Free «Corruption» Essay Sample

There are numerous issues affecting either a section of the society or the entire society in the world currently. Problems in the society are defined as existing conditions that undermine the well being of a people. These may be issues or conditions that make the population lead sore lives. In the United States for instance, people may refer to unemployment and the current economic dwindle as problems. Problems in the society are unique in the sense that they affect diverse segments of the residents at various times. The social problems that affect young people are not the same social problems that affect old members of the society. However, effects of social problems can affect the entire society regardless of gender or age disparities (Meany, & Shuster, 2002). This means that every member of the society has a responsibility in making sure that problems are eliminated in the society. It is imperative that people must look for solutions to combat problems, but before that, it is extremely clear that people must understand the problem before looking for solutions.



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Corruption is an endemic problem in most societies. Corruption means abusing ones authority for individual gains. It is a state where the powerful party or authority uses unfair means that are often immoral and unethical to enrich ones self. The means through which powerful individuals use to enrich themselves are in most cases below the acceptable norms in the society. They are regarded as vices or may be outlawed in their constitutions, but because of political patronage those in power are able to get a way with it. At the moment, corruption or bribery is a global problem. The situation is, however, worse in developing economies and in societies where governments are heavy handed like china (Alatas, 1999).

In certain incidences corruption can happen in accordance with the law or against the law. Corruption in accordance to law occurs in a situation whereby people are forced to pay bribes to access services. The person who pays a bribe receives preferential treatment. This treatment is supposed to be dispensed to the public freely, but the person in charge solicits for a token before giving them. The second form of corruption happens in a situation whereby a person pays for a bribe to receive a service or obtain something that the giver is not authorized to give. Corruption is a serious problem that threatens the social fabric of society. It tears a part the people ant their governments. Corruption is a problem that is difficult to fight. This is because it is a carefully negotiated pact by both parties. The problem of corruption remains a challenge to justice in society (Meany, & Shuster, 2002).

The population is forced to pay bribes to access services that are funded by their taxes. Those who live at the bottom of the pyramid are the most affected as they can not raise the amount needed for bribery. This problem is not limited to governments and political elites. Corruption is a problem that cuts across in the society. Fighting corruption menace has always been a challenge because it is done secretively. Graft is a complex vice that the society has to be extremely vigilant to eliminate in the society. Previous campaigns to root out this vice among the population have not been successful. Bribery is a strategic action in which all parties involved create an exchange relation by means of successful transfer money or power that sidesteps legal provisions. Those at the helm of this vice always end up accumulating or authority making it difficult for the law to catch up with them.

Cause of corruption

A number of factors that make corruption flourish in the society. The first issue is the existence of rules, laws and administrative decrees that govern businesses and economic activities. In the United States for instance, there are many legislative provisions that business must adhere to when transacting businesses. This avenue creates a fertile ground for corruption to thrive in the society. Governments and other authorities operate in secrecy and complicated ways. Like in the United States for instance, the government transacts business transactions in shrouded environments making it difficult for the population to understand how the relationship between businesses and governments (Alatas, 1999).

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This creates an opportunity for individuals who are politically connected to have their way and gain unfairly. This practice has existed for many centuries. Financial institutions are among the worst affected institutions. Greedy business individuals bribe government officials in order to receive lucrative government contracts. It is difficult for the law to arrest such situations because of the secrecy encapsulating government operations. The population has no knowledge concerning government operations meaning that chances of discerning bribery allegations are limited. The second factor that causes corruption in the society is the question of political patronage. Politicians and administrators have unlimited authority in the society.

Most constitutions grand politicians discretionary powers in relation to establishing legal provisions. They are also limitless freedom to decide how rules are implemented in the society. Furthermore, the political elite in most cases have the powers to enact, alter rescind laws. This situation presents politicians with a unique opportunity in the society. Hundreds of organizations and individuals attempt to bribe legislators to alter the constitution in their favor. Many constitutional provisions have been altered or invoked to favor certain individuals in the society (Gray, & Daniel, 1998).

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The problem of corruption is further created by the fact that there are no effective legal provisions to hold politicians accountable. Most senior level corruption goes unpunished because its perpetrators are senior people in the society. In most countries including the United States, it is difficult for the courts to convict rich and powerful individuals. This is further supported by the fact that powerful individuals have the financial capability to hire qualified legal experts to help them slip away with corruption. Absence of strong deterrent legal frameworks to deal with corruption is a factor that encourages corruption seriously.

The third factor that promotes corruption in the society is the lack of ethical norms in the society. In some cases, people do not need strong legal provisions to be exemplary citizens. They only need something to inspire them to be decent citizens. This is something that is desperately lucking in most societies. They do not have positive social norms that can guide the society towards progress. In such societies, people are greed in the sense that they only mind of themselves and not others (Gray, & Daniel, 1998).

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The fourth factor that causes corruption in most societies is poor, working conditions for workers. Most employees are poorly remunerated and have no access to any incentives. This situation leaves most employees with no choice but to request for bribes from people in order to meet the cost of their lives. This situation is further exacerbated by the fact that there are no stringent measures to net those who demand bribes. Those who demand bribes are glorified instead of facing punishment. The other cause of corruption in the society is the concept of cronyism or favoritism. This is a situation whereby a person in position of authority uses his position to benefit his friends unfairly. Although, the majority of the citizens believe it is usual for a person in authority to help his friends that is not entirely correct. It is unfair for anyone in position of authority to help his friends gain an unfair advantage.

Solutions to corruption

It is clear that corruption is a rampant problem in societies. The society needs to adopt a holistic approach in order to combat this problem perfectly. This means that everyone must participate in making sure that the problem of corruption is eliminated in the society. Corruption costs governments millions of dollars annually. In order to fight this menace effectively, the society needs to nurture irreproachable morals in young people. This could be the perfect solution to corruption in the society. Although, most organizations that fight graft emphasize on stringent legal measures, it is extremely crucial that enormous efforts be devoted towards changing people from their hearts (Meany, & Shuster, 2002).

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The other solution to corruption lies in the manner in which governments conduct their businesses. Governments and other authorities involved in monitoring businesses should transact their businesses in full glare of the public. There should be no secretes surrounding tendering processes. That way, the public will understand how their governments operate. Uncouth government individuals will also be discouraged from soliciting bribes. This coupled with strong legal provisions will have curb corruption significantly in societies. The other solution is that governments need to pay their servants handsomely. A good salary at the end of the month would deter an employee from demanding bribes. Governments that pay their employees appropriately register little cases related to corruption (Meany, & Shuster, 2002).

There are many problems afflicting people in the world currently. The problem of corruption has existed in the world since time in memorial. The causes and consequences of corruption are varied. The united nation reported that corruption causes governments to lose millions of dollars annually. This vice remains an intricate issue in the society because it happens in deep secrecy. Corruption can have devastating effects to the society if not contained. It denies and relegates the poor to the periphery. The political class and influential citizens gains unfairly thus creating a massive divide between the haves and the poor. 


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