The SIOP Model is a model developed to help English Language Learners to acquire basic Linguistic skills and finally become masters at the language. In this essay, the basic language objectives that should be addressed in a lesson plan are outlined as according to Resnick and Snow (2009). In this model, a lesson plan can be developed via a three-way strategy involving concept, content objectives and language objectives. A simple outline of a lesson plan for morphology, semantics, and pragmatics can be developed as follows:
Concept: The student should be able to identify what a word means and where it belongs (context of a word or a phrase in which it applies or it is associated with)
Content Objective: Students should group pictures of various objects into specified categories such as animals, plants, people, buildings or clothing.
Language Objective: The students should state why a particular picture should be placed in a particular category. This demonstrates whether the language objective, which is to ensure that the students understand the relationship among various items, has been achieved or not.
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Concept: The students identify the form of an object and how it can change
Content Objective: A story should be read aloud and then the students should answer comprehension questions derived from the story or passage such as ‘Why was the dog barking?’ ‘Why was the child crying?’
Language Objective: The students are introduced to the past tense which they should use in answering the questions in the short story. The teacher assists the students where necessary so as to help students identify various forms of words in their past tense.
Concept: Pragmatics answers the question about how something is used.
Content Objective: Students should narrate an additional story by use of numbers one and two.
Language Objective: Students practice in turns when telling their math-based stories. This ensures that the students practice good pragmatics skills especially taking time to listen to others and taking turns when in a conversation(Filibert, 2006).
The Student Oral Language Observation Matrix utilizes the interview technique so as to assess the level of proficiency for English Learners. In testing, five aspects are utilized: comprehension, fluency, vocabulary, pronunciation and grammar. A SOLOM test for morphology, semantics, and pragmatics can be as follows:
Group the students in pairs and assign them two-way tasks. One student should have half the information and the other figures out this information through answering questions. In addition, let the students describe various photographs or pictures.
Pick a student at random and have them explain a multi-step process to his or her colleagues. Pick another student and have him or her restate what his or her colleague has said or read to his or her peers.
Let the student avidly describe an object, event or person. Take note as to the details and the use of proper wording. Then, brainstorm ideas with the student on a particular topic or object then have the student illustrate this by both creating and explaining it.
The student should record his or her speech on an mp3 player or on tape with an audio output device. Have this replayed to ascertain whether the words are correctly pronounced.
The students should discuss what has been learnt.