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A Choice between Death and Life essay

To begin with, issues to do with life and death when mentioned in any context bring about a controversy that cannot be solved unless if examined from all possible different points of view. In connection to this, a choice between death and life has ... Read more »

A Dialogue with Socrates essay

Abstract The debate on free will and determinism has existed for centuries. Philosophers and psychologists who believe in determinism hold that behavior is determined by external and internal forces that are beyond human control. Those who believe ... Read more »

Abortion and Infanticide essay

Michael Tooley in the article, “Abortion and Infanticide,” supports abortion, the termination of pregnancy; and infanticide, terminating a life of a newly born baby. Tooley discusses the important qualities or the fundamental aspects one ... Read more »

Absence Make the Heart Grow Fonder essay

The truism chosen for this essay is “Absence make the heart grow fonder.” General perception of this truism can be explained with the example of a person develops a stronger likability for another person or thing, if he or she spends ... Read more »

“All Animals are Equal” by Peter Singer essay

Animals’ ethics is an important philosophical issue that needs to be discussed in the society nowadays. Peter Singer is one of the defenders of such problem in the context of contemporary scientific realm. His article “All Animals are ... Read more »

All that Glitters is not Gold essay

They say forbidden fruits are the sweetest, and fantasies of them are the strongest. Or rather, trying to love what one knows s/he can never have. Most times it is like chasing the wind. When people dream of things that do not belong to them, ... Read more »

Allegory of the Cave essay

Plato is the most creative and influential person among the disciples of the Socrates. He wrote dialogues in which he frequently used the figures of Socrates to expose personal philosophy. Plato summarized his views in the Republican article by ... Read more »

An Analysis of Meditations on First Philosophy essay

Introduction The uniqueness of Descartes’ meditations is that they demonstrate the key points of a metaphysical scheme in an outline conventionally considered as suited to loyal exercises. The disputes for the existence of God and the ... Read more »

An Imaginary Idol essay

The argument on whether God is existent or non-existent is one that has lasted for decades. Some philosophers and theologians have argued on both sides but a solid evidence for or against the existence of God have not been provided. However, several ... Read more »

Ancient Egyptian Religion essay

Religious aspects were of the great importance for the Ancient Egyptians. Nevertheless, they had no single and joint system of religious beliefs. An Ancient Egypt was notable for being a desultory group of beliefs and practices, which had ... Read more »

Answering Given Questions essay

1. Explain confucius' statement that "one who rules through the power of virtue is analogous to the polestar..." what does this imply about the masses? Confucius remains one of the major contributors to leadership of virtue. In the above statement ... Read more »

Arabic Philosopher: al-Kindi Abu Yusuf Ya‘qub ibn Ishaq essay

Introduction Abu Y%u016Bsuf Ya’q%u016Bb ibn Is%u1E25%u0101q a%u1E63-%u1E62abb%u0101%u1E25 al-Kind%u012B (c.801-870) also named the philosopher of the Arabs is a Muslim philosopher, musician, mathematician, and physician. He is famously ... Read more »

Aristotelian Natural Philosophy and Theological Doctrines of the Middle Ages essay

While studying Aristotle’s works on the nature of the universe and Earth and his overall ideas of natural physics one gets amazed of the achievement of human thought. By simple observations ancient philosophers have managed to come up with ... Read more »

Aristotle’s Four Causes essay

Aristotle argued that one needs to understand the four causes of an object in order to appreciate the object, especially the changes that it undergoes. This argument is reiterated in his statement, “that we do not have knowledge of a thing ... Read more »

Aristotle views on democracy essay

There is a heated debate on different views of democracy and its significance to the political order. Many years ago, Aristotle gave an analysis of  democratic process in terms of what has formed the basis of politic science . At the foundation ... Read more »

Atheist Response Paper essay

In the article, McCloskey (1968, p. 62) refers to arguments as “proofs” and implies that they cannot definitively establish the case for God, so they should be abandoned. However, he fails to provide concrete proof of God being ... Read more »

Augustine Essay essay

Introduction The Augustine’s key realization about God revolves around the nature and powers of God. It is noted that Augustine realized   that God is the main source of all truth, and  goodness. God in himself is beauty, and ... Read more »

