Free «Cisco Systems, Inc.» Essay Sample

Cisco Systems, Inc. is a multinational company based in the state of California, the United States. The company deals with innovation, production and selling of networking equipment. The company was founded in 1984 by Leonard Bosack and was named after the city of San Francisco, where it was based. Due to the rise in digital technology, Cisco Systems has become one of the most valuable companies in the world. It is the first company to transmit Internet waves using modems and GSR routers, which are currently used by many Internet service providers.

The Cisco Systems’ mission is to enable people establish powerful connections in their businesses, institutions or even their homes (Drury, Conboy & Power, 2011). The company has embarked on the mission through provision of intelligent networks and technology for their customers. Their well-designed products and services have been used to offer quality service to Internet providers. According to the mission of the company, the management understands that enabling customer success means also success for the company.



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The main strategy of Cisco Systems Company is to build a strong business partnership with their customers. Through the company’s strategic plan, it has been able to evolve from the era of a box provider to the current technology provider. This progress in their service delivery has been critical in solving the most complex problems relating to network among their customers (Drury, Conboy & Power, 2011). The company attained its strategy in 2012 when it collaborated with the British Government in the preparation of the London 2012 Games. Cisco Systems set a record in the Olympic Games by providing 1800 Wi-Fi hot spots and 80,000 data connections.

Another Cisco Systems’ business strategy is the expansion in the market share. The company is rapidly expanding its services by offering a variety of products to the market. This strategy aims at maintaining the loyal customers as well as conducting new market penetration through exceeding the normal client expectations. The new target markets for the company are enterprises, small businesses and Internet service providers.

A person intending to work for Cisco Systems, Inc. as a manager should be well versed with the software, hardware and systems engineering fields. This background knowledge is important because as a manager, one is supposed to make business decisions, which will facilitate the creation of new and advanced networking equipment (Terchila, 2011). The position also requires a person to have excellent communication and teamwork skills. This will enable the manager to conduct effective teamwork with other employees in order to conquer new markets and create new business partnerships.

The recruitment and selection process for employees in Cisco Systems Inc. is a strategic decision for the company. The company is not only interested in recruiting the right people, but also cherishes the idea of acquiring them before their competitors do (Terchila, 2011). The company’s human resource team targets passive job seekers who are very successful and comfortable with their current jobs. The Cisco recruitment team has disclosed that the company policy is to recruit the top 10% individuals in the networking sector. Through this recruitment and selection process, Cisco Systems has been able to attract employees with great innovative ideas, teamwork skills and spirit of attaining customer success.

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The company has recognized the desire of employees to get training and development services from the company (Terchila, 2011). Training and development is the best orientation for new employees; these activities ensure employee loyalty leading to long-term retention of workers. The company practices a mentoring process whereby the employees are given the opportunity to share skills and experience with their colleagues. Cisco Company also practices employee assimilation and performance management process for new employees within their first three months of employment. This serves to create awareness about their responsibilities and development of learning plan within the company.

I would be delighted to work with this company because of its good plans for its employees. The employee mentorship program is well structured and can help me develop in my career. I would best fit in Cisco Systems, Inc. if given the opportunity. I possess the relevant skills required such as ability to work a team, dedication to customer satisfaction and the passion for innovating new ideas. This company is a perfect dream company to work for because it suits my career preferences.


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