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2010 Tax Laws essay

Due to the major tax changes in the United States of America designed to encourage economic growth and development, the year 2010 is on track as a busy tax planning year for the businesses and individuals. This essay discusses the most recent Tax ... Read more »

A Case Linkage Between Drug Misuse And Crime essay

The sole objective of this study is aimed towards establishment of specific and identifiable steps into looking at the relationship of drugs to crime and other psychosocial problems that is rampant especially among the youths who get grossed in ... Read more »

A-Fraud essay

The issue of privacy has continued to raise contention, both in the social circles and at the workplace. In consistent with this, people has continued to argue that they are entitled to lead private lives or on the other hand, maintain their ... Read more »

A Live Case Study essay

1) According to the current NMC legislation, the suitable outcome of the case will be harsher for the nurse Biju John. The 2008 NMC Code establishes high standards of nurses’ conduct, besides the present law of negligence subjects nurse to ... Read more »

A Tort Law essay

Introduction A tort is a civil wrong. Tort law is branch of law that tries to give remedies to the civil wrongs not arising from contractual obligation (Johnston and Markesinis, 2008). It defines what it constitutes a legal injury and ... Read more »

Administrative Law essay

Administrative law is a branch of public law that governs the activities of government administrative agencies. Government actions can include rulemaking, adjudication, or the enforcement of a specific regulatory agenda. In the United States, ... Read more »

Advocacy Project essay

The advocacy project dealt with in this paper  focuses on problems of mental health services for culturally diverse disabled community members in Hollywood.   To gain some more profound insights into the situation and to prepare ... Read more »

American Constitution essay

Introduction American constitution has remarkably been amended and remodeled since1787 when its ratification by various states begun. Several personalities and organizations put effort to ensure its implementation amid resistance from some states. ... Read more »

American Immigration Policy and Legislation essay

The United States Senate prepared a bill in the year 2007 meant to address the problem of illegal immigrants and those that were not documented (Kenny 92). The bill aimed at tightening border security and later opening a path for immigrants to ... Read more »

Amnesty for Immigrants essay

Abstract Illegal immigration is one of the most challenging problems facing the United States. The number of illegal immigrants entering America constantly increases. This paper argues that illegal immigrants to the U.S. must be granted amnesty, ... Read more »

Animal rights essay

Rights make it possible to live peacefully, trade, produce, and free from the threat of violence. Like humans, animals also have some rights. The animal rights were firstly developed by the Lewis Gompertz in 1824. According to him every living ... Read more »

Anti-Semitic Sentiments essay

Abstract There are many different rhetoric strategies that prove to be successful in justification of an author’s point of view. Bergmann, in his Anti-Semitic Attitudes in Europe: A Comparative Perspective, used several ones, which involve a ... Read more »

Arguing against Capital Punishment essay

In November 1949, Betty Evans and her baby daughter Geraldine were brutally murdered at their residence in London. They had been strangled. Police investigation into these gruesome murders commenced and the top suspect was none other than a ... Read more »

Arizona Bill HB 2281 essay

The House Bill 2281 is commonly referred as an ethnic studies law and was enacted in Arizona State after the Governor Jan Brewer officially signed it. This bill addresses the school curriculum and most noteworthy is the declaration policy which ... Read more »

Arizona Immigration state Law essay

Introduction The United States has for many years faced a great challenge in ascertaining the exact needs of its population as a result of illegal immigration. For this reason, politicians whose strategies point out on combating illegal immigration ... Read more »

Articles Analysis: Crime essay

(a) In Crime, culpability, and the adolescent brain, Beckman presents views on a controversial issue of the criminality of people under the age of 18 years. The issues presented at stake are that sentencing people less than eighteen years to death ... Read more »

Articles of Confederation essay

Articles of confederation being the United States' first constitution, had specification on operations of The Federal government. It also included the adoption of a new name, the United States of America, for this nation. The Second Continental ... Read more »

Asian Immigrants essay

Basically speaking, United Nations comprises of immigrants. The US demographic population is composed of native as well as a large scope of immigrants originally from Europe and Asian countries. Before 1965, most of the US immigrants were from ... Read more »

Ban Capital Punishment essay

Death penalty is an important issue in the US. The debate over it has continued for decades, but there are still some states that support capital punishment. It is truly amazing how in modern world, which supports human rights and stands for ... Read more »

Becoming a Cop essay

Law enforcement agencies play a vital role in maintaining order in the United States. These agencies recruit officers who have the ability to use their commands restricted in some way and in most cases they are geographical. In the United States ... Read more »

Bloods and Crips essay

Introduction According to Fleisher (1998) the existence of black gangs in Los Angeles can be traced back into 1920, during which gangs like Boozies and Goodlows controlled gambling and prostitution in Los Angeles' central avenue. In 1950s Los ... Read more »

Business Law Analysis essay

Introduction During the last century, the preponderance of laws in the United States, which were intended to shelter employees from unreasonable labor behavior and were carried out by business owners, got ratified as a consequence of the work ... Read more »

Business Law Case Analysis essay

Introduction In a wake of rapid development of information technologies the issue of copyright ownership becomes increasingly important. This paper is an attempt to outline the Supreme Court case which has important implications for copyright ... Read more »

Business Law Issue essay

ISSUE: Does a valid and binding contract between Gerald and Luis for the sale of coffee exist? RULE: For a contract to be valid, the following elements should be present: agreement, consideration, legality, capacity and consent. An agreement is ... Read more »

Canadian Administrative Law essay

Introduction Considering the case of Roncarelli v. Duplessis which happened about 50years ago and the current time, questions that come up include: with the increase of places which sell liquor today, how are the owners protected from public ... Read more »

Canadian Employment Law essay

In Canada there are four structures of business one can choose from, the sole proprietorship, partnerships, corporations or limited companies (Bates, 2003). Sole proprietorship, are business types where the owner has full responsibility of ... Read more »

Capital Punishment essay

Capital punishment refers to the legal process through which a state puts a person to death as a punishment due to a crime (Steiker, 2010). People refer to such crimes as capital offences or capital crimes. Many doctrines in the criminal laws have ... Read more »

Capital Punishment Summary essay

The means of apprehending criminals and bringing them to justice will forever continue to generate heated debate among members of the public. As crime rate continues to increase, and continued lack of practical substitute ways to solve crime trend. ... Read more »

Case problems 14 and 16 essay

            The business law holds that the full amount of the contract will only be awarded to the contractor at the end of the contract after the work is credibly certified. In this case the ... Read more »

Case Study essay

Once somebody has been suspected or caught in wrong, the police arresting him should tell him the reason of being arrested. They should ensure that they maintain his peace, as he is not guilty until found guilt by the court of law. The arrest is ... Read more »

Casey Anthony Trial essay

Casey Anthony was arrested on July 16, 2008 with charges of child neglect. This charge came after her mother, Cindy Anthony, reported that her granddaughter had been missing for over a month, without any reports made by Casey. Casey was locked up in ... Read more »

Changes in the Police Force essay

The police force in the world will change significantly in the 21st century; the need of the police to meet the expectations of the public will spearhead these changes. Therefore, many governments of the world are spearheading changes in the police ... Read more »

Civil case essay

A civil case is a suit lodged in a court of law, resulting from a conflict between two civilians. On most occasions, the complaints are filed against torts perpetrated by the accused, which have negatively affected the plaintiff. In such situations, ... Read more »

Civil Disobedience essay

According to Mattern (413), civil disobedience is an act of people refusing to obey civil laws in an effort to induce change in the government policy or legislation. He notes that civil disobedience is usually characterized by the use of passive ... Read more »

Civil Rights in the United States essay

The issue of civil rights violation in the United States has existed since time immemorial. The black Americans have been segregated for long and their rights violated. Such discrimination prompted people like Martin Luther King and Jackie Robinson ... Read more »

Community Development essay

Crime is a complicated problem in my community today. The problem is made worse by the skyrocketing unemployment rates in the country. In fact, in some communities, it is no longer safe to go out at night due to security reasons. The truth is that ... Read more »

Company Law Analysis essay

Introduction The risk that directors can manage the company in their own interest is high. Those firms that have expanded they require more complex organizational structures (Gevurtz 2004, p. 106). Apart from that, there is the need for the ... Read more »

Constitutional Law essay

The Judiciary of the country includes the Supreme Court of Judicature and the Magistracy. The Supreme Court consists of the Court of Appeal and the High Court of Justice. The President having consulted the Prime Minister and the Leader of the ... Read more »