Augustine’s Fusion of Stoicism and Platonism essay

Saint Augustine came from a family of a pagan father and a Christian mother. As a young man he studied rhetoric from the Carthage, which he excelled in so much so that he would teach it later at the Thagaste. Raised as a Christian when he was a ... Read more »

Bacon’s Scientific Method in the History of Philosophy essay

The Age of Renaissance was marked with widespread attempts of scientists to deny the scholastic aristotelianism and to find another way to cognize the world. Aristotle and his logic was in that time the symbol of Middle Ages and the darkness in ... Read more »

Being an Atheist essay

The arguments by H. J. McCloskey represented in his article On Being an Atheist bear a notion of getting them abandoned. He states that such “proofs” have no ground to prove the existence of God and his omnipotence for people.[1] In this ... Read more »

Benefits of Happiness essay

Happiness can be attributed to a number of desirable benefits for the lives of human beings. Some of the benefits accrued from happiness include long life, good health, and successful relationships among others. As such, there exists a remarkably ... Read more »

Bible Book Summary New Testament essay

New Testament consists of 27 books, which are divided into several groups: four gospels, historical book of Acts, Pauline epistles, Pastoral Epistles, general epistles, and apocalyptic book of revelation. For this assignment, I have chosen gospel of ... Read more »

Bible Book Summary Old Testament essay

The Old Testament consists of 39 books, which are divided into four main subgroups: Pentateuch, historical, poetic and prophetical books. I have chosen to summarize the books of Proverbs, Psalms, Job and Daniel. The book of Proverbs is classified as ... Read more »

Borg and Modern Christianity – Jesus as a Spirit Person essay

In Marcus Borg’s Meeting Jesus Again for the for the First Time, the author imparts to readers the various ways he perceives Jesus vis-a-vis his experiences in various stages of his life. A vital image Borg depicts is that Jesus is a spirit ... Read more »

Branding Yoga essay

Without any doubt, the practice of yoga has deep roots, going back to the third millennium B.C.E. The prime meaning of yoga was associated with calming the mind, purification the inner world and providing a communication between ego (I) and id ... Read more »

Buddhist and Confucian Practitioner essay

Introduction The two texts, Dhammapada and Analects describe the character of Buddha and Confucian respectively. The texts were written in the ancient period that explains the fact that the authors highlighted the saying of Buddha and Confucian ... Read more »

Candide and Connor: Friend or Foe essay

Introduction The difficulties of life can easily wear down any individual. It is often advisable to have a close friend that one would stand with through thick and thin. A sidekick is a close person who becomes a friend and stays close throughout ... Read more »

Catholics On The Sacrament Of Eucharist essay

Catholics use a set of regulations, and their faith is nurtured since a tender age. Sacraments that were set by Christ himself play a crucial role in the life of Christians. Each Catholic is supposed to receive six out of seven sacraments. It is not ... Read more »

Charles Darwin and Karl Marx essay

Charles Darwin and Karl Marx were the revolutionary thinkers of the 19th – early 20th centuries. Karl Marx formulated his ideas about class struggle on the scientific basis of Darwin’s theory. Marxism is connected with Darwinism as both ... Read more »

Chinese Contemporary Arts essay

Art is a process of putting items in a systematic way that affects the senses, emotions and understanding of the viewers. In history, art was used to refer to skills or proficiency in a given field. This perception changed in the romantic period ... Read more »

Christianity in America essay

There are many different cultures around the world. It is always interesting to learn about another culture, especially its religion, food, and traditions. When you meet any person from another culture, you will start asking him or her about his or ... Read more »

Christianity in the Middle East essay

The Middle East has a complete record of human history. Many societies, kingdoms, civilizations and settlers passed through this region. This region was, and is still a point of human interaction from ancient times until the present day. The ... Read more »

Classical Daoism essay

Daoism refers to Chinese way describing a philosophical way of life. Dao is a Chinese word meaning the way. In this essay we will examine the two leading Daoists', Lao Zi and Zhuang Zi, their conception similarities about Daoism and how their ... Read more »

Classical Greece and Rome Final essay

However, the Ladder of Love in Plato's Symposium refers to guidelines for the focus of depth conversation at advanced stages. Depth Dialogue is primarily a deep exploration of love. Socrates and Plato define love as aneros. By full sensation, juicy, ... Read more »

