Free «Global Warming Is Just an Overexaggeration» Essay Sample

Global warming is just an overexaggeration and not a near crisis, as the human kind has been forced to believe. History and science reveal that events of extreme climatic events and changes have always been witnessed throughout the history of the planet; moreover, the evidence of their systematic increases is poor. It is expected that climatic conditions are changing increasingly, as one moves away from the tropics. If this natural occurrence is termed as a crisis, the earth faces a crisis on the permanent basis.

With regard to the recently reported a rise in the sea level, it should be noted that the most rapid change in the sea level was recorded 12,000 years ago (Stott n. p.). Surprisingly, research reveals a relatively average rate during the past centuries. The first half of the 20th century experienced a higher than average rate, as compared to the second half of the same century. To this point, it is obvious that the menace constituted by global warming to the world is lower as compared to other global factors.



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The effect of global warming to agriculture also is rather ambiguous. During the second half of the 20th century, the atmospheric temperature in India, for example, has increased significantly. In turn, the amount of the agricultural products has also increased tremendously.

The relationship between global warming and spread of some infectious diseases, like malaria, cannot also be explained or proved. History reveals that malaria remains endemic in Siberia, Europe, and Michigan to the same extent (Stott n. p.).

The claim that human kind is responsible for the global warming crisis does not add up. A true account is that atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration is indirectly proportional to atmospheric temperature and, thus, global warming. In turn, the greenhouse gases, induced by human beings, are neither related to the rate of emission nor the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Reliable models reveal that a very small percentage of the temperature rise has resulted from the greenhouse impact. Events of atmospheric temperature imbalance are not affected by external factors significantly; rather disequilibrium of the ocean waters with respect to the atmosphere is the main issue. The potential causes of the global warming impact should be the sun, cosmic rays, cloud cover, and water vapor. It is important to note that today modelers have not managed yet to account for the warm periods during the medieval era.

Scientists rely upon temperature readings of the troposphere to predict relevant trends. An interesting discovery has been made, reviling that satellite readings have not predicted any trend in the global warming direction yet. These readings go as far as 23 years ago (American Policy Roundtable n. p.). These results can be termed as unreliable ones since temperature stations that are located on the surface of the planet are usually affected by external factors, such as urban development; thus, they are prone to errors. Satellite readings in relation to the troposphere, therefore, are more reliable. The data are consistent with the weather balloons’ readings (American Policy Roundtable n. p.).

The idea of regarding global warming as a crisis is lacking evidence since it cannot be justified neither by current observations nor the future projections. So many things happen in the world today, yet the human kind has been busy with trying to save the world from the mysterious global warming crisis. Today, many people are dying of hunger, waterborne diseases, HIV and AIDS. However, people are busy with trying to figure out a crisis that is believed to affect the world (Stott n. p.). It might happen in the future, in several hundred years to come. An obvious cause of environmental degradation in today’s society is poverty, yet people turn a deaf ear to it. The human kind is busy with channeling all its efforts towards controlling the climate. The climate is a complex system that will demand a lot of time and resources on trying to figure out the laws and principles of its creation and functioning. All this is done at the expense of more pressing issues that are affecting global society today. The issues, as mentioned earlier, include contaminated water, poverty, and insufficient energy.

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Usually, global warming is a matter of politics rather than a factor of the climate change. Some politics employ the problem in their election campaigns to win the electorate; the issue is also brought up in order to distract society’s attention from other important problems in the country, or to create an illusion of effective national policy.

Certain groups of scientists through extensive research have revealed that quite a number of the predicted global warming events will not see the light of the day in the nearest future. These predictions, presented by the scientists (global warming protagonists), show how pessimistic they were. It appears that society would better rely and use data from the remote past as opposed to the results of the recent researches.

It is important to incorporate the paleoclimate date during the research, as it is believed to give comparatively more accurate information (Page n. p.). A different impression is expected when the temperature of the land and sea surfaces has been reconstructed since the final ice age in comparison to climate simulation models of that particular period. The outcome will have a lower probability of extreme change of climate, as the paleoclimatic constraints correspond to the future. When the current carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is doubled as compared to the pre-industrial levels, there would only be a 3°C rise. This is just but an assumption, as the earth cannot be so sensitive to fluctuation of carbon dioxide (Page n. p.). There is, therefore, no chance of extreme events of climatic change on the basis of paleoclimatic constrains (Page n. p.). More catastrophic events would have occurred already, in accordance to the global warming scientists’ images and predictions. The ‘would world’ should be lifeless by now if the changing levels of carbon dioxide were to result in warming during the past 21,000 years. The world, however, is still habitable at the moment, and people should focus on other issues that really matter, as compared to the global warming issue.

