant to condensation, and reduce transmission of sound, thus reducing the noise pollution. Glazed windows have limitations of weight and price since they are heavier, thus requiring stronger building materials, and their prices are usually higher (Maeda 2011). With continued innovation, trends have emerged that require manufacturers of glazers to consider some aspects in the manufacturing process. They need to be efficient to reduce the loss of heat by eliminating the leakage of air. They are also required to be efficient and effective and their prices should be competitive.
Production of energy%u2010efficient lights (LED) and home appliances is the aim of the business, which is one of the lighting technologies. High quality light-emitting diodes are more durable and energy efficient. They last 25 times longer and use 75 percent less energy as they save energy up to 348 Twh. Light emitting diode, unlike the incandescent bulb, is used to make white light. It reflects light in a particular direction thus eliminating the need for diffusers and reflectors. It is also very important in that it emits very little heat compared to the incandescent bulb. Hence there is a need to venture in the business of light emitting diodes since they are energy efficient (Ryker 2007).
There are opportunities in the manufacture of renewable sources of energy including solar panels and wind turbines. One of the major opportunities are continued government subsidies to manufacturers and consumers hence increasing their demand. Another opportunity is that both wind and sunshine is always available hence favouring the venture.
A threat in the venture of manufacturing renewable sources of energy is increased competition. Another threat is that the stock of solar panels is usually volatile and when the flow of production is disrupted, the stock could suffer from severe effects.
Market Summary
There is a tendency in the development of renewable sources of energy due to the continued increase in the prices of oil and the fact that people are more concerned about the environment. There is an increase in the use of clean energy sources, which include solar panels and wind turbines. This is beneficial to manufacturers of the renewable sources of energy since their demand is increasing. Many eco-friendly manufacturing companies have sprung out investing more in renewable energy. Due to the expansion of the industry, manufacture of renewable sources of energy has become efficient due to the decrease of cost associated with the production. The prices of renewable sources of energy have reduced by 4 per cent per year in the last 15 years.
Venturing in a field of providing technology in ordinary houses in an effort to convert them into ones that save energy and minimize its consumption has a potential since there is ready market for these products. People demand those products that will cut their expenses and prove efficient, effective, and provide green energy that causes no harm to the environment at the same time (Kitcher 2012). All these technological products are a result of innovation hence they last longer, are safer, and reduce costs. There will be a product in the market ready to compete with the existing products, and, due to the use of PESTEL analysis, those methods that failed earlier will not be used in the future. The market in the United Kingdom is open, thus there is an investment opportunity. Moreover, through partnership with other business, market share of our business can be increased.
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Solar panels provide green energy from renewable power, thus more photovoltaic systems will meet energy needs of people and will reduce the impact on the environment. They have minimal movement, do not cause disturbance or noise, and also have minimal operational cost.
There are certain limitations to the business, mostly associated with the fact that technological products have slightly higher prices. For example, glazer windows are more expensive compared to other windows because of double or triple lining.
Wind turbines have limitation in that they are noisy, and, sometimes, when the blades fall apart or break, this can lead to accidents. The location of the solar panel defines its performance where if it is placed in an area with plenty of obstacles, it will not be able to deliver due to obstructions (SQW 2009).
Solar photovoltaic panels have limitations in that they cannot store energy that they produce for later use and also they perform when there is sunlight. Moreover, current electricity from the photovoltaic system may be wasted once it is not transmitted to an intermittent output (Musgrove 2010).
Light emitting diode is a green technology that is more energy efficient as compared to incandescent bulbs. Green technology through the use of solar panels and light emitting diodes can be used to convert houses into eco-friendly homes.