Coherence Theory of Truth essay

Aristotle’s (384 – 322 BCE) belief about truth (Crivelli) is described as recognition of reality, while reality is an entity of something. Truth in metaphysics is the property of some propositions, belief, assertions that agrees with the ... Read more »

Compare and Contrast Specific Social, Political and Religious Views essay

Social views Basing on socio-cultural anthropology studies and personal experiences, I would like to put across two views that emerged during the establishment of the European Union’s Social Innovation Europe in 2011. The first view is that ... Read more »

Concept of Freedom essay

The current study is conceived to investigate two philosophical approaches to the concept of freedom. Both approaches being elaborated by the political philosophers emphasize various aspects of the concept. The thesis statement of the research ... Read more »

Confucianism essay

Introduction Confucius was a Chinese philosopher who lived between 551 and 479 BCE. He was also a teacher and a politician. During his time, he developed a philosophy that he believed would make the world a better place (Fingarette, 1972). All his ... Read more »

Constructivism vs. Behaviorism essay

One obvious similarity between the Dewey's and Piaget's theory of Constructivism and the Skinner's behaviorism theory of learning is that they are both philosophies of learning. This essentially means that they have defined to a great extent how ... Read more »

Cultural Relativism Issue essay

Cultural relativism is a main concept in Anthropology, states that since every culture has its own customs and values, Anthropologists are not supposed to make values judgement on cultural disparities. Therefore, Anthropological pedagogy has ... Read more »

Current Philosophy of Diet essay

Eating right is the main strep to controlling and preventing diabetes. Diabetic Diet for diabetics is basically a balanced diet which is very important for diabetic treatment, nevertheless, many people have the false impression that these diet ... Read more »

Daosists essay

Introduction Lao zi and zhuang zi share some similarity and differences in ideologies they hold. They were both daoists who believed that the universe was formed naturally. Like Lao zi zhuang zi believe that human beings should try and confirm to ... Read more »

David Hume and Friedrich Nietzsche essay

This paper will compare the aspect of David Hume's and Friedrich Nietzsche's philosophies as it relate to naturalism broadly conceived. David Hume was born on twenty six April, seventeen eleven in Edinburg. He died in 1776 due to intestinal cancer. ... Read more »

Decision Making essay

This paper will be based on the imagination that I have been involved in a terrible car accident in which my body is completely destroyed except for my cerebrum (the front part of my brain where, by hypothesis, my psychology resides). It is also ... Read more »

Declaration of Independence as Seen Through the Lenses of Karl Marx, John Locke and Jean Rousseau essay

In order to appreciate this discourse, one needs to go back to the beginning and understand the origins of the declaration of independence. The declaration of independence both historically and ideally embraces these tenets. The origins of the ... Read more »

Defense of Socrates, Plato essay

My impression of Socrates’ defense speech is that it is misguided and motivated by ego. The defense speech indicates that Socrates could have been pardoned if he chose his words wisely; instead, he resorted to mock and agitate the jury. ... Read more »

Derrida Deconstructs Heidegger essay

Jacques Derrida was a French philosopher born in 1930 in the French Algeria from a Jewish family unit. He was the third child of five children. He was named Jackie but later modified his name to Jacques when he moved back to Paris. He spent his ... Read more »

Descartes’ “Conceivability Argument” essay

1. Present and explain Descartes’ “conceivability argument” presented on page 54 of the Descartes reading. What is the argument? How does God’s guarantee of the truth of “clear and distinct ideas” figure in the ... Read more »

Descartes' Meditations of First Philosophy essay

Introduction Despite all the attempts of philosophers to prove either the existence of God and the soul or, instead, the falsehood of such assertions, there is still no united approach to these issues. Religious people believe in God and the ... Read more »

Descartes’ Philosophy essay

Introduction The concept of “world view” is figurative-conceptual structure of the Universe in which the person and mankind aspire to define their place. The world pictures that are taking a person away to a certain place in the Universe ... Read more »

Determinism is the Philosophical Doctrine essay

Introduction Determinism is the philosophical doctrine that claims all behaviour results from preceding events or natural causes.  Determinism claims all events occurrences and traits occur due to fixed and definite conditions which could be ... Read more »

