Free «Healthcare, A) B) C) D)» Essay Sample


Learning attracts much attention from both the organizational and economic levels. The European Commission and the UK Government emphasize trainingfor growth. However, many factors affect the level of organizational learning. For example, motivation influences the learning process. Motivation stems from the several factors, such as inflexible learning environment, reward system, support from management, and self-confidence (CIPD, 2005).

The second category is organizational culture or environment. It is an organizational factor that influences the activities of the HRD functions and different attitudes to learning. The lack of learning culture inhibits the process. The process stems from many factors, and insufficient mechanism for information sharing is one of them. Additionally, if learning culture in an organization is characterized by bureaucracy, the employees will be reluctant to share information. However, it easy for an organization with an open culture to influence HRD practices, such as devolving responsibility to an employee creating an opportunity for learning (CIPD, 2005).



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Communication is the way individuals relay information and are helpful to the end user. As a result, the person relaying the information must use effective communication channels in order to be useful to the end user. The learning process requires effective communication in delegation of tasks and objectives. Clear objectives influence performance. Secondly, the lack of adequate information on the need for a learning process and opportunities contributes to the lack of motivation. For example, a healthcare nurse may need information on training opportunity for career advancements, lack of which would inhibit motivation to learning (CIPD, 2005).

Experience is the account of interactions and the way they affect an individual in the learning process. Most occupations require both specified and generic codified and practical knowledge acquired in a different way by learners (CIPD, 2005). For example, interpersonal skills acquired in the family or community and in formal setting within the organization affect the learning process. Such an experience influences the level of openness, while relaying instructions or receiving it. Additionally, the lack of educational experience in a field may reduce a person’s confidence in exploring a different one. For example, organizational leader having a medical background may not be comfortable while pursuing an HR-related course to enhance skills needed in such a position (CIPD, 2006).


Peter Honey and Alan Mumford identify four learning preferences. The first is the activist. An individual with such a character prefers new experiences. He accepts new challenges, is enthusiastic on the new ideas, but not with the implementation of them. In a work environment, an individual needs new experiences, problems, and opportunities; therefore, should not be restricted to a routine schedule. As a result, they are fit to the casualty wards or emergency rooms. Additionally, while in a wok team, they take responsibility of team tasks, such as leading discussions (Wildflower & Brennan, 2011).

The second preference is the reflectors. They take time to evaluate situations from the different perspectives. They need clarity from data to analyze the situation. Additionally, they enjoy observing others and listen to their views before contributing. In work environment they are best at supervision, since they observe individuals and are able to review. Additionally, they do not work on tasks with the strict deadlines, such as emergency situations, since they need time to examine. As a result, they need time for preparation to accomplish a task (Wildflower & Brennan, 2011).

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The other learning preference is the theorist. They adapt and integrate observations into completed and logical theories. They analyze problems step-by-step, and are perfectionists, who fix things into rational frameworks. As a result, they are detached rather than subjective in reasoning. In work situation, they need the areas, where they use skills and experience instructed with a clear purpose. Even though they receive interesting ideas or concepts, they are not relevant. However, they learn less in the situations that empathize on emotions, or in the unstructured activities, when briefing is poor (Wildflower & Brennan, 2011).

The final learning preference is the pragmatists. They try to identify a link between learning and application and, as a result, get the immediate benefit. They are impatient with lengthy discussions and are more practice-oriented. The reason is that they are eager to identify opportunities and implement the learnt skills. As a result, practical learning is essential for their understanding. At work they fit in delivering medication (Wildflower & Brennan, 2011).

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As a theorist 10 and reflector 9 points, I possess different learning preferences. For example, I transform various conditions into complex and logical theories. Secondly, as a result of strong reflective character, I have a varying degree of viewing certain situations from the different perspectives. Additionally, I am a perfectionist and am able to provide a solution without step-by-step assessment of the problem. Even though I like competition, I believe that it is a characteristic that enhances brainstorming skills. For example, I observe others and listen to their views before engaging in a discussion, and then develop challenging questions that will necessitate clear data and figures for authentication.

By concentrating on ideas and theories, I lose a sense of time; hence, I am unable to meet deadlines. As a result, in a learning environment, I am effective in a situation with a guideline in the application of skills and knowledge. As a result, I am rational and objective, even though not in an uncertain situation with ambiguity. Finally, I do not tolerate subjective or intuitive ideas, since I am cautious not to take risks.

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