Constitutional Provisions essay

Arizona constitution in article 15 provides for the creation and establishment of the corporations commission. This commission is the sole body that implements all the requirements in the constitution pertaining to the establishment, functioning and ... Read more »

Content of dead man’s pocket essay

Content of Dead Man’s Pocket critically describes the two opposite frames of mind where one person can found himself. The story revolves around Tom and the way he controlled his attitudes and his behaviors towards what he wanted most in life. Tom ... Read more »

Contract and employment law essay

Contract and Employment Assessment Roscius Component Ltd is involved in production of advanced carbon fibre materials, mainly used in the aerospace industry. The process of materials production are the company's secret, only known to the ... Read more »

Contract Law in Early China essay

Establishing the rule of law in China has become a priority for leaders in the post-Maoist era. Their efforts have been directed towards changing the Maoist’s period disregard of law and lawyers especially the highly misguiding Cultural ... Read more »

Contributing Factors essay

Injustice and Identity have been identified by scholars and researchers as some of the factors that contribute to the development of terrorism in the society (Borum, 2004). Injustice was found to induce an aspect of revenge in the minds of people ... Read more »

Controversial Law addressing Rape Cases essay

Shauna Prewitt is a rape victim who consequently becomes pregnant. She is determined to keep the baby, but the law does not permit her. The state law gives the rapists the parental right to father the child. The law discriminates against the victims ... Read more »

Copyright infringement essay

Copyright infringement is the illegal usage of materials which are guarded by copyright law, in a method that violates one of the copyright holder’s devoted rights such as the right to reproduce or do the copyrighted task, or to make derivative ... Read more »

Copyright Law essay

The copyright law is very clear on how people should use the copyrighted products. It is justified that that no one should use a copyright piece of work by any artist or author for commercial purpose (Nimmer & Philips, 1995). In this case, Bobby ... Read more »

Corporate & Organizational Criminal Liability essay

Introduction Corporations are subject to criminal code law. The criminal code law was amended to modernize the law with the view of sentencing corporations and initiating criminal liability of corporations. A corporation can be found guilty of a ... Read more »

Corporate Crime essay

According to Golson & Chambliss (2011), corporate crime refers to acts, which are in violation of the law that are committed by corporations, business or individuals who are in those entities. Some negative conducts by corporations are not ... Read more »

Corporate form in miller, steinbeck, glasbeek, and bakan essay

Corporate form emerged from the concept of corporate legal personality. The latter is associated with the personality of individuals as objects and not as subjects of the law (cutler). As objects, corporations may have some responsibilities under ... Read more »

Corruption essay

There are numerous issues affecting either a section of the society or the entire society in the world currently. Problems in the society are defined as existing conditions that undermine the well being of a people. These may be issues or conditions ... Read more »

Court System essay

Concurrent jurisdiction occurs where more than two courts from different systems have jurisdiction over a particular matter. In cases where both states and federal courts have jurisdiction over a particular case one may select the court which is ... Read more »

Crime Causation and Diversion essay

Child criminality is one of the most crucial problems in the modern society. Over the years it was more than sufficient to apprehend and incarcerate the juveniles in order to deter them from committing crime. The given paper will focus on two ... Read more »

Crime Control Policy Paper essay

Introduction Crime control policy is one of the contemporary issues whose literature has been developed from many study areas. Some of these study areas include the general studies of the crime control operations such as the courts, police and ... Read more »

Crime Prevention essay

Crime is one of the major problems that have affected the human society in different parts of the world. The effects of crime can be serious depending on the extent to which it is engorged in the affected society. In response to rising crime rates, ... Read more »

Crime Today essay

When there is talk of Crime in the United States of America, an American citizen bears in mind some of the crimes one may fall victim of, or perpetrate; aiding and abetting/accessory, arson, assault/battery, bribery, burglary, child abuse, child ... Read more »

Crimes that should be Eligible for the Death Penalty essay

Introduction The death penalty was reinstated by the Supreme Court in 1976. However, the Supreme Court has significantly restricted the situations in which it can be used. In 1977, the Supreme Court ruled out that it was not constitutional to use ... Read more »

Criminal Acts and Criminal Justice essay

Capital punishment is appropriate for other offences other than murder because this supports the concept of proportionality review of crimes. This is because not all charges can be equated to murder prompting the need for evaluation. For instance, ... Read more »

Criminal behavior essay

Criminal Behavior The societies are changing quite drastically and this drastic change has resulted in different positive and negative effects on our behaviors. These behaviors effect our decisions in both the short and the long run. Although laws ... Read more »

Criminal Justice according to Durkheim essay

According to Durkheim, crime is not a pathological aberration in the defining structure of a specific individual, but rather an integral part of any healthy society (1950). He goes on to make an argument that crime is normal phenomenon for the ... Read more »

Criminal Justice Assignment essay

The correct answer is (a) allow the evidence to come in because Linus was not seized by the officer and, when he threw away the heroin, he could no longer claim any reasonable expectation of privacy in it. In this case we are considering the fact ... Read more »

Criminal Justice Questions essay

Question one: The primary issues involved in this situation comprises of Ima’s mischievous behaviors during her eight years of service in the police agency. Ima partakes of numerous illegal activities against the laid down by-laws governing ... Read more »

Criminal Justice Research essay

In the world created by God, there are good and bad people. There are people who do not have any regard for human life, people who commit crime without having mercy on those to be affected. All they are criminals and have no place in the society. ... Read more »

Criminal Justice System Research essay

Over the past few decades, Criminal justice trends in the world demonstrate the need for some criminal sanctions to diminish the crime rates (Vleet & Fowles, 2008). Intermediate sanctions and Incarceration are the two most common forms of ... Read more »

Criminology essay

The powerful refers to the influential people in our societies, the wealthy, rich and those individuals who hold key positions of leadership. They may also be people who own or manage large corporations. The type of people cannot be exempted from ... Read more »

Criminology and Criminal Justice essay

Introduction It is not known for sure when the term policing was first coined but the concept of policing is not new to the world. In ancient China a faction of people were used by governments to act as administrators. Their role was not very ... Read more »

Criminology: Labeling Theory essay

Introduction Labeling theory and its Contribution to the discipline of criminology A. Kuper and J. Kuper (1996) argue that, the labeling theory which is also referred to as the social reaction theory dwells on defining deviance as a consequence of ... Read more »

Critical Issue in Criminal Justice essay

Critical Issue in Criminal Justice Gun control refers to any policy or practice that aims at restricting or limiting the possession, importation, production or sale of firearms by private citizens. The topic of gun control has been a dilemma for ... Read more »

Cyber Crime essay

Introduction The term "cybercrime" refers to the use of a computer to facilitate or carry out a criminal offense. This can occur in three different ways. First, a computer can be electronically attacked. We may further subdivide this category by ... Read more »

Cyber Crimes: Correlation to Jurisdiction Difficulties essay

Nowadays, it is possible to pay one’s water bill, buy shoes, and order pizza for dinner in a few seconds. There is even no need to use the phone or leave the house. However, it has also become quite easy to find out someone’s personal ... Read more »

Cyber Security Research essay

Cloud computing is the use of software’s and hardware’s over a network e.g. internet. It hands over remote services that have the data of the user, the software and computation. Airange is an example of a service provider that offers ... Read more »

Cyber Security Vulnerabilities essay

Cyber security is an everyday challenge that faces the world of technology. New threats facing our cyber security emerge on a daily basis. This makes our cyber security vulnerable. The threats present themselves in form of attackers who hack into ... Read more »

Cybercrime Law essay

Cyber-crime is any unlawful activity that happens in the internet. The internet, in addition to its benefits, has as well exposed people to security dangers that come with linking to a big system. Computers today are being used for prohibited ... Read more »

Cybercrime Law Safeguards essay

Introduction Cybercrime law safeguards the public from cyber-related crimes that are facilitated by utilization of the computer or the internet (Westby 3). Cybercrime ranges from cybersex to identity theft and affects many people globally. In ... Read more »

Cybercrimes essay

When talking about computer security, some of the most common issues that come into people’s minds include malicious outsiders, viruses or malware that try to break into the computer networks (Johannes and Michel 2009). Conversely, information ... Read more »

Cybersecurity Legislation essay

The creation of cyberspace was supposed to make people’s lives easier and safer, and it did, to some degree. However, with every new invention come people that use it for their own good and in the way that it was not intended for in the first ... Read more »

