Free «Mr. Brewster» Essay Sample

The play effectively uses movement, facial expression and state business when Mr. Brewster is introduced to the scene; Act one, scene one; when he enters the stage by calling his colleague Turner. Mr. Brewster who is dressed executively with a brief case and the facial expression displayed by Jed, when he expresses out how Brewster doesn’t look like a chief. Display of facial expression is also rampant when Mr. Brewster was amazed when he met Granny Moses whom, he inquires if he is the one who paints primitive pictures.

A display of state business is evident when Brewster who is a chief employee in the midland oil company, the company with interests in the land where Clampett family has resides. Brewster came to discuss how the family would be generously compensated if they took the offer as Brewster’s midland oil company wanted to commercialize the land through oil exploration.

Vocal projection on the play is consistent as well as the dialect. The dialects is used widely by the Clampett family; Jed, Elly May, Granny, and their relative Jethro. The vocal and physical characterization is evident in the scene when George Turner walks; a geologist in the backwoods, assessing the rock. Granny and Jed surprised by who the mysterious visitor on riding pants, boots and shirts. This gives the cast the authenticity of the play, the characters also synchronize with the style by their use of dialect to portray or bring out effectively the part of the country they are; country side.



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The scenery, prop works and lighting work effectively to bring out the style and mood. The audience is able to plunge back in history to witness in real-time and get a glimpse of the world in that time. The production has coordinated every angle of the story, scenery; prop works and lighting to capture and blend effectively the essence of the play and the different times in history the story happened. The costumes, make-up the production used to bring out the play of the Clampett family and Brewster and George Turner; the employees of midland oil company. The technical elements of the production did utilize the elements to precisely blend with the script and stage performance. The script was well-thought out and one would say the script writer had vision of the play; equipped with the right characters and a script to bring into life before the audience.

The managing of the stage through movement, and the verbal and non-verbal gestures displayed by the characters brought the core story of the play to the audience. The managing of the stage by choreography made the director of the production, to be the wit cradle behind the production. The choreography and the context of the play were electrifying and showed the authencity of the story through the play. The flow of the story from one scene to another was captivating, it was evident that there was effective coordination between the script writer, director of the production and the characters involved in the play. This had a dramatic effect on the play, in that, the coordination from the script to characters mastering the script to heart to the way the stage was managed to effectively bring out the context and style of the play.

The production used effectively the element of design to set the stage for the mood, attitude and the context of the story. The production breathes everlasting life to the script when they scouted for the right characters to bring into life the script of the play. I would say the production left a left a mark on how they perfected to blend every detail of the story to the play.


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