Free «Why Choose Cosmetology» Essay Sample

I developed an interest in cosmetology back in the days when was I was a kid, and realized this when I started doing my sisters’ hair. Every time I did their hair, they would smile broadly to indicate how fabulous my work was, even though I did not have any practice. My mother was my source of motivation as she encouraged me not to give up but follow my dreams till the end. Nothing amazes me more than making someone look beautiful by applying makeup or creating a new look. I aspire to have my own cosmetic store and a saloon and I am certain that your institution is well equipped to prepare me for this interesting career.

Cosmetology offers diverse career opportunities because there are many areas within the industry. For instance, esthetics is particularly good specialization entailing areas such as medical esthetics, skin care specialist and laser treatment. Hairdressing is particularly appealing as it offers many opportunities in runway fashion, film and theatre. Other opportunities are nail work and makeup artist.



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There is a high demand for saloon specialists and stylists due to the increasing number of customers. A career in this field has an unlimited income potential because the more a person works, the more he/she earns. Cosmetology is also a remarkably flexible and mobile career because the specialists choose their own schedule and can work from anywhere, including back stage and in the homes of customers. On the other hand, cosmetologists are needed everywhere because the industry is worth approximately $50 billion and still growing at a faster rate.

Generally, the ability to keep doing what I am devoted to for the rest of my career means the world to me. I am always satisfied to see a smile on one’s face due to my work, an occurrence that is not common in many careers.


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