Free «The Idols of the Theater» Essay Sample

Sir Francis Bacon is famous for his essays and new points of view on life. On his opinion the main defect of life is the traditional thinking form based on the logical science. This logic creates idols – the mistakes. Bacon differentiated four types of idols: of the tribe, of the cave, of the market place and of the theater. The idols of the tribe and the cave are inborn, and the idols of the market and of the theater are received in the intellectual development of a person. The idols of the theater are the barriers which are born among the scientists caused by the uncritical adoption of the mistaken thought. They appear as a result of the mind submission to the wrong ideals. The metaphor of a theatre in this case suggests an artistic interpretation of truth, as in fiction or drama.

Francis Bacon meant that people behave themselves like they are on the stage just to show other people how they dress, what they do, what they have for example money, house, car, etc. Everything pretends to be fake and scenic. And to be honest no one needs this histrionics but everyone supports this style of living. He encourages escaping from all of this falsity. Everything should be real.



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In my life I have seen a very spectacular example of these idols. It was a girl in my university who always dreamt to make her life similar to the movie script. She watched too many movies but till the age of twenty she read only three books at all. Her actions were purposed to be seen and, very important, to be appreciated by the other people. When she decided to help someone or to do something it was only in the case that everyone will know about it. She chose only the clothes that seemed to be liked, even if she personally did not like them. She used to date only the guys who were popular in the university and she broke up the heart of the guy who she loved because he was not handsome enough. She was trying to make her life spectacular and interesting as an exciting melodrama. Instead of this she is living with the guy who is disgusting for her but popular among other women. She works as a simple teacher just to impress her course mates who could not get a job in the school and she spends all her time doing her job. She is very unhappy. There is nothing interesting in her life as she says, but she will change everything only if she will see that someone else has a better job or a more handsome boyfriend.

The idea of truth is that idols prevent people of living the life as it is. These lead to the fake life. They are not the things which exist by their own, but they are the creation of the same people. Compared with the life it is like a walleye. They obscure to see the life as it is. The materialistic thoughts of Bacon seem to be like a reproach to the idealists and snobbish society.


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