D.B. TWO essay

Case Outcome The ruling favoring United Parcel Service' Department manager, Ray Whitaker for his position on the matter carries significant weight against Miss Crone's unsubstantiated claims. In this case, the argument that Miss Crone lacked the ... Read more »

Dealing with the Issues Concerning the Growth of Rate of Incarcerated Youth Offenders essay

Introduction Crime has been a growing dilemma that human individuals have has had to deal with ever since the aftermath of the Second World War. It could not be denied that this even in the human society provided so much of the major indicative ... Read more »

Death penalty issue essay

An eye for an eye is not a good solution for a peace lover. Think if you are giving punishment in the eye for an eye, then you have to rape to rapists, beat the sadists and we have to burn the arsonists. This would not be possible and this is worst ... Read more »

Defective Department essay

The police department’s main role is preventing criminal activity and apprehending criminals. While implementing these roles, members of the society expect the police to show commitment to their professional codes of conduct. Despite of this, ... Read more »

Digital Crime and Digital Terrorism essay

Introduction Following the rise in the use of the internet all over the world, the threat of digital crime as well as digital terrorism has also been on the rise. Although some of the crimes are reasonably not detrimental and commonplace, others ... Read more »

Discussion Question essay

Abstract The process when a person is arrested by the police due to reason that the law enforcement agencies suspect the person in committing a crime is called the pretrial detention. The person could be released from the custody by paying the bail. ... Read more »

Discussion Questions essay

Discuss some of the "special" problems that may arise when managing the highly skilled professional that you may not encounter with nonprofessional employees. Managing skilled professional is quite an uphill task and can give rise to numerous ... Read more »

Divorce Laws essay

The term divorce can be defined to be a legal termination of a particular union of people that constitutes what we call marriage. This is a crucial act that has stirred several and a varied concerns as it has affected the general living of the human ... Read more »

Do Bureaucrats in Government Have Too Much Power? essay

For many years, bureaucracy has been a buzzword in political and social research. However, the public holds a misbalanced view of bureaucracy. The fact that bureaucrats in government have become too powerful cannot be easily dismissed. Bureaucracy ... Read more »

Domestic Violence In Pregnancy essay

Domestic violence among the pregnant women is among the leading causes of poor child development and weak maternal health (CEMACH 2007). Cases of domestic violence among pregnant women are on rise (McQuigg 2011). Countries like Ireland experience ... Read more »

Drug Courts essay

Introduction Drug courts are considered as an effective approach of solving problems related to alcohol and other abuse of substances in the judicial systems. They operate under a well-specialized model in which all the departments like: mental ... Read more »

Drugs and Crime essay

According to official statistics, drugs often cause or are related to criminal acts. The US Department of Justice claimed that the “linkage between drug use and crime is strong” (Schmalleger, 2012, p. 351). The interrelation between ... Read more »

Drugs and Crime in Honduras essay

Like many other countries in the world, Honduras is one of the countries which have witnessed several revolts and military ruling from the time it gained its independence in 1838. Although the country witnessed a peaceful political transition ... Read more »

DYFS essay

What is the DYFS?DYFS stands for the Division of Youth and Family Services based in New Jersey in the Department of Families and Children as a welfare agency.When and why DYFS was founded?It was founded in the year 1974 in line with other agencies ... Read more »

EEOC v. Convergys Customer Management Group essay

The legal issue in this case was that plaintiff Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and plaintiff-intervener Ahmet Yigit Demirelli sought relief against Demirelli's former employer, Convergys Customer Management Group, Inc. They alleged ... Read more »

Effectiveness of Torture essay

United States government personnel have been accused of using torture, both inside and outside the United States borders in order to obtain information from terror suspects. With the recent declaration of the US war on terror, the US Central ... Read more »

Employment Law Questions essay

Question one To start with, the company cannot simply ban its Muslim workers to pray. Due to this, Prestige Motors factory needs to allocate the Muslims another available space where their enunciation of prayers will not disrupt co-workers or move ... Read more »

Employment or Labor Laws essay

Employment or labor laws have been developed to facilitate smooth relationship between employers and employees. Employment laws provide rules and regulations that should govern both the employer and the employees in their places of work. Employment ... Read more »

English Legal System Analysis essay

The paper is divided into two sections. Section A is a report of the observations I recorded when I visited the case KM (Zimbabwe) (FC) (Appellant) v Secretary of State for the Home Department (Respondent): UKSC 2012/0020. The case was held on the ... Read more »

Environmental Laws essay

Introduction Environmental laws refers to a collection of Agreements, Treaties, Statutes, Acts of Parliament or National Congress, rules and regulations that are enacted by Federal Governments, government agencies such as municipalities, national ... Read more »

Essay: Selecting Supreme Court Justices essay

The process of selecting Supreme Court justices is one of the fundamental elements of the American democracy. As infrequent as it is, the process of selecting and appointing a Supreme Court justice is an event of unprecedented significance in the ... Read more »

Fair Contract essay

WATTS: I am Dave Watts the President of United Paper Works International Union local 7-837 and I am here to show that we can win the battle of the negotiation of a good contract. We have been fighting this battle since the summer of 1993. Our main ... Read more »

False Confessions Paper essay

This paper is devoted to false confessions, something that happens every day, in almost every investigation. The police try to make a suspect to confess in all the possible ways. The most common ways are: lying to a suspect about the process of ... Read more »

Financial Laws and Regulations essay

A false claim can be defined as the false demand or request for some amount of money from the US government. The False Claim Act is an act that was established to curb the occurrence of false claims. There are elements pertaining to the ... Read more »

Five Components of the Containment Model Used with Sex Offenders essay

Five Components of the Containment Model Used with Sex Offenders Firstly, it should be said that a sex offender or sexual abuseris a person who has committed a sex crime. It is a sexual activity that is done by using force towards someone. Nowadays, ... Read more »

Forgery essay

Throughout the history of mankind, deception, with intent to benefit, has always been a societal problem. Forgery therefore is the act of falsifying, be it orally or via documents, so as to deceive. This is treated as a crime which one can be ... Read more »

Formulating Research Questions essay

Area of interest Criminal justice is broad term that encompasses a number of disciplines (Bachman & Schutt, 2011). The writer chooses to focus on the area of crime and social policy, and in particular legalization of marijuana. Traditional ... Read more »

Four Step Process essay

Misty and Jackson Intention to Be Legally Bound STEP 1: The Legal Issue It is important to appreciate the fact that the law of contract is of vital significance to the way an economy operates. The question regarding Misty and Jackson and the ... Read more »

Functions of the Law that can be Viewed as being Contradictory essay

Question 1. A number of the functions of the law can be viewed as being contradictory. For example, one function is to maintain the status quo, whereas another is to facilitate orderly change. What other functions could be in conflict with one ... Read more »

Fundamentals of Ethics, Corporate Governance and Business Law essay

In England, corporate governance is neither defined by legislation nor has it been defined by the courts. Mead, Sagar & Bampton indicated that “corporate governance is primarily concerned with the effective control, business efficacy and ... Read more »

Gain Recognition Provisions in the Law essay

Gain Recognition in incorporation when liabilities exceeds basis Joel is a sole business owner who would like to incorporate his business so that the liabilities of the business do not extend to his personal assets. He wishes to startup a ... Read more »

Gender Bias in the Court System essay

Bias is a certain attitude, point of view or prejudice that colors different judgments. Gender bias is that type of bias which is based on culturally defined gender roles and sexual stereotypes. Whether unintentional or intentional, gender biases ... Read more »

Government as Provider of Public Goods and Externalities essay

The focus of this paper is government’s provision of environmental quality which is a public good. Majority of the economic arguments for government intervention are rooted on the idea that the marketplace can hardly deliver public goods or ... Read more »

Groh v. Ramirez (2004)-search warrants essay

The purpose of this order is four-fold. First, the essay provides an explanation of the background of the case. Second, it proceeds to explain the significance of the case, this give an outline of any underlying importance of the case. Third, the ... Read more »

Gun Control essay

The issue of gun control seems to ignite bitter controversy between the state, individuals and groups. According to statistics taken from FBI reports on crime in 2005 at the FBI website, 10,000 murders are committed using firearms annually. It was ... Read more »

Gun Control Isses essay

Each country has difficult issues throughout its political history. United States is not an exception. Many issues have been raised by the political powers in the country, and some of them were deliberately avoided due to the complexity and the ... Read more »

Gun Control- Law on the federal level essay

There are so many debates on the issues of gun control in relation to the laws and legislation especially in the US. There are several federal laws that have been passed to regulate the possession of firearms. The main reasons why the government of ... Read more »

