Free «Weighted Shoes Life Cycle» Essay Sample

Weighted shoes are specially designed shoes made typically for running or walking in order to produce desired effects for the user. The weighted shoes guarantee the user that in within 30 minutes of walking in these shoes, their user body will be subjected to burning more calories than that of walking with regular shoes. Otherwise these shoes have been criticized by psychologists as they put strain on one’s leg muscle although, they agree that they have a capacity to burn calories more that walking with regular shoes (Weighted Shoes, 2013)

The weighted shoes can also be used for running and doing different training programs. A desert runner using weighted shoes has a better chance of improving his skill. Since desert running weighted shoes are capable of equalizing the strength of runner’s leg. This equal leg strength facilitates equal strides of a trainee runner making him pore proficient in running. This also intern promotes development of long powerful stride. These shoes strengthen lower leg muscle providing a better workout. Therefore, the shoes tend to increase the strength for every step while walking or running. The weighted desert running shoes also fastens one’s body ensuring that there is no weight slipping resulting to low weight adjustments. Once a trainee is in these shoes, he can jump or exercise as his weight remains compact in one place. These shoes have similar effects on ankle weights, but having a superior way of utilizing less weight in a more streamlined exercise workout. Heavy weights risk a user to strains and injuries. This proves the reason why the desert weighted shoes weighs less, but at the same time proves effective in exercises routines. A desert weighted shoe for running is approximately 15-60 grams per foot and a complete 8 weight will weigh 120 gram an equivalent of 4,23 ounces (Boulder Running Weights, 2010).



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Before the introduction of a product life cycle of weighted shoes, the company, which produces them, has to evaluate cost efficiency of their intended product. The weighted shoe to be made must emphasize on customer buying behaviors. The product life cycle, therefore, lie in the installations of accessory equipment’s needed for shoe manufacture, component parts raw materials, raw materials supplies and business services for manufacture to be successful. Installation is more of heavy capital investments influencing the decision making. The weighted company ensures that it employs product mix to assort its product line so to enhance product profitability with the least available resources (Boone & Kurtz, 2013).

The product life cycle of a weighted shoe must go through four stages for it to be successful, but must embark on creative innovation and product research and development in order to avoid the last stage. These stages includes: introduction, growth, maturity and decline. The product life cycle in the weighted shoe products applies within the industry, but not to individual brands produced by the company. During the introductory stage of a weighted shoe life cycle, the company that is making the shoe must stimulate its demand in the market to its potential buyers. This can be put in effect by the company if it can have the ability to introduce new technology through improved mechanization. This will give the company a competitive advantage over its competitors. The focus at this stage when making the weighted shoes for walking will be product campaigns stressing as a strategy. Since the weighted shoe at this level is unknown to the customer/market. Additional promotions ought to be done to stimulate the demand for the product. This creates awareness to the general public and they start to accept it. Success of the weighted shoe in the introductory stage should be evident in the GPS mapping device as global positioning requires some years to be enhanced. The company should be ready to resolve technical problems that may arise. This can be common as the company has not learnt the loopholes of the product being introduced. Also, the weighted shoes at the beginning can suffer huge financial loses. The reason is that the company of weighted shoe designs and massive advertisings leads to heavy finance and must be implemented for long term returns. Moreover, online marketing can cause technical hitches as portal jamming’s common in online marketing (Boone & Kurtz, 2013).

At the growth stage, the sales volume of the company tends to rise as the product penetrates the market. Many buyers try the product for the first time and earlier buyers repurchase the weighted shoe. At this stage, the company realizes substantial amount of profit from the newly investment. Personal selling, massive advertising and reduced prices increase the sales volumes of the weighted shoes. Buyers make trial purchases and the company realizes increased revenues ensuring that the company establishes itself in the market place and this poses a challenge to company’s marketers. Marketers are faced with increased pressure to enhance more product influence for maximum profit returns respectively. The growth rate at this stage of a weighted shoe will be heavily relied on company competitive technology over its competitors (Boone & Kurtz, 2013).

At maturity stage, the weighted sales of the company tend to stabilize. The revenues reach a plateau phase in the third stage. The company sales and market share increment now relies on the ability to acquire new potential buyers. The company profits may decline as more powerful competitors enter the market. At this stage, the company should emphasize on product differentiation promotion efforts from those offered by its competitors to enhance product loyalty. The weighted shoe company may choose to differentiate its company on basis of quality, reliability or service advantages. Also, the company may opt to redesign its products to extend the product lifecycle. A company in a case of Nike has applied Flywire technology to athletic shoes for professional athletes weighing less than one ounce a piece to enhance pounding for them. This has increased its weighted show lifecycle and its competitiveness in the market (Boone & Kurtz, 2013).

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At the last stage of weighted shoe lifecycle, decline, the product lie and its innovation shift to the consumer preference while leads to absolute sales decline. The company may still hold at this stage as the new adopted consumers perceive the product as fresh. Consequently, their parents have been using it for a long time. Company sales may increase as the existing buyers may increase their purchases even if no new customers have entered the market. Marketers, at this level of decline, insist on repeated purchases. This strategy has proved successful in sunscreen during warm and sunny seasons annually (Boone & Kurtz, 2013).

The weighted shoe product life cycle thus has to be managed using product lifecycle management system. This is a systematic controlled concept that manages and develops product related information. This strategy ensures controls in product development, productizing and product marketing processes, order delivery processes, product information throughout product lifecycle and general management of product life cycle (Sa%u0308a%u0308ksvuori & Immonen, 2005).

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Information models and product structures are required for the success of the weighted shoe implementation. Furthermore, information model comprises of models including customer information, financial information, delivery information support and entire general customer information management. This product information data model analyses information on the weighted product and its relationship with other pieces of information that affects product lifecycle. The model defines the weighted product described in the information model in which the functions, properties and generic information are described. The product model in lifecycle management describes the needed information entities and its main importance in the product point of view (Sa%u0308a%u0308ksvuori & Immonen, 2005).

The weighted product model, therefore, is a general structure for each and every product, which is recorded and also arranged according to the available product information. This model constitutes of generic product structures, which is the general product concept rather than a particular unique product unit. The product life cycle thus is an ideally information processing system that integrates all core processing/manufacturing processes the company connects to integrate and control business processes. The weighted shoes company can do this through use of information that is closely related to the weighted shoes. This helps and guides the marketing plan of the weighted shoe as the information for both insiders and other outsider stakeholders is put to evaluation (Sa%u0308a%u0308ksvuori & Immonen, 2005).

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Implementation of lifecycle management system will allow functionality of the marketing plan. This is by the reasoning that the system management provides clear advantages in development of weighted shoes that is expected in the system project. These advantages success of the weighted shoes are then determined by how well the organization sets its goals. Also the company’s current software it possesses will impact on the demands of the consumer. This will help weighted shoes designers who edit these designs to inform the system about the current editing to enhance design updates in their servers. This file is returned to the management after updating for check out and checks in system functions. The weighted shoes lifecycle hence is dynamic and proper technology and marketing structure have to be incorporated for its success (Sa%u0308a%u0308ksvuori & Immonen, 2005).


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