Developing Reading Assessments essay

As renowned philosopher, Jean Piaget was born on 1896 in Switzerland at the French speaking region of Neuchâtel. Piaget was brought up by his father Professor Arthur Piaget who taught medieval literature at the University of Neuchâtel. ... Read more »

Did Socrates Believe in God essay

Socrates turned out to be one of the most influential philosophers of his time. This was clearly exhibited through his dedicated stands he took on emerging ethical situations. He mastered the art of defending his actions and thoughts by expounding ... Read more »

Difference Principle essay

The principle that differences are good enough only if they affix to situation open to all - equal opportunity - and are advantageous to the worst-off individuals of any given society. The principle which was first advocated by John Rawls ... Read more »

Do we have a soul? essay

Why do we, first of all, have to ask this question, “Do we have a soul”? What has been making humanity pose this question for many centuries and quite possibly since the beginning of the human species? The answer to this question could ... Read more »

Does God Exist essay

The debate for God’s existence has been continuing for quite a long time. Some people amounting to billions believe that God does exist, while others, in billions too, believe that God does not exist. This debate is one of the oldest and the ... Read more »

Doubt is the Key to Knowledge essay

Introduction "Doubt is the key to knowledge" (Persian Proverb) - this debate is as old, and as modern, as society itself. But the problem with doubt is that we don't know what to make of it. But that is just the point. Doubt is exactly the situation ... Read more »

Eliminative Materialism essay

When we make a decision to do something, everything generates from our thinking process. As a result, there is no such a thing like mental or common-sense state, but it actually is a brain process. The MIT encyclopedia of the cognitive sciences ... Read more »

Elizabeth and Descartes essay

Princes Elizabeth of Bohemia is one of the most celebrated female philosophers that ever lived. Her correspondences with another famous philosopher, Descartes, help people to understand human conduct and behavior in terms of three primitive notions. ... Read more »

Emergentism and Panpsychism essay

Consciousness is the most familiar phenomenon for humans with two distinct processes. The first is the neutral process in the brain and the second is the conscious experience. The relationship between the two poses a challenge for the scientific ... Read more »

Equal Rights for Women essay

The position of women in society is still quite a debatable issue. Many people have risen to protect the rights of women due to different reasons. Gender equality is still a topical issue nowadays. This paper will focus on some of the reasons why ... Read more »

Eros and Civilization essay

In order to be able to fully understand this literary piece of work, it is important to first start by defining a few terms that will mostly be referred to in this piece of work;Eros refers to an instinct that works towards self-preservation, ... Read more »

Ethical Issues in Investigations essay

Investigators face a number of issues where ethical judgment is required. As an agent, an investigator holds the authority to do particular things on behalf of the customer. This authority may at times be express. For instance, a contract that is ... Read more »

Ethical Problem: Human Life vs. Money essay

The ethical dilemma that we face when dealing with the case of Martin is really appealing. One the one side, his wife is dying and he is ready to do anything to save her or at least to give her a chance, and it is nonsense to condemn him for it. One ... Read more »

Evil Issue essay

Evil is the top question of moral actions and social relationships between people. Nowadays the term “evil” is discussed by scientists and writers from different sides. Problems of the right choice of affiliation and evil are discussed ... Read more »

Existence of God in Philosophy essay

Discussions about God’s existence had lasted a long time before Thomas Aquinas, whose teachings became the official doctrine of the Catholic Church. He offered five proofs of God’s existence in his famous work “Summa ... Read more »

Existence Precedes Essence essay

Jean-Paul Sartre used to be one of the finest philosophers. He was a real French author, because he combined a talent of philosopher and litterateur. He used to write more than 20 pages per day. That means that he loved his work. Not only was he ... Read more »

Fatal Purity essay

Fatal Purity: Robespierre and the French Revolution is a book by Ruth Scurr. Scurr describes the life of Maximilien Robespierre. It describes how Maximilien Robespierre moved from being a lawyer to the politician. It explains his role in the Reign ... Read more »

FIFO and LIFO Methods essay

There are two methods of cost inventory calculation namely, FIFO (First-in-First-Out) and LIFO (Last-in-First-Out). LIFO method has several advantages, for example; the material costs of the goods available reflect the current market prices. In ... Read more »