Gun Control Laws Should Be Stricter essay

The increase in the crime rate can be blamed on flexible gun control laws. In an ideal situation, lack of guns would mean no gun-related crimes. Every criminal knows that crimes needs means and the means for gun crime is possession of a gun. ... Read more »

Gun Law in Saudi Arabia essay

In the past few years, there have been several crime cases involving gun shoot outs due to possession of guns by the public. The government of Saudi Arabia has been silent about the matter despite several killings that occur due to the availability ... Read more »

Harassment essay

Harassment is refers to the offensive behavior which is quite common at the work places. Harassment basically upsets or disturbs the victim in order to gain benefits in certain ways. Legal aspects of harassment state that any person should not be ... Read more »

Hate Crime Research essay

Introduction This research snapshot highlights the extent in which hate crime manifests itself in Canadian university and colleges. Although the universities are meant to foster diversity and tolerance, hate is manifested in its daily functioning. ... Read more »

Health Law and Regulations Paper essay

In the United States, health care and education exemplify the two most essential and, at the same time, most problematic aspects of government regulation. Billions of dollars are spent annually on the national system of health care. Numerous ... Read more »

High Court in Philippines Suspends Contentious Internet Law essay

Whaley (par. 1) highlights a case in Manila, Philippines, where the Supreme Court suspended a newly founded internet law on grounds that critics allege that individuals would be imprisoned for making public posts on social media platforms. The ... Read more »

High Technology Theft at the Workplace essay

A workplace crime is any criminal activity, usually internal happening in a place of work. The most common workplace crime is theft of equipments, raw materials or products. However, the computer era has ushered in another type of crime, identity ... Read more »

History of Law Enforcement essay

Law enforcement forms part the criminal justice system with the other major parts of this system being the corrections and courts. Since establishment of the law enforcement system, there have been improvements and adjustments which have finally ... Read more »

How Laws Continue To Disadvantage the Poor essay

Law refers to a system of guidelines and regulations that are enforced via social institutions in order to govern behavior. Governments through their legislatures are responsible for making laws. The constitution and the rights stipulated in it have ... Read more »

Immigration Reform essay

Immigration reform has recently developed into a controversial topic in the United States legislative reform sector. The debate on the reforms started way back in 2001 when the then American president and the congress sought to implement reforms ... Read more »

Indonesia’s effective tool to curb corruption essay

Proposal This piece of work outlines the set of tools and basis in advancing reforms on anti-corruption. The sound governance’s rule of law, social and economic progress, the civil society, and democratic values are the main topics discussed, ... Read more »

Intellectual property essay

Introduction Intellectual property is often referred to distinct creation of the mind types for which one is entitled to exclusive rights that are recognized by the corresponding field of the law. This usually refers to exclusive rights to ... Read more »

Intellectual Property Law essay

Intellectual property law is essentially a distinct classification of law which grants exclusive association or recognition of an individual with a particular intangible asset considered as his or her innovation. As further defined, ... Read more »

Intellectual Property Research essay

Introduction Intellectual Property refers to the law regulating copyright, patenting and trademarks[1]. These three are often referred to as intangible interests but are well protected by the law. They are ideas that belong to individuals and any ... Read more »

Intelligence Community and Terrorism essay

Acognitivebiasis a blueprint of divergence in ruling that takes place in particular circumstances, which could sometimes lead to inaccurate judgment, perceptual distortion, irrationality and illogical interpretation.Aconstantly growing recordof ... Read more »

Intelligence Terrorism and Homeland Security essay

Intelligence-led policing was formulated as a law enforcement operational strategy that was aimed at reducing crime through a combined use of crime analysis and intelligence. The combined use of crime intelligence and analysis was done in order to ... Read more »

Intentional Influence essay

Death penalty is also referred to as capital punishment. It is used to punish various offenses. It was used in the past and is even being used nowadays. It is one of the most argued subjects in the criminal justice system. It is said to be the most ... Read more »

International Agreement essay

International law and domestic law differ in various aspects. According to Baehr & Smith (1996) the most important difference between the two is based on the fact that international law regulates the relations of rights and obligations among ... Read more »

International Business Law essay

1) MegNet is a U.S. company based in Utah. It is negotiating to sell $4 million worth of computer goods to a French company, Legran. MagNet's attorney suggests that payment be by a letter of credit. What is a letter of credit and why dose MagNet's ... Read more »

International law essay

International law commonly refers to laws that rule the behavior of independent countries in their relationships with other countries. International law is different from other legal systems because, it concerns mainly with provinces rather than ... Read more »

International Trade Law essay

General Overview of Article III One of the main goals of the World Trade Organization (hereinafter WTO) is the liberalization of international trade. In the Marrakesh Declaration, contracting states declared that they believe that ‘the trade ... Read more »

International Trade Law and Human Rights Law essay

International Trade LawInternational trade law refers to the rules and norms for managing trade between two or more nations as well as across borders. It is a combination of domestic law and public international law that relate to transactions for ... Read more »

Interviewing Techniques essay

Criminal investigation and the work of detectives is an important aspect of police work.  Part of that work entails the pursuit of high quality information, which aids in protecting the public.  An informant is an individual who provides ... Read more »

Introduction to the Law essay

Criminal law and civil law differs in many aspects ranging from their definitions, burden of proof, punishment, case file, to examples. To begin with, criminal law can be defined as the body of common law as well as statutory that is involved with ... Read more »

Investigatory Deceit essay

The magnitude of a case before the attorney can decide the importance of using deceit and misrepresentation through amending the ethical rules and in turn write the ethics opinion. Some of the situations that appear more useful to use deceit as an ... Read more »

Involuntary Manslaughter essay

According to the English Law of Homicide, murder is a greater offence than manslaughter the difference between the levels of fault is usually based on the mens rea (it’s a Latin word for “guilty mind”). In England or Wales, ... Read more »

Issues affecting the future of health care essay

Introduction Concern for health care delivery is of great importance for many Americans. This concern has driven some key reforms which were echoed in the new health care reform bill that was passed by president Obama in 2010. This paper will ... Read more »

Issues in Criminal Justice essay

Most people would generally agree that criminal justice faces literally herculean issues. According to some estimates, more than two millions of Americans are in prisons right now. The stark reality indicates that the USA is on the first place by ... Read more »

Japanese Court System essay

Japan has a unitary, centralized system of governance, not a federal one. The country and its citizens are protected by means of national laws. Nevertheless, the characteristic of constitutional arrangements in Japan is a measure of local autonomy ... Read more »

Judicial Ruling essay

Summary of Patterson v. Illinois Supreme Court Case In this state of Illinois Supreme court case, the defendant had been convicted for his involvement in the murder of a rival street gang (Acker & Brody, 2004). When Patterson was being ... Read more »

Jurisdiction. Describing Main Three Types of Jurisdiction essay

Jurisdiction is a power which defines whether a court can examine certain offences and defines if a government agency or court can apply its legal authority on some territory. The concept of jurisdiction can be shown on example of state courts and ... Read more »

Jury Trial Analysis essay

Selection of a Jury The court jurors get selected from a courtroom in which jurors are available in a predetermined pool. The jurors are taken through a questioning process referred to as the voir dire. This is meant to establish whether the juror ... Read more »

Justice: Foucault vs. Hospers vs. Rawls essay

Background Political philosophers have different ideas about justice. John Rawls, a Harvard philosopher for instance, views justice as fairness – a concept that exists in a democratic, well-ordered society where people are living freely and ... Read more »

Justices on Arizona Law essay

Recently, there has been a controversy concerning the Arizona’s 2010 immigration law as written in the article by Liptak Adam on April 25, 2012 titled “Justices Seem Sympathetic to Central Part of Arizona Law.” The article was ... Read more »

Justification Report essay

The Old house Interior Magazine is the best choice magazine for the company given the following factors: Cost and Frequency of Publication The most preferred magazine or business journal for the glass company is ‘he ‘Old House Interiors ... Read more »

Juvenile Competence to Stand Trial essay

Juvenile competence to trial is a case whereby the state of Indiana had filed an appeal to the Supreme Court with a request to review the judgment in which the court of appeal had affirmed a trial whereby four juvenile had been subjected to the ... Read more »

Juvenile Crime and Delinquency essay

Juvenile crime and delinquency refer to the participation of minors in illegal behaviors (Siegel & Welsh, 2012). Legal systems across the globe have prescribed various procedures to address juvenile crimes and delinquency, including courts and ... Read more »