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The models of high sensitivity have been discovered to overestimate the level of cooling, since ice cover is not as heavily depleted as predicted. The international efforts in addressing the global warming issue are geared towards maintaining an atmospheric temperature rise of 2°C. Scientists have taken the initiative and adapted modern and reliable analysis. It should be noted that the analysis is made on the basis of the improved models. The analysis reveals that doubling of carbon dioxide will only lead to a 2.3°C rise in atmospheric temperature. It is obvious that this is within a range of the required 2°C and so there is not a matter to be worried about. It does not make sense to raise an alarm over a rise of atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration over 445 ppm (parts per million), because there is neither a chance nor a tangible prove that the earth’s temperature will rise by 2°C in the nearest future.

The current state of atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration does not give people enough reason to be scared about potential effects of global warming. It is unbelievable how much money (hundreds of billions of dollars) has been dedicated towards curbing the potential effects of global warming. It is, therefore, not fair to interfere with the industrial civilization by closing or enforcing strict policies on various businesses across the world (Gallup 148).

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There has always been a need for guarded pessimism in relation to the global warming (Saad n. p.). Recent studies have successfully revealed that the issue of global warming and its effects has merely been blown up as compared to its real size. There is still enough time to think about global warming from an objective perspective, in order to come up with realistic solutions and address it effectively.

Actually, there is no tangible evidence that global warming is as serious as people have been forced to believe. It demands little effort to take a look at discussions, reports, findings, and opinions of other scientists or relevant professionals, who are dedicated to this research. The general feeling from the United Nations, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has been that the effects of global warming are not as serious; at least, it is not a frightful perspective of the nearest future.

On the other hand, governments across the world should work together towards reducing the emission of greenhouse gases in their respective countries. These efforts should not be rapid or poorly thought-out, as most of the policies are very costly. This would lead to waste of additional resources and the earth will still keep changing. In other words, the efforts should be realistic and sustainable. A typical scenario is when the US strives to comply with the Kyoto Protocol to reduce emission of carbon dioxide to 7%. This could lead to increased taxes on energy and unemployment (approximately 2.4 million people would lose their jobs). It has been proven that if all the nations actively participate in the Kyoto Protocol, the global temperature would only reduce by 0.14°C. These efforts appear to be very expensive, as they can strain state budgets in the name of supporting emission reduction programs.

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The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has not been in a position to prove that global warming is caused by human activities. It admitted that the varied sensitivity of atmospheric conditions plaid a major role in interfering with the weather forecasts. The climate process, therefore, has been difficult to monitor, being save for the many uncertainties and errors that always come up. It is, therefore, unnecessary and wrong to raise an alarm over global warming effects (Saad n. p.). Leading scientists have come out of the box and made tremendous discoveries about global warming. Today, many of them believe that human activities, which have been believed to lead to the emission of greenhouse gases, have any clear relationship with the rise in global temperature that could lead to catastrophic events. It should be noted that the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine has managed to circulate a petition, in which over 17,000 scientists have put their signatures, supporting the issue.

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The seriousness of the effects of global warming can easily be downplayed by its positive effects and how man can take advantage of the situation. There are quite a number of benefits that relate to the tinniest levels of global warming, including human civilization. The warming effects can benefit cold countries, like Iceland through production of additional power. Recent research has predicted a 25% increase in water runoff. This would correspond to an increase of power production of about 45% (Cheng n. p.). However, it is expected that the runoff will not become more intensive in the next 200 years.

Early birds, like the sparrows, have learnt to adapt to climate change. Scientists reveal that this particular ability can be widespread to other species around the world. The global population will definitely adapt to the new conditions.

Earlier reports had suggested that the increase in the number and severity of hurricanes and storms had a close association with global temperature change. Recent studies, however, have revealed that the Atlantic hurricanes are expected to decrease towards the end of the century (Cheng n. p.).

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In conclusion, the issue of global warming has been blown up, for sure, and the world has been working from a perspective of panic, yet the crisis is not as serious as it looks like to be. The best way forward, however, is to invest in relevant research so that the world understands how to address the issue of global warming effectively. It is important to understand a problem and then create a plan that can effectively solve it, rather than to approach the issue on the basis of uncertain assumptions.


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