Fifth-Century Atomism essay

Two founding philosophers of ancient atomism are Leucippus and Democritus. The former is an obscure figure, whose exact birthplace and life are not known, while the latter is a more famous thinker, whose fame has not been always positive, and may be ... Read more »

Fighting and Writing the Vietnam War essay

The 20th century is one of the periods in human history that has experienced a lot of wars. There was war between and among nations and war within nations. The century began with the First World War then the Second World War and after this came ... Read more »

Five Traditional Educational Philosophies essay

There are five traditional educational philosophies namely perennialism, essentialism, behaviorism, progressivism and existentialism (Maya). 1. Perennialism First is the theory of perennialism based on realism and idealism theories. Perennialists ... Read more »

Foucaults Panopticism essay

Michael Foucault is a French philosopher who is well known for his magnificent contribution in sociology and philosophy. One of his famous works is a book "Discipline and power" where he developed a social theory called Panopticism. In his book ... Read more »

Free will essay

The concept of free will interested philosophers since ancient times and was influenced greatly by world views and ideologies of a particular historical period. At the beginning of the 21st century, philosophers debate the following question; ... Read more »

Freedom of will essay

Much has been debated on the issue of complete freedom of will or the view that our will is caused by other factors that we have not chosen in our lives. There are basically three positions that philosophers have adopted in regard to this issue and ... Read more »

Geronticide essay

Life is sacred and valuable in every manner. The only reason that we are all alive is because of the life that we have. Death is the finality to all life thus it is inevitable that all living things will die. There is joy and celebration at the ... Read more »

Goals of Virgil, Saint Paul, and Saint Augustine of Hippo essay

The writers and philosophers of different epochs have reflected the reality of the contemporary society, political and economic situation through their creative perspective, based on the personal opinions and worldview. Sometimes, the most ... Read more »

God's Existence essay

In Christian circles, God is considered as the creator, life giver, the heavenly father, and the benevolent friend who at all times is able to see human actions, thoughts, and aspirations form all corners of the world. He does this, while sat on his ... Read more »

God's Existence and Moral Arguments essay

The existence of God can be explained in terms of moral arguments. Men assume that they can recognize goodness when they see it, and yet when God's own Son came to earth, he was misunderstood, maligned, and finally killed. It is easy, of course, to ... Read more »

Happiness essay

Aristotle is considered to as one of the greatest thinkers in history of philosophy. Aristotle made a lot of contribution to metaphysics, logic, physics, mathematics, biology, ethics, botany, politics, medicine, agriculture, theatre and dance. He ... Read more »

Hegel essay

1. How does Hegel conceptualize the state as a separate independent Force: (1) Standing above particular interests engaged in competition; and (2) Defining the common good which all the separate interest in the civil society are to uphold/ Why does ... Read more »

Hegel vs Kant on Reason essay

Hegel uses philosophic history, a methodology of writing history, to defend and support his ideology that reason rules history. In this approach, reason or thinking is infinitely free, and that what distinguishes man from non-rational animate. ... Read more »

Heroism which Leads to the Downfall essay

It is not a secret that most men want to be heroes. On the other hand, there is also a type of men who want to be led by their parents, by the woman, or by the chef. They cannot decide themselves. They are not interesting for the surrounding ... Read more »

Hinduism essay

Summary on Hinduism Hinduism is a religion that is predominantly professed by the Indians and the Indian subcontinent. The history indicates that today, Hinduism is the oldest living religion in the world. It is also the third largest religion in ... Read more »

History And Theories Of The Built Environment essay

Introduction As a product of a set of vast intellectual and cultural changes in Europe, the Enlightenment ran through the period between 1500s and 1600s, in which changes were experienced. The changes during the Enlightenment period swept through ... Read more »

How Max Weber and Karl Marx Theories Relate to an Ivy League Education essay

An Ivy League education is generally considered to be a head-start in life for whoever manages to get one. Thus getting admission into an Ivy League University is both a highly desirable, and very competitive. This then sets up the question of how ... Read more »

How Power Leads to Corruption essay

Introduction Power is a feature that solely belongs to the field of mankind. By and large, it is the capability of an individual to influence human beings to behave in a certain way, or to alter their minds. There are those who will control things ... Read more »