Juvenile crime statistics essay

Any person under the 18 years old is considered a juvenile. Juvenile violence crime arrest rate was stable before the year 1983. However, the rate soared between 1988 and 1994. In the year, 2001, juvenile arrests by law enforcement agencies in the ... Read more »

Juvenile Justice System in the United States essay

Prior to 19th century, juvenile offenders in the United States were tried in the same courts and incarcerated in the same prison as adults. This had led reformers to call the juveniles' removal from the adult institutions and transfer to "Reform ... Read more »

Juvenile Offenders essay

In many instances, children have been described as the holders of the future generation. In many countries like for instance America, juveniles invoke the act of fear. The ate perceived to be a representation violence, a section in the community ... Read more »

Juveniles Commit Crimes essay

Scholars define juvenile delinquency as the habitual behavior of young people, especially below the legitimate age of being punished by law, committing criminal offenses. This behavior has attracted widespread research among scholars in establishing ... Read more »

Kyleigh's Law License essay

The society is guided by laws and regulations that have been formulated to define the boundaries that one needs to observe so that order might be maintained. These laws and regulations are divided into different sections depending on the needs of ... Read more »

Labor Unions essay

Labor unions are formed to present workers grievances as well as solve conflicts with employers. Labor unions facilitate collective bargaining for workers in matters concerning pay, workplace safety, working hours, job security and similar things ... Read more »

Law and Legal Systems essay

Jurisdiction of the Magistrate The Supreme Court of Judicature was established by the Constitution of the Republic to ensure that the Judiciary operates independently from the Executive and to ensure an appropriate mechanism for resolving legal ... Read more »

Law and Social Change essay

Introduction Regulation is one of the main functions of law.  One may observe that law regulates human behavior in various spheres – business, family, employment, and so on. At the same time, society is not static but dynamic. Social ... Read more »

Law Enforcement Agencies essay

A law enforcement agency is a governmental organization whose main role is to make sure that laws are not broken. They are of different types inclusive of the lowest one, which is a local law enforcement agency like the sheriff or a multinational ... Read more »

Law essay answer essay

Since the creation of the new system of school vouchers, these policies have been the topics of the major legal concern. Where schools strove to use vouchers for the sake of better education, these inevitably raised the debate as for whether ... Read more »

Law or Moral Issue essay

Children born in the United States of America to immigrant parents are commonly referred to as anchor babies.The United States law regarding the identity of anchor babies provides them with legal citizenship rights by birth. As a result, these ... Read more »

Lawyer’s Career essay

Defending the right of the accused or fighting for the justice of wronged is an integral component of the criminal justice systems. A lawyer of a defence attorney bears this responsibility. In defending a defendant, the lawyer has to convince to the ... Read more »

Legal Considerations essay

Introduction Scholars describe the process of interview during hiring of employees as a detailed process that needs strict adherence to legal considerations. Different business firms are charged with the responsibility of conforming to the ... Read more »

Legal Drinking Age essay

Drinking has become one of the most debated issues among adults and some teenagers in the recent years in the United States as compared to the old days when the issue was mainly decided by adults. The matter has driven a majority of adults in ... Read more »

Legal Firms essay

Discussion Law firms have one common challenge and that is to have more clients and these two legal firms (Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr and Slaughter and May) are not exempted either. This situation creates a competitive environment, where ... Read more »

Legalization of Marijuana Issue essay

Legalization of marijuana is where the substance is treated more or less like a commerce article. The regulations that are put in place when legalizing marijuana shape the behaviors of consumers and producers in the market. This will happen as the ... Read more »

Legalization of Prostitution essay

If prostitution can be called a profession, it should definitely be described as one of the oldest in the world. The history of the sex industry can be tracked back to the ancient days. Moreover, various kinds of prostitutes can be found in all the ... Read more »

Legalization of Prostitution Issue essay

The question of the legalization of prostitution has been on the world agenda for quite a while. With feminists as the main moving force of the sex industry policies, laws have provided legalization, and later on – decriminalization of ... Read more »

Lemon Law Fraud in Indiana essay

The lemon law in Indiana State of the US is actually a consumer protection act enacted to protect consumers from being victimized as a result of business practices that are fraudulent. In a situation where the consumer feels that his/her rights have ... Read more »

Limitations of Power in the Constitution essay

The key limitation to powers through the constitution is through the bill of rights. The bill limits the government’s authority to interference with individual rights and unalienable liberty to choice and freedom (McClellan 1). The bill of ... Read more »

Lombroso’s Theory essay

Within the scientific world, sociology and more specifically, criminology, is a relatively young specialty, considering that for thousands of years, crime has been a germane part of the society. While no single scientist has been fully credited with ... Read more »

Marbury vs Madison essay

Introduction The case of Marbury v. Madison remains to be the milestone case in the history of the United State law and the law worldwide. The case set a floor for the principle of judicial review as stipulated by Article III of the United States ... Read more »

Maritime Terrorism essay

According to the US department of defense, maritime terrorism is the unlawful use of force or violence against people, property or governments, often to gain ideological, religious or political objectives. The terrorists use blackmails and hijacking ... Read more »

Maryland v. Pringle essay

ISSUE: At 3:16 am, a police officer stopped a speeding a Nissan Maxima car model occupied by three men; Donte Partlow who was the owner and driver of the car, on the front seat was Pringle, the respondent, and Otis Smith, the back seat passenger. ... Read more »

Memorandum essay

The primary source used in the research study consists of a case study, which is about the Vicarious Liability under a statutory duty. It purports that an employer can also be held vicariously liable for a statutory duty breach that has been caused ... Read more »

Michigan Non-smoking Law essay

On December 11, 2009, Governor Jennifer M. Granholm signed legislation that will make it illegal and punishable by law smoking in public places such as restaurants, bars and hotels, or any place that serves food or beverages.This law has been called ... Read more »

Minimum wage legislation essay

Introduction According to Low Pay Commission. 2006 ,a minimum wage is the lowest wage that each employee can legally get from an employer in hourly, daily or monthly basis. This is the lowest amount that a worker can sell his/her labor. Most of ... Read more »

Momentum essay

Conservation of the momentum is one of laws applied in physical science. It states that, when there is a collision between two different objects in an isolated system, the total momentum of the two objects is equal either before the collision or ... Read more »

Monetary Policy essay

The term structure of rate interest is a central concept in economics. It gives a clear indication of the price of allocation of goods, thereby, influencing investments, savings and, ultimately, economic growth. Interest rates are especially ... Read more »

Moral Issues and Law essay

"There is no straightforward answer to the moral issues that pertain to prostitution”. Why do you think the text draws this conclusion? Prostitution is a situation where one engages in sexual activity or activities, in exchange for money or ... Read more »

Motives of Crime essay

Motive is the reason behind a crime that must be proved beyond any doubt in a court of law. However, some crimes are so unfathomed, like murdering one’s spouse or child and thus a jury might have a hard time to believe that someone can do ... Read more »

Natural Law essay

According to Aaron, Locke and Hobbes were theorists who dealt with social contracts. They were also theorists of natural law. Their view of natural law was based on Saint Aquinas’ ideology as opposed to Newton’s ideology. This is the ... Read more »

Negligent Tort essay

In U.S., the civil justice structure has incorporated the torts laws which basically relate to circumstances where the unlawful demeanor of one party brings injury to another. The law which tacklestortious conducts bases it on either negligent or ... Read more »

Networking Question essay

Case study John connects to his neighbours open wireless network to browse the internet. John uses this network to illegally download pirated music and software. Answer the following questions in your first response: Questions and answers 1) Who is ... Read more »

New Federal Government essay

There are several issues surrounding the plan of the new federal government. To begin with, there will be no equal representation in the government, because small and big states will have the same number of members in the Senate, regardless of their ... Read more »

New International Economics Law essay

According to (Subedi, 2006) International economic law is responsible for the economic relations among nations or the international economic order. He however talks about the international economic law as encompassing a wide area. "It at times ... Read more »

Nuclear Waste Policy Act and Amendments essay

Introduction For almost a period of 40 years since the United states initially started its nuclear waste production, there had been no legislation that had bee enacted to manage this disposal of this waste. The storage of nuclear waste during those ... Read more »

Nuisance Law essay

John Anderson has approximately 50-75 rattlesnakes in his home located in a suburban neighborhood which he uses to produces rattlesnake antivenom and sells the rattlesnake antivenom to medical supply companies who then sell the snake antivenom to ... Read more »

