Free «Global Competitiveness and Strategic HR» Essay Sample

This paper begins with a conclusion that gives clear definitions of global competitiveness and strategic human resource management within contemporary organizations. The introduction asserts that countries must continually put in place the best strategies that would ensure they compete favorably with the rest that is already established in terms of economic performance. Global competitiveness is able to be achieved only on the condition that all countries around the world move towards the achievement of their objectives in line with the emerging technologies and developments taking place all over the world. Peace should also be adhered to because it ensures that there is effective coordination of efforts towards the achievement of the goals of the organization. Poor strategic plan can lead to retarded growth within the country, hence, making it difficult for it to compete effectively with others. Strategic human resource is the ability of the organization to coordinate its employees towards the achievement of the goals of the organization. Organizations must always ensure that they hire employees that posses relevant skills required for the performance of duties in the organization. In addition, organizations must ensure that they treat their employees fairly in order to motivate them towards the achievement of the goals of the organization. This means that organizations must continually involve their employees in the making of decisions and identification of the goals of the organization. Effective coordination boosts the overall performance of the organization and boosts its competitive advantage. Apple Inc. is similar to other companies such as Microsoft in business practices relating to social responsibility and communication. It differs from these organizations in asset management as Apple Inc use different policy. The paper ends with a conclusion that recaps all the key details discussed.



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Global Competitiveness and Strategic HR

Global competitiveness is concerned with the measurement of the performance and ability of firms, industries, and countries all over the globe. Research indicates that global competitiveness involves a structured and systematic approach to the measurement of economic drivers and challenges around different economies. All countries around the globe are endowed with different resources and have to utilize the existing technology in the utilization of these resources in order to remain globally competitive. Most of the developing economies are extremely competitive due to their rapid growth and utilization of their resource. Large companies such as Apple Inc have continued embracing the evolving technology, hence, remaining globally competitive in the world of technology. Strategic human resource refers to the proper management of human resources within the organization for effective attainment of the goals set by the organization. It involves taking appropriate procedures that will lead to hiring of a desirable work force, training, allocation of duties and responsibilities, and effective compensation to the work force. Strategic human resource improves the overall performance of the company by ensuring that employees are motivated and are destined towards cooperation to the achieve organizational goals. Every organization must adhere to the best practices in order to ensure that it succeeds effectively in its entire performance within the industry. Therefore, all Companies must pay attention to global competitiveness and strategic human resource management as they operate. This will boost their activities.

This paper explicates global competitiveness and strategic human resource. In addition, it compares and contrasts Apple Inc company in terms of business practices.

The International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (2008) asserts that competition is inevitable all over the globe. Additionally, competition is the key spice that improves the quality of the work done in any particular economy. Global competitiveness is concerned with the overall performance of the economies all over the globe. It involves consistent benchmarking of different countries around the globe before compiling the results relating to competitiveness. The Global Benchmarking Network is responsible for the presentation of global competitiveness results from different economies around the globe. The Global Competitiveness report views competition terms of a set of policies, institutions, strategies, and other factors that determine the overall productivity of a particular country around the globe. This implies that all countries have to put in place effective measures that would help in boosting their level of competitiveness. Poor policies are likely to lead to lower levels of competitiveness among countries, hence, leading to poor productivity. The establishment of an advisory body relating to Global Competitiveness can immensely boost the level of competitiveness among different countries. Research asserts that some countries such as Ireland, Bahrain, Guyana, and the Dominican Republic have established effective bodies that offer effective methods  regarding the measures that would boost competitiveness of these countries. Most of these countries rised in the Global Competitive rankings.

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Countries must identify the strategies that would help boost their competitiveness all over the globe and must adhere to full implementation of these strategies. Countries with growing economies would develop an effective Global Competitiveness strategy if they open up their economies to Foreign Direct Investment. Notably, most investors would move into economies that they perceive friendly and accommodative of foreign investments. This implies that all countries must work towards boosting their competitiveness by exploiting their resources effectively without living out any area. They must also put in place appropriate plans that would allow them to work with the emerging levels of technology. Global Competitiveness is vital because it has contributed to the rapid development of all countries around the globe. The healthy competition all over the globe created favorable conditions for rise of quality of life. Research reports indicate that some countries have not been able to match the Global Competiveness standards because of political instability and continuous wars. This implies that peace is a prerequisite for effective competitiveness. The lack of peace and collaboration would automatically make it hard for countries to cope with the high levels of competition. Therefore, countries must continually put in place measures that would ensure that they compete effectively. Peace must be among the key strategies geared towards effective Global Competitiveness among different countries.