How Solitude Affects People Individually and Culturally essay

Solitude refers to the life of loneliness, seclusion or simply lack of socializing with others. Such kind of life is attributed by many factors, which includes but not limited to the following; personality, mental disorder, working environment, ... Read more »

Human Existentialism essay

Absurdism refers to a state of impossibility that man encounters in his quest to find the meaning of life and its inherent value. Absurdism occurs because the human mind and the universe occur simultaneously. The philosophical absurdism is not is ... Read more »

Human nature essay

Human nature is the concept which distinguishes inherent characteristics such as thinking capacity, feeling and acting that all human beings have. Human nature provide standards or norms that individuals can use when judging how best to live like ... Read more »

Human Nature essay

Philosophers have documented many articles about the long history about the exact nature of evil and righteous. In Chinese philosophy, however, the concept of moral and evil get different treatment from how the West views the same thing. In broad ... Read more »

Impairment of Assets and Subsequent Events Reporting essay

The accounting reporting and practice in the US is governed and regulated by the International Accounting Standards Board and the Financial Accounting Standards Board both of which operate in collaboration with American Institute of Certified Public ... Read more »

Innate Ideas vs. Tabula Rasa essay

Introduction Most philosophers believe that experience is a key factor and plays a big role in cognition. Locke takes the empirical approach while defending his position. In this dimension, a man's mind is like a blank sheet when he is born. ... Read more »

Institutionalization essay

'Institutionalize' is the process of conversion of a group of people or systems into an institution or to turn it into an organization. This has been found to occur mostly in organizations where there is a large number of people who are involved. ... Read more »

Intelligence and the Soul essay

Studies on human intelligence and soul are of a critical importance for the society development nowadays. The role and origin of these two subjects have been discussed by various professors and philosophers in various times. Among all the prominent ... Read more »

Introduction to Philosophy essay

1) What criticism would Descartes bring against Kant’s view of consciousness or the self? Whose view do you find most acceptable, Descartes or Kant’s? The idea of self-knowledge is one of the key topics discussed within Western ... Read more »

Introduction to Western Religion essay

The Epic of Gilgamesh was developed over a period of approximately a thousand years. In fact, the poem is appreciably complex and is not understood completely even today. It was discovered amongst ruins of the royal library of the Assyrian empire ... Read more »

Isaiah essay

Isaiah was a true prophet of the Lord and conveyed theLord’s message to the people of Judah during the reign of King Hezekiah. Isaiah was the son Amos. Isaiah served at time when kingdoms neighboring Judah were captive to the Assyrians who ... Read more »

Islam essay

Islam is one of four greatest religions in the world. It has its own tradition and understanding of life and afterlife. Unfortunately, there are some aspects which are misunderstood by the other people. The Arabic word jihad means ... Read more »

Java Man essay

Are we merely synthetic creatures or are we made of coffee or other substances? It is a puzzle yet to be unraveled on the adaptability of drugs to human beings and the essence behind the preference of drugs from one individual to another. There are ... Read more »

Just War Theory essay

The natural liberty is what Locke talks of when he refers to a person's right to be governed solely by natural laws. In this case to be under natural laws means to be absolutely free from any artificial authority or on earth or still to be under any ... Read more »

Kant essay

Without doubt, fundamental ethical questions and concepts influence different individuals' actions. Before an individual act in a given way, there are some ethics and morals they tend to follow. In most instances, individuals act in the line of ... Read more »

Kant's Transcendental Idealism essay

In the field of philosophy there are several theorists who came up with different forms of idealism to explain various concepts of the existence of human beings. The diversity of their arguments towards idealism resulted into the confusion of ... Read more »

Kant's Translation of Descartes essay

To begin with, the topic under discussion is how Kant’s translation of Descartes account of the cognito or in simple terms the ‘I think’ is related to Descartes meaning. One of the targets of Kant’s ‘Transcendental ... Read more »

Kant Supporting the Monadic Theory essay

The philosopher Immanuel Kant based his theories and beliefs on the republican state. This is attributed to the fact that he strongly believed that the republican government was the main government at promoting peace at an international level ... Read more »

Karl Marx Alienation and Human Nature essay

Introduction In theory, a person will lose control of their lives if simply because they lost control of their work. This will transpire depending two conditions. The workers are working under a capitalist situation and are working in a modern ... Read more »