Occupiers Liability essay

According to the section 5 of the building Act 1959 to make regulation for the conduct of operation for the construction, repair maintenance, or demolition of the building, the company which are working for demolition should take care for securing ... Read more »

On A Legal High essay

For a long time, man has been interested in the consumption of substances that have the ability to alter one's mind or feelings. These substances can be broken down into legal and illegal substances with the main concern being the labeling of ... Read more »

Organized Crime essay

Abstract Today, organized crime is an inevitable element of many people’s everyday realities. The goal of this paper is to review the fundamentals of organized and its theoretical and political explanations. The paper attempts to define ... Read more »

OSHA Standards in the Workplace essay

The US Occupational Safety and Health Act provides employees with safety and health at the workplace. The act protects employees fromharmor death at the workplace. The Congress passed the bill in 1970. It required that all employers ... Read more »

Overcrowding in Prisons essay

Fundamentally, rehabilitation is the core objective of correction institutions, irrespective of whether they are juvenile centers, prisons or any other forms. However, drastic economic and social changes have greatly impacted on the yearly ... Read more »

Overdue Accounts essay

Introduction A bill and account collector does the noble work of collecting money owed on due accounts for a past period of time. Habitually, customers who are in arrears with their invoices are branded as debtors. Thus, it is upon the bill ... Read more »

Parole System in the State of Texas essay

Finn (n.d.) defines parole as the conditional and discretionary release of a particular individual (offender) from prison on the basis of a decision made by a relevant Board of Pardons and Paroles. It is at this stage that the offender can join the ... Read more »

Police Influence essay

The United States of America has proclaimed the equal rights to everybody. But is it so? Do all people have equal rights in our modern society? The answer is: no. We do not realize that our society may be even more cruel and unfair than the people ... Read more »

Policing within the Law essay

Fact Pattern In accordance to the operational legal measures, there are three basic levels of police encounter in a formal criminal justice system. These are essentially provided for under the fourth amendment, which gives provisions for measures to ... Read more »

Practice Combating Corruption in Indonesia and China essay

Introduction Corruption is an endemic problem to many countries around the world. In Indonesia the corruption perception has been on the decline in the last ten years since the election of president Yudhoyono, on the platform of fighting corruption. ... Read more »

Pregnancy Discrimination Act essay

Discrimination is termed as any disorientation from the normal activities due to the conditions that one has. Discrimination in terms of pregnancy occurs when a woman is denied some opportunities in the basis that she is pregnant or to the fact that ... Read more »

Preventing Crime essay

1. ESRI product like ArcGIS, ArcView and ArcMap are used all over the world to improve mapping in many different ways. This products are really helpful in studies, but only to advanced users. ArcGIS is really helpful in law enforcement with ... Read more »

Principles and Articles of the U.S Constitution essay

Principles and Articles of the U.S Constitution The constitution of the United States of America has three principles. These are self-government, separation of powers, and checks and balances. The chart below elaborates these principles. Principles ... Read more »

Principles of UCITA and the UCC essay

Before UCC and UCITA, the United States concern in harmonizing commercial law was determining the areas that would benefit from the uniformity of the law. After that, the NCCUSL drafts and recommends the uniform laws to various states. The state ... Read more »

Private versus Public Law Enforcement essay

Q1) Private security agencies offer security for an individual’s business and are confidentially held and functioned, dissimilar to public security like the police or the military. Many successful and dynamic specialized citizens work in this ... Read more »

Privatization of Prisons essay

Privatization is the process of transferring government assets or services to private sector. It could also refer to the transition process of a company to a privately-owned one that stops trading publicly at the stock exchange from a publicly ... Read more »

Privatization of US Prisons essay

Privatization of prisons refers to the transfer of government control on corrective institutions to private owners. This could be institutions have adequate resources and labor to achieve the same corrective objectives as the government. ... Read more »

Process for Appointing a Replacement for a Retiring Supreme Court Justice essay

The process of appointing justices in the United States is in Article Two of the constitution. It states that it is the duty of the President to nominate a person to replace a retiring Supreme Court justice. The President aims to appoint a justice ... Read more »

Proseminar in Criminal Justice essay

The Dual-Court System The dual-court system refers to a system whereby a nation has two distinct court systems making up its judiciary i.e. the federal and state courts. The United States has a dual-court system with both the federal and state ... Read more »

Public Policy Analysis essay

In the first month as the president, Barrack Obama cited his independent power to run the Executive to revoke most of Bush government strategies, without any new strategies set to reinstate the questioned provisions. The plans in which President ... Read more »

Publicized Criminal Acts essay

The history of humanityis characterizedby crime. It has become a part of the society. This is because a number of people have aggressively attempted to break the societal code of conduct and conventional norms that guide how people act and relate in ... Read more »

Punishment and Policy essay

1. What types of punishment does the US Criminal Justice System (CJS) use? i) Fines This punishment involves payment of monetary fines which are imposed by judges. It is the most common type of punishment which results from non-violent crimes such ... Read more »

Question and Answer in Law essay

The law of defense of persons of property permits an individual to use reasonable force in order to protect any property or life of another person or own life. This is limited to proving that the attack on the property or the person was an act of ... Read more »

Questions on human frights and social movements essay

Question 1: Barriers of the Implementation of the UN Universal Declaration of Human RightsThe universal declaration of human rights by the UN national assembly on the 10th December 1948 called for the adoption of the declaration by all member states ... Read more »

Racial Disparities in Sentencing essay

For years, one of the most disputable aspects of researching in American criminal justice has dealt with the cases of ethnic minorities committing crimes in terms of racial disparities exemplification. Statistically, the rates of such crimes tend to ... Read more »

Ramifications of Supreme Court Decisions essay

The Supreme Court case chosen is “immigration and naturalization service V. Chadha” of 1983. This case involved a minor immigration matter where the Supreme Court declared unconstitutional the use of the legislative veto (Anderson, ... Read more »

Rape Victim essay

The sexual offences Act 2003 was reinforced on the first of May 2004 with the main aim of strengthening and modernizing the law on sexual offenses, as well as working on improved preventive measures and the protection of individuals from sexual ... Read more »

Ratification of the 16th amendment the U.S essay

The tax activists of the Sixteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution argued that the claims of the obligation of the U.S.A national income tax regime was unconstitutional, because the Sixteenth Amendment of the Constitution was never ... Read more »

Rawls, Hegel, Marx essay

Human rights are a group of very important rights and require urgency which any person can make a valid claim from a government (Benjamin, 2009: 321). The governments are under an obligation to show respects for all the rights of the individuals ... Read more »

Reliability of Tips by Informants essay

Introduction Admittance of evidence in any court of law in the United States requires the assurance that the investogators had followed the due process of the law to aviod any compromises during the proceedings. In the United States various ... Read more »

Reputation in the Legal Process essay

The advocacy group California Against Slavery developed a draft of the Californian Against Sexual Exploitation (CASE) Act (California Against Slavery, 2012). The main purpose of the Act is to increase penalties for sex traffickers ... Read more »

Resolving the Controversy over Gun Control Laws in the U.S. essay

If ever there is one thing that human beings worry about constantly, it is their self-preservation. The desire to guarantee one’s security and protection from life endangering situations is an innate instinct that is observed even in animals. ... Read more »

Restorative Justice Analysis essay

1. What is meant by restorative justice? Why is it so difficult to define? Restorative justice is described as reparative justice that it is referred to as a kind of the justice system. It is focused on the needs of offenders and those of victims. ... Read more »

Rights of property of aircrafts essay

Q 1 (A) Rights of property of aircrafts are well different from other assets, for their complex nature of mortgage, hire purchase transactions, charters, installment and the like. The money to be sent on the security of the mortgage of an aircraft ... Read more »

Science and the Death Penalty essay

The second half of the 20th century through to the 21st century has witnessed a lot of developments in the society. From improvements in technology and discovery of new ways of dealing with killer diseases, the society has continued to advance in ... Read more »

Scottsboro Case essay

Scottsboro case was initially conducted on March 25, 1931 in Scottsboro Alabama. The case involved black teenagers who later became famous as Scottsboro Boys. Boys included Clarence Norris, Olen Montgomery, Andy Wright, Willie Roberson, Ozie Powell, ... Read more »

Security and Custody Functions in Prison essay

Introduction This document briefly describes eight key activities that are performed to ensure security and custody functions in prison. Following items are the list of activities with description. Inmates Classification:  this activity ... Read more »

Sentencing essay

Before the Booker/Fanfan decision in 2005, judges used to view a reasonable sentence as one directed by the Sentencing Commission guidelines. A judge had to consider several purposes factors including sentencing guidelines and policy statements ... Read more »

September 11 Attacks essay

In the history the American national security has been put into the test. There have been several attacks on the American people and their property. This has made the American government to come up with policies that will ensure that American ... Read more »

Sex Work essay

According to a report from the London Metropolitan Police, Smith, a local sex worker, was robbed, sexually assaulted, and a blunt object was inserted into her vagina on 3 April 1888. Her peritoneum ruptured, leading to the development of ... Read more »

Sexual Assaults in the Entertainment District in Downtown of Toronto essay

Toronto entertainment district is a hot spot for each and every. The main places of attraction in the district are the countless bars, pubs, restaurants and other places of entertainment. Mainly, it attracts people, gives an opportunity to have fun, ... Read more »

Sexual Harassment essay

According to Margaret (2001), sexual harassment is an illegal act that entails using force, coercion or bullying an individual in order to obtain a sexual favor. Mary (2002) indicates that sexual harassment is experienced when someone is ... Read more »

Sexual Offenders Release and Recidivism essay

A sexual offender is a person who engages in a sex crime. What makes up a sex crime varies depending on culture and jurisdiction. However, common sex crimes include prostitution, sending or receiving pornographic materials and engaging in sexual ... Read more »

Should Life Insurance Proceeds Be Taxed essay

Life insurance policy is a useful tool through which individuals and families with limited resources may achieve multiple financial goals. With a permanent life insurance policy, one is capable of securing his or her family’s future  in ... Read more »

Should Non-Citizen Residents Have Voting Rights essay

The debate about granting non-citizens the right to vote is not a recent one. It dates back to 1692 when non-citizens were allowed to vote and hold office in some states such as Maryland. However, this changed and non-citizens were no longer allowed ... Read more »

Should pornography be restricted by law essay

The society may employ various mechanisms in regulating the kind of information that the public is exposed too. The debate whether the government needs to regulate the pornography is debatable. The government can play a role on the monitoring on the ... Read more »

Significance of Landmark Cases on the Criminal Justice System essay

Mapp vs. Ohio Case In this case, Mapp was essentially convicted for possession of lascivious and lewd pictures, books, and photographs, which were in direct violation of the existing Ohio Law (Del Carmen, 2006). The events leading to the case ... Read more »

Social norms essay

Social norms remain one of the most controversial topics in sociology. Social norms represent established norms of conduct, which are neither codified nor formal. Social norms are shared by a larger community and help to maintain the desired state ... Read more »

Sociology of Criminal Behavior essay

How can such defraud practices as pointed out in the article be explained? A crime is an action or failure to act in a manner that is acceptable by society, and depending on its severity it can guarantee an individual to be disapproved in a ... Read more »

Solitary Confinement Issue essay

General Notes There are indisputable proofs that solitary confinement makes serious impact on health and well-being of people, especially before suffering mental frustration and that it can cause active development of mental disease. Degree of the ... Read more »

Statutory rape essay

Statutory rape is defined as a case in which an adult engages in sexual behavior with a participant who considered as being below the age legally required to consent to sexual behavior; in some states, this extends to teenagers who have consensual ... Read more »

Statutory Rape Problem essay

Statutory rape in the legal jurisdiction refers to sexual activities in which one person is under the statutorily designated age. Statutory rape in Nebraska is considered to be committed when a person over the age of nineteen is involved in sexual ... Read more »

StrainTheory essay

The term theory can be defined as a set of ideas, which are formulated in order to explain an idea or suggestion (Agnew 2009). In order to determine the validity of a theory, certain axioms are employed that test the theory in accordance to ... Read more »

Struggle for Black Equality essay

Activities of the civil rights movement in the 1950s and 60s shook the American nation to its very foundations. This is because the movement was felt by every African American family in the United States (Sitkoff, 2008). In the international ... Read more »

Summary of the Constitution essay

The constitution of this new country shall define the rules and laws that shall govern the entire nation. It shall guide and point out the expected code of conduct amongst the citizens, their elected leaders and the government. The constitution ... Read more »

Targets of Crime essay

It is known that children often are victims of crimes. Therefore, recently, new researches were conducted. Survey results were disappointing - more and more children suffer from violence, human rights violations, violations of their normal ... Read more »

Tax System essay

There are basically three levels of government in the United States: the federal, state and local government. However, their sources of revenue vary depending on their categories and scope of jurisdiction (Rueben and Carol, 2008). Despite the fact ... Read more »

Term Privacy essay

In the recent times, the need to enhance national security has become one of the key challenges for most governments globally. Esoteric (2011) candidly indicates that the main role of any government is to promote the overall welfare of its citizens. ... Read more »

Terry vs. Ohio essay

We are used to hear that the police are not fair and a lot of innocent people have been judged and later imprisoned. There are some cases that from the very beginning are false; one cannot see reasons why a person has been arrested. One of the most ... Read more »

The Abolition Of The Positive Covenant Rule essay

A covenant is simply an agreement enclosed in a deed usually made between one party selling a section of their property and the other party purchasing it. These covenants are used as a type of confidential arrangement power by the seller to ... Read more »

The american revolution essay

Within the scope of this research, we will discuss the American revolution, with particular stress put on two major figures that influenced the Revolution – Jefferson and Adams. One significant difference separated how Adams and Jefferson viewed ... Read more »

The Anatomy of Corporate Law essay

The source of the law is not well understood, a similar situation with the efforts to understand the origin of the society. This is because the two go in hand, that is, the law exists as long as society exists. From the obvious understanding to ... Read more »

The Coming and Going of Judicial Review essay

INTRODUCTION Separation of powers is one of the signs of democratic governance. US Constitution embraces this principle. Thus, the Constitution defines that there is legislative, executive and judicial power. One of the most important functions of ... Read more »

The Concept of Defamation of Character essay

Defamation is an offence if constituted mainly by intention and also by wrongfulness in case of publication (SNA Attorneys, 2013). However, the most relevant point in defamation is that any reasonable person would find the case defamatory whether it ... Read more »

The Constitution of the State of Texas essay

The Constitution of the State of Texas is often compared to the Constitution of the United States. The main similarities between the two constitutions include: (a) the Bill of Rights; (b) the inclusion of 2 houses (bicameral structure); and (c) the ... Read more »

The Constitutional Guarantee against Unreasonable Search and Seizure essay

The Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution explicitly states: The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall ... Read more »

The Cyber Threat to US National Security essay

The United States national security serves not only its citizens but also the entire weak states around the world. Cyber threats to the US emanate from numerous sources. The sources range from traditional external factors like rogue states, to those ... Read more »

The Death Penalty Analysis essay

The death penaltyor capital punishment is a legal process which justifies a person being put to death by thejudicial authorityas a punishment for a crime. The judicial judgment to punish anyone this way is adeath sentence, while the real process of ... Read more »

The Disabled and Law Enforcement essay

Alcoholism is elemental a behavioral disability in which the affected individual consumes alcohol in alarmingly high amounts. In terms of gender perspectives alcoholism is a problem that mostly associated with males than females in the population. ... Read more »

The Future of Security essay

The ratio of world law enforcement officers’ to the total world population is dismal (Buzan & Hansen 2009). This means that a very large number of people and their property are vulnerable to be subjected to crime. With this in mind, the ... Read more »

The History of African American Voting essay

The right to vote is only one of the wide specter of rights, for which black population of the US had to struggle. This right has been granted by the US constitution, its’ 15th Amendment and later the 1965 Voting Rights Act gave new ... Read more »

The Impact of Child Abuse and Mistreatment on the American Criminal Justice System essay

Child Abuse and Mistreatment Child abuse and mistreatment occur at a very alarming rate in the American society.  A lot of people are preoccupied with the idea that children are being killed by strangers and youth offenders because the media ... Read more »

The imperial harem: women and sovereignty in the ottoman empire by peirce book review and analysis essay

Any discussion of The Imperial Harem work by Leslie Peirce should begin by establishing a definition of the Arabic word haram. The first definition refers to that which is forbidden and unlawful and also that which is sacred, inviolable, taboo. It ... Read more »

The Importance of Tribunals essay

Tribunal is referred to any entity which is given to authority or power to make decisions and resolve conflicts. It is a lot similar to any legal court and decisions made by tribunal are final and cannot be changed. The only effective international ... Read more »