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Strategic human resource involves the organization’s identification of the current and future human resource requirements in order to achieve the goals of the organization. There should be a significant link between the human resource of the organization and the overall business plan of the organization. This linkage ensures that effective procedures towards the attainment of organizational goals are put in place. Most large multinational organizations such as Apple Inc have not had a problem with human resource management because of the skillfulness of the managers and the level of competitiveness that exists in the company. According to the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (1999), organizations must be careful enough to link the objectives of the organization to the human resources available within the organization. They must allocate adequate finances to the human resource department, as this would ensure that they achieve their objectives effectively. Frequent motivation for employees and coordination of employees would ensure that they cooperate as they aim at achieving of the goals of the organization. Individuals would only work to achieve  organizational goal in casethey have adequate information relating to these goals. Therefore, communication and information are vital aspects of strategic human resource management.

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Strategic human resource management focuses on the pursuit of objectives that would make the organization extremely distinct from its competitors. A competitive advantage is gained through the long-term allocation of the resources of the company and matching of these resources with the capabilities of the human resource within the organization. Thus, the organization must frequently identify its needs and make sure that they align with the organization’s objectives. Ineffective identification of the goals of the organization would make it difficult for theorganisation to hire the work force that is able to reach the required results. For instance, a technological company like Apple must focus frequently on the employees that possess technological skills as they would be vital in achieving the set up goals. Strategic human resource management is always aimed at ensuring that there is the generation of effective capability, which guarantees that the organization has skilled, motivated and well-committed employees who effectively understand the objectives of the organization.

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According to Bratton (2003), strategic human resource is contains three models, which include high commitment management model, high involvement management model, and the high performance management model. The high performance management is concerned with the coordination of interrelated processes within the organization in order to improve the goals of the overall organization. It is achieved through motivation of the employees and improvement of their skills through training and other measures. Additionally, the high commitment management model entails eliciting the commitment of employees so that their behavior is self-guided rather than is controlled through management sanctions and disciplinary actions. Organizations must work effectively in order to ensure that they help the employees to develop shuch qualities as self-determination and achievement instead of allowing them to be monitored at each instance. Lastly, the high involvement management model entails treatment of employees as a part of the organization. This means that employees have management participative roles as this increases their motivation. It is a vital model because it ensures that organizations are committed to the organization’s goals. These strategies are likely to ensure that the company remains in a leading position within the industry without being overtaken by competitors. The high competiveness of the firm will be achieved through ensuring that these models work effectively and are in line with each other.

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Business practices refer to the methods, procedures, processes, and rules employed by the organization in the conduct of its business activities in order to the achieve the goals of the organization. Some of the good business practices may include a clear definition of the areas of responsibility, establishment of performance objectives, provision of appropriate training to employees, establishment of proper communication channels, and protection of the assets of the company. Concerning business practices, Apple is similar to other companies in the technology industry such as Microsoft in the manner it utilizes and coordinates its communication systems. It ensures that all communication systems within the organization are established effectively, and there is effective communication. The communication systems are similar to those adopted by other companies such as Microsoft, hence, ensuring that the company performs excellently within the technology industry. Proper channels of communication have played an instrumental role in boosting the overall performance of the company. The communication systems are similar, and they ensure that everyone within the organization is informed of the on goings and the desired objectives of the company.

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According to the Datamonitor (2006), the other key similarity between Apple’s business practices and those of its competitors is its strategy in social responsibility. All these companies aim at giving back to the community in which they operate through offering job opportunities and engaging in development projects. This ensures that the business receives effective support from the external environment, hence, improvs its competitiveness within the technological industry. The adoption of the best practices relating to social responsibility ensures that there is continued appreciation and support of the business in its environment. Thus, Apple has continued performing effectively with the social responsibilities it has laid down. This has ensured that it is accepted all over the globe.

On the other hand, Apple’s business practices such as the management of assets are different from those used by other competitors such as Microsoft because of the adoption of different accounting concept. Apple Inc. uses a different approach in the management of its assets with the business environment, and this ensures that it adopts different aspects of planning. For instance, research asserts that Apple Inc. uses the straight-line approach of depreciation while other companies use other methods such as the sum of digits approach. This distinction makes Apple Inc adopt an effective strategy that ensures that there is accountability in asset management.

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In conclusion, global competitiveness is concerned with the measurement of the performance and ability of firms, industries, and countries all over the globe. Research indicates that global competitiveness involves a structured and systematic approach to the measurement of economic drivers and challenges around different economies. Countries must continually putin place strategies that would ensure they compete favorably. Strategic human resource management is concerned with proper recognition of the current and future human resource requirements and putting in place measures to ensure individuals achieve the goals of the organization. All organizations around the globe must continually put in place measures that would ensure they that skills of their work force will help to the acquire goals within the organization. Motivation and increased commitment are also vital for ensuring that key organizational goals are met at the required time. 


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