Karl Marx VS Isaiah Berlin essay

The following is a ‘Compare and Contrast’ essay which talks about two works of philosophers. In one of the writings, Karl Marx responds to Bauer on the issue of the Jewish Question, while in the other, Berlin distinguishes between ... Read more »

Knowledge Is Nothing but Perception essay

Question 1 The Largeness Regress also known as the Third Man Argument is one of the famous objections that were raised in Parmenides to the Forms, and it depends on the assumptions of one over many, non-identity and self-predication. The assumption ... Read more »

Lao-Tzu essay

Lao-Tzu name translates to something like old master which is slightly older contemporary of Buddha, Confucius, and Heraclitus. Lao-Tzu philosophy suggests that he spoke hesitantly and was disinclined to write. Mendelowitz says that Lao-Tzu passed ... Read more »

Liberty Baptist Theology Seminary essay

The “Synoptic Problem” was first introduced by a German biblical scholar J. J. Griesbach, who chose the word synoptic (or synopsis), meaning "seeing together". This word was then used to describe three evangelist gospels of Mathew, Mark, ... Read more »

Literature and Philosophy essay

Tragedies in literature are popular due to their main characteristic of depriving the reader of any form of hope in the text that he or she reads. It always carries a somber mood and at most times; it leaves the reader utterly dejected. The issue of ... Read more »

Mahatma Gandhi and Hinduism essay

Mahatma Gandhi is irrefutably one of the key figures who has been credited by people of all walks of life as the ultimate embodiment of Hinduism. Nonetheless, there was a controversial encounter involving him and a fellow Hindu, Godse way back in ... Read more »

Meaning of Life essay

The meaning of life is a statement which is very common in the world of philosophy. Many questions basically emanate from this statement such as why we are living in the first place, life is all about what? What the meaning of life in whole? This ... Read more »

Meno’s Paradox essay

A Discussion on Socrates and the Meno's Paradox Meno is a Socratic dialogue written by Plato. It is a dialogue between Socrates and Meno. It starts with Meno questioning Socrates about virtue, about how virtue can be taught. But Socrates humbly ... Read more »

Morality as Anti-Nature essay

Nietzsche’s ideas have always caused significant debates. His unusual and uncommon works are often criticized as being racist or anti-human. Claiming that morality is unnatural for human beings Nietzsche challenged centuries-old concepts and ... Read more »

Morality in Philosophy essay

How do each of the following relate to your idea of morality: happiness; freedom; reason. Kant’s original thought indicates that morality requires the free use of reason for the system that is systematic distribution of happiness and freedom ... Read more »

Motivation in Learning and Teaching essay

First grade students have the ability to use language, represent various objects, images or words and categorize objects using single attributes. According to Piaget’s developmental stages, first grade students have problems with taking others ... Read more »

My Personal Teaching Philosophy essay

My personal teaching philosophy encompasses a mixture of several types; that of an essentialist, as well as a progressive. As an essentialist, I strive to teach students the basic knowledge in academics; I also try to make them gain the necessary ... Read more »

Nicholas Copernicus essay

Nicholas Copernicus was born in February 19, 1473, Torun in Poland. He was well educated in the University of Krakow and Padua and studied medicine. He started to believe of the earth going round the sun at around 1507 and from then until his death ... Read more »

Nozick’s Imagined “Experience Machine” essay

In the article the author ponders on the question whether any individual would consent to being plugged or hooked to the imagined “experience machine”. The answer is probably negative, as plugging into the machine in order to get real ... Read more »

On Liberty essay

Prominent English philosophical radical and classical liberal of the 19th century, John Stuart Mill, explains in this essay the idea on progressive society of representative democracy as a form of government visualizing the development of liberty. ... Read more »

One Minute Arguments essay

Answering the question about the epistemological problem it is important to mention the existence of mind. I support the views of dualism according to which consciousness and body are two separate substances. Therefore, if the brains and body can be ... Read more »

Oration on the Dignity of Man essay

Pico Della is one of the most famous renaissance philosophers from Italy. He gained his fame at a tender age of 23 years in 1494 when he proposed to defend 900 theses on magic, philosophy, religion and natural philosophy against all critics ... Read more »