The Judiciary Act of the 1789 essay

The Judiciary act of the 1789 established a Federal Courts system witch included a dividing jurisdiction upon creating three federal court levels which are: the district courts, the courts of appeal, and the Supreme Court. Additionally to this ... Read more »

The Law Of Torts: Tort Of Negligence essay

Tort of negligence is a serious crime which makes sense in a civilized society where the quality of services and duty of care are well developed. The case with a “careless dentist” is under discussion as it touches upon different cases ... Read more »

The phenomenon of the same sex marriage essay

The phenomenon of the same sex marriage has been a crucial issue in the contemporary world. This is primarily driven by the cultural differences in the society, which has led to the emergence of a push and pull factors that impair the acceptance of ... Read more »

The Police Raid essay

Police have raided the hometown of Papacy frontrunner, Cardinal Angela Scola. The anti-Mafia police are investigating a string of corruption in the health sector. Although Scola has no direct link to the investigations, there is reason to believe ... Read more »

The Relationship between Federal and State Governments essay

The authority and relationship between the federal and state governments are usually governed by constitutions of the respective nations. The federal administration is given certain specified authority whereas the entire authorities, if not banned ... Read more »

The Similarities and Differences between Transnational Organized Crime and Transnational Corporate Crime essay

Introduction Illicit practices in different spheres of human activities have captured the world. It is evident that the modern businesses, illegal traders of weapons or drugs must be punished for their actions, which violate the law. Nevertheless, ... Read more »

The sound and the fury essay

The Sound and the Fury is one of the novels that cannot be written successfully if the manner and method of writing to be used is a traditional one. Apparently, if there is one most and notable novel that have been written, it will be The Sound and ... Read more »

The Statistics of Juvenile Crime essay

Juvenile crimes are offences by persons below the legally accepted age of adulthood. Although the age at which one is considered adult varies, most of the jurisdictions agree that the person should at least be 18 years of age. Juvenile crimes range ... Read more »

The Target Population essay

The target population refers to the whole group that the research is interested in applying its conclusions. For instance, in a research about serial killers, the target population may be American serial killers. The study population refers to the ... Read more »

The Texas Introduction essay

The legislative analysis is critical not only to public discourse but also in decision making. Texas, present an interesting ground for both the Democratic Party and republican Party to enforce their party platform in the legislation making. House ... Read more »

The Transportation Security Administration essay

The TSA and its Security Program The Transportation Security Administration is one of the agencies of the US Department of Homeland Security. The TSA is responsible for the travelers’ security in the United States. It was created as a response ... Read more »

The Tsa Identity Theft essay

Introduction The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is the US nation-wide organization that works on the providing travellers’ security in airports, on bus and train stations, in ports etc. This is one of the agencies of the United ... Read more »

Tort essay

Introduction Believe it or not, recent studies that have been carried out have found tortuous activities to constitute part of our integral lives. Despite the name, tort, it presents us with something to ponder on, something that implies to almost ... Read more »

Tort of Negligence and the Case on Mrs. Todd essay

Introduction In tort law, negligence refers to a case where one fails to use regular care by acting in an abnormal way or by omission. As such, negligence may result when either a person fails to exercise extreme care where another careful person ... Read more »

Transformative Community Justice essay

Transformative Community Justice is a broad term with many processes beneath it. For a clear understanding of the topic, it is essential to define the premise of the term one by one. Community can be described as a group of people that have ... Read more »

Tribunal essay

A tribunal is generally any individual or organisation/institution with the power to adjudicate on, judge, or determine dispute/claim whether it has a tribunal title or not (Slapper & Kelly 2009). For instance, an advocate appearing before a ... Read more »

Trust, but Verify: Criminology Discussion essay

Eric Garner’s choking death in New York and Michael Brown’s shooting death in Ferguson, Missouri have raised the issue of the use of force by police in the course of duty. These two controversial incidents, neither of which has resulted ... Read more »

Types of Jurisdiction essay

Jurisdiction can be defined as the practical power that is formally granted to a political leader, or a legal body to make pronouncements and deal with legal issues, and to maintain justice within a given area of responsibility. Jurisdiction derives ... Read more »

UCC and Bankruptcy essay

Introduction This essay is divided into five sections which address the cases raised under various circumstances with reference to the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC). The five sections addressed in this essay are; statute fraud, shipment and ... Read more »

Unit 4 Individual Project essay

Prior to UCC and UCITA, commercial clause found in the US constitution under "Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3" was the initial and most important efforts made by the federal government to support equality in business regulations from state to state ... Read more »

Use of Force: An Unavoidable Part of Policing essay

One of the main characteristics that define the work of policemen is their use of force. The law contains special provisions authorizing them to use varied degrees of force in order to influence certain responses from the citizens. Using of force by ... Read more »

Victimless Crimes in America essay

A consensual act to which a party agrees with involving any other person is considered as a victimless crime. Victimless crimes have the highest rate in the prison population of America. They are committed most often and this commitment is highly ... Read more »

Vicarious Liability essay

Ignorance is no defense in the eyes of the law. This is a long time ideology that has often been applied to illustrate to cases whereby people shall not be able to escape the hand of the law if they tend to use ignorance as their reason for doing a ... Read more »

Violations of Criminal Law essay

Criminal law otherwise referred to as penal law involves the government’s act of prosecuting anyone for any act that is considered to be a crime. Criminal law is a body which concerns itself with crime and the punishment of criminal offenders ... Read more »

Violence against Children essay

During recent years, many problems and issues have been rising and appearing, and one of the most dangers issues is “Violence against children.” This issue has spread widely, and we see it in every country. Violence is defined as ... Read more »

Violence in USA essay

Violence is referred to as the internal use of physical power or force, or threatening an individual, groups or a community that injures, kills or causes psychological harm. Many people in America have been victims of violence. About 1.5 million ... Read more »

Vulnerability of Information Infrastructure and Trends of Cyber Terrorism; How Best to Measure Cyber-attack Trends essay

This chapter describes the process used in gathering and analyzing the data concerning vulnerability of information infrastructure and trends of cyber terrorism. The data was collected through the major data collection instrument of questionnaire. ... Read more »

War on Drugs essay

The prisons and the Criminal Justice Systems in America have experienced a substantial pressure from the war on drugs (Walker 267). This is because of arresting numerous Americans for some drug related offenses every year. Individuals convicted of ... Read more »

What is Crime essay

A crime refers to an omission or action constituting an offence, which may call for a punishment by law or prosecution by the state. Criminologists have tried to look to a number of factors with an aim of explaining why individuals resort to ... Read more »

What methods of taxing and what taxing policies are fairer on taxpayers? essay

What methods of taxing and what taxing policies are fairer on taxpayers? This question remains one of the most important in the study of the fiscal and political processes in the United States. Taxation is a matter of economic and fiscal decision ... Read more »

What were the reasons behind the establishment of the ‘new police’? essay

The history of policing in the United Kingdom is quite complicated. Currently, it seems like the ‘new police’ is changing the landscape of the country by putting the rights of its citizens at question. An indication of the ambivalent nature of ... Read more »

Why is the Adversary System of Law a Necessity to Produce Just Results essay

The adversary system of law plays pivotal roles in the judicial system. According to Kagan (2000), “adversary system is a unique legal system in which, two advocates represent their clients’ positions before an impartial jury, whose ... Read more »

Why Law Enforcement, the Court System, and Correction Institutions should Operate Collectively essay

Law enforcement is, primarily, the duty of the police force. We charge the police with the responsibility of ensuring that citizens abide by the law that comes from the court system. The court system is responsible for interpreting the law and ... Read more »

Why Net Neutrality Should Be Law essay

Net neutrality has in the recent past, emerged as an a contentious internet and communications policy issue, the point of contention being whether it should completely be dictated by legislative laws and regulations on issues of openness or whether, ... Read more »

Why the 2nd Amendment is Important essay

The US Constitution was initially established during the 18th century to address various issues that were prevalent at that time. Among those issues were the human rights of the Americans, which had been disrespected by colonial government, and the ... Read more »

Why Voters Reelect Members of an Unpopular Congress essay

Why do voters reelect members of an unpopular Congress? This question remains one of the most problematic in the study of political and policy processes. Dye writes that Congress members are reelected in the majority of instances, and a whole range ... Read more »

Wire Tap essay

The Wire Trap Act is a law established to protect people against illegal tapping of the communication by intelligence authorities for prosecution purposes. Initially, Title III, which was contained in the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act ... Read more »
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