Free «Utopia describes an Ideal Community» Essay Sample

To begin with, utopia describes an ideal community or in other words a society that has attained perfection in terms of its socio-politico-legal system. Utopian thought was developed in the most part of it by More Thomas who dwelled in the city of London for long (Hertzler 129). In line with this, Utopian thought describes a perfect city based on several characteristics with its institutions being urban cities. As such, every one in Utopia is expected to work and thus there is universal labor. At the same time, equal opportunity in the employment sector is provided in Utopia (Hertzler 142). This means that in Utopia, equal rights are practiced for both men and women. This is to suggest that there is no gender bias and thus women are treated as good as men giving both equal opportunities.

Culture and self development is valued in Utopia and thus there is a lot of pleasure. As well, good health care systems, good infrastructure and educational development mark the daily life of the utopian people. Needless to say, in Utopia, dwellers detest war as to be brutal and thus the leaders of the enemy are assassinated (Hertzler 142). In particular, defense and protection wars are the only wars that Utopians fight. Arguably, Utopia is marked by its member’s pursuit of science and technology development. At the same time, there is freedom of worship as well (Hertzler 144).Beginning with John Winthrop in the 17th century and restating by Ronald Reagan in the 20th century, America has been visualized as “a city upon a hill,” a perfect society that welcomes all and that others look up to. It has often been argued that America is a utopia. Given to the fact that America is technologically and scientifically developed, with many developmental opportunities and as such viewed as a superpower, America is a Utopia.



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Following this point, it is arguable that America is a utopia. The aspect of utopia which is seen in America is interlinked with the life that is lived thereof. Unquestionably, America offers the best form of education across the world. As such, most of people from other non-American countries inclusive of the developing countries, seek to study in America. It is actually the pride of many to attain education from America. Therefore, many further their studies in America for a world class degree. In this context, education contributes to the improved living standards of people and thus education offers greatest hopes for humanity perfection (Hertzler 112). It opens employment opportunities for people and thus one is able to work which is a requirement in a utopian society. As well, education helps in innovation, technology and scientific developments which are the main pursuit goals in a utopian society. From this perspective, America then qualifies to be a utopia as it has these characteristics brought about by the standard kind of education.

Outstandingly, America is described by equal rights for all whereby both men and women have equal opportunities in education, employment and politics among other sectors that make up the society. This factor is required in a Utopian society of which then qualifies America as Utopia. In connection to this, America has a universal health care system which ensures health care for all. Actually, a good health care is as a result of scientific developments and technological developments which minimize chances of dying by innovating better technologies to support health living. Healthy population is a more productive population and in this regard, it is a requirement in Utopia that each member of the society inclusive of the elderly be given quality health care (Hertzler 247). This is supported by Medicare and Medicaid care providers in America towards a better and health society.

In addition, developments in science and technology in America have contributed to better living standards which describe life in Utopia. As such, technology has brought about much luxury with few hours of work that are required in a Utopian society. This has been brought about by the initiation of computers and cell phones making communication easier. Infrastructure is well developed in America and most of the people operate on the basis of technology with a majority of people driving. In the same line of thought, America is a democratic society whereby each and every citizen has a right to vote (Hertzler 297). This matches the requirement put forward for a society to attain utopianism. Along with this, America has freedom of worship with many religions being practiced. For instance, there is Christianity and Islam among other religions. Thus, America is a utopian with many qualities of a utopian society.

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Notably, America as a superpower has been so much aggressive leading on war on terrorism. As a matter of fact, this brings out the aspect of the Utopian society of which it only makes wars of protection and defense. The military and the internal security of America is a powerful one with super weapons used for defense and therefore America qualifies to be a utopia since it has taken in most qualities of a utopia. This is the reason why many people around the world long to study, work and even live in America since it is an ideal society that is seen as an example of societal perfection.

From the information provided, America is a utopia of which its status has been associated with technological and scientific developments, with many opportunities of education and employment. It has quality health care system, good infrastructure, and political democracy whereby all citizens vote. As well, there is freedom of worship, powerful internal security and equal opportunity for all. As such, this has been made possible by scientific and technological developments creating such opportunities. America is a Utopia and as such, if the developing countries consider and implement the factors that have worked for development of America as an ideal society, rising to utopianism is inevitable.


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