Oxford Dictionary essay

To begin with, let me explain the meaning of the two structures. According to the Oxford dictionary, a raft is a flat buoyant structure of timber or other materials fastened together, used as a boat or floating platform whereas a pyramid is a ... Read more »

Personal Leadership Philosophy essay

Leadership is a key aspect in any type of organization. It usually refers to the art of inspiring a group of people to work with an aim of achieving a mutual goal. The leader in a particular group is the motivator and the administrator of the action ... Read more »

Philosophical Influences of Education essay

My philosophy of education has been influenced by the significant teachers in my life in several ways. First, the philosophy has had influence in the manner in which I approach the societal norms and the cultural achievements of the community. The ... Read more »

Philosophy essay

Versions of the "Incompleteness Objection" to Virtue EthicsThe relativity of virtue is one of the versions of the incompleteness objection to virtue ethics, and it is the process of identifying the existence of virtues. Within this process of ... Read more »

Philosophy essay

The Shite Mourning ceremony is an annual ceremony in which the Moslem faithful congregate to commemorate the death of the son to the Prophet Mohamed by mourning.  This year's event had attracted many "mourners" especially since they were ... Read more »

Philosophy essay

Sometimes things happen that our knowledge in science can’t explain. We all attribute such things to a supernatural being who we also believe was the reason for our existence. In fact we believe that it is God who made and all things both in ... Read more »

Philosophy and ethics essay

Virtue or rather good quality and moral shows certain skill, excellence, or quality in somebody. According to Aristotle that something is the conformity to reason. Virtues are generally those good personality traits which facilitate someone to ... Read more »

Philosophy as "Love of Wisdom" essay

Philosophy has been defined by various scholars as “Love and pursuit of knowledge through scholarly means and moral discipline.” Historically, philosophy is termed as a blend of two Greek words; philos implying “loving” and ... Read more »

Philosophy Assignment essay

The world is a social science that is concerned with the proper use and allotments of food that help us achieve and maintain growth and stability. The world which is also a social institution deals with the production, supply and consumption of food ... Read more »

Philosophy Essay on the "Freedom" Concept essay

1. Baron d'Holbach's and Hospers' Views on Free Will According to d’Holbach, matter exists by itself, being the reason of all – it is its own reason. All material bodies are composed of atoms. D’Holbach gave a "classic" definition ... Read more »

Philosophy Ethical Paper essay

Legally, it would be wrong to deny a qualified person a job due to his or her physical or health condition, even though to the eyes of observers it is hindrance to deliverance of high quality work. More so, it is taken as a workplace discrimination ... Read more »

Philosophy Ethics Paper essay

Since the struggle for human rights started, there has been a very controversial issue on whether the environment has its own right. The basis of this argument arises from the fact that the society has been enlightened on the existence of various ... Read more »

Philosophy Exam Four essay

1. What role do you see 'reason' as having in aesthetic appreciation?Reason according to Hume is subordinate to our interests this means that individuals uses reasoning to further his interests so as to solve any conflict. Using reason for aesthetic ... Read more »

Philosophy, Gender and Culture essay

Introduction One of the most famous literature pieces that Sartre was able to produce is Anti-Semite and Jew. The presentation has been so vivid and hypothetically dramatic in its entirety. However, it cannot be denied that there is more to it than ... Read more »

Philosophy, Gender and Culture Analysis essay

Jean-Paul Sarte was a renowned philosopher of 1940s to 1950s; in an attempt to bring out the problems of anti-Semitism and its solutions, Sartre wrote a book entitled ‘Anti-semite and Jew’. According to Sarte anti-Semitism is a deep ... Read more »

Philosophy / Love of Teaching essay

Education is the platform for a child's future and it is significant to make sure every student learns what he or she need, in order to assist to succeed in his or her adult lives. I would feel very happy when every student succeed in live to ... Read more »

Philosophy Morality- Effects of Time and Societal Differences on Morality essay

Morality is among the most sensitive issues among many societies across the world. People have different perceptions about morality, a factor that influences how people in different places and society see morality. In this regard, it is arguably ... Read more »

Philosophy of Diversity essay

Latin America is known to be home to a variety of cultural groups and the philosophies that accompanied their existence. Of these groups the most outstanding are the Maya of Guatemala, the Aztecs and the Inca from Peru. The philosophies guiