There are various issues concerning immigration in America. The United States has completely lost control of its boundaries as many illegal immigrants have finally found their way into America (Flores, 2003). It appears as though most of the illegal immigrants will be permitted to legally stay in the United States. Currently, both major parties have an interest in them because the number of Hispanic votes is very crucial despite the fact it is the minority group. It is imperative to remember that a small percentage of votes can be decisive in the election. Considering Europe, the problem of immigration is very crucial as Muslim immigrants with a more disparate culture than the Mexicans in America are visiting the country. Thus, the American Democratic Ideal is not a reality in terms of this immigration issue.
The United States is in reality a democracy. However, the founding fathers of America did not long for democracy but for a republic, maintaining this via the leaders who were elected. America and the founding fathers in particular were much more concerned with liberty which essentially was all about freedom from the government. Thus, the United States is known more for liberty than democracy. The concern of having liberty not democracy deserves animated discussions. This is most evident with the manner through which the constitution of the United States was drafted. It has a system of electoral vote that is still applicable to this date.
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Most importantly, the Supreme Court can strike out any legislation that they deem unconstitutional. This is the same reason as to why the United States has a Bill of Rights which was foreseen in protecting the American people from the oppression of the majority group. This way, American democracy functions well. This has been very instrumental in some occasions, although there were cases that the American founding fathers would not accept. For instance, unjust regulations and rules discriminating against the African Americans were termed as unconstitutional. However, it can be improved in some ways like the legalization of abortion, which was something against the wishes of many Americans. Thus, democracy here did not have its play and the same case applies to immigration in the United States.
The founders of the United States understood more clearly than contemporary politicians that liberty was the fundamental establishment need for the prosperity of Americans and was essential for the pursuit of joy and happiness (Hacker and Pierson, 2011). The American founding fathers yearned for secure rights of property, even though they knew the danger would be posed through a true democracy. This is obvious from the activity of the one of the American statesmen and political theorists called James Madison. He reiterated that democracy was not compatible with the rights of property. Although the United States is a democracy, the time we are living in and challenges posed by illegal immigration proves James Madison was right. The rights to private property have been eroded away through the oppression of the majority that represents democracy (Hacker and Pierson, 2011). Take a good example of the French and their country. The employer cannot fire or even hire at will. The employer has to keep sluggards at the organization just like the challenge of a poorly informed electorate, who often don’t vote, while still terming the United States a democracy. This will certainly affect the nation and the rights of the people.
The case of illegal immigrants in the United States is comparable to contemporary democracies where, it is not easy to kick out a tenant that is no longer wanted affecting individual property rights. Therefore, an individual cannot hire any person because of their own choice and cannot accept whatever kind of tenants needed. This is where liberty beats democracy and the illegal immigrants can be equated to these tenants. It is through democracy that the property rights are limited and that is what the American founding fathers sought to abolish by taking liberty as a basic philosophy for their state. Creating freedom through the government was actually intended for the people of America to prosper in this sense.
This ideal is best served by the elite model expressing worries that democracy will ultimately degenerate into a system of anarchy and will in the end brew dictatorship. Thus, there should not be more direct democracy as it has mainly contributed to the illegal immigrants’ situation in America. This is a very unique possibility which appears to be rather probable for taking effect in the forthcoming future. This is a characteristic of a democratic system like the United States. However, the Republican Party is more persuasive in highlighting the plight of America due to illegal immigration (Jonsson, 2012). There is a chance of irrational opinions and decisions emerging through democrats. The United States is more liberty focused than democracy guided. It is an issue of the main concern and we keep wondering how long democracies will get away with it. The cumulative effects occasioned by bad democratic decisions cause a lot of failure and worry in the system of governance, which trickles down to the people. The Republicans in the United States realize danger that democracy would result in a redistribution of property from the diligent, able, daring and disciplined to those who were less disciplined, able, daring and diligent. Illegal immigration is a socialist affair that is seen in the United States.
In conclusion, the issue of the United States being a democracy is not without any limits. In essence, the United States is known more for liberty than it is the case of democracy. Democracy cannot solve the serious problems and challenges that the United States has faced since it was founded. Such solutions have required short term pain for the achievement of lasting results. The current democratic leaders and other politicians have found this very hard to accomplish, but the United States has sailed through in pursuit of liberty, which has saved the nation.