Free «The Vicos Project» Essay Sample

As seen in the Vicos project, it is very important to make considerations of where the setting is and thus, it is important to illustrate the relationships among culture, organizations, and leadership. Taking into account that a combination of these project parameters was a unique platform comprising of the various norms, beliefs, values and attitudes of different people and groups in the study; it helped to define the way of interaction within and outside of the geographical area. It is a kind of approach which gives the real picture of what the project is and defines the unique feature of the research that was conducted. With the continued observation and practice, these elements became a pattern of description how things and activities are undertaken by the members within and outside of the organization.

The development and evaluation of an organizational culture depend on the various dimensions and are affected by a number of elements like those of culture, organization and leadership. The first clarification concerns the fact of what the organization does, its major and minor undertakings, its focus and the values it upholds. Basically this can be described as the paradigm which involves the way of doing and thinking in the various circumstances in the organization. Secondly, the attention should be paid to the existing techniques and methods used in monitoring the execution of tasks, commonly referred to as the control systems. They serve to control whether the performances of the cultural group or organization’s leaders in general meet the expectations; and if not, what is the deviation of a current performance from the expectations. The organizational order of authority and the framework of the society contribute to the development and maintenance of the culture, organization and meaningful adjustments needed for change. These are the key elements that have helped to develop and maintain a society’s culture because they define the decision making processes as well as the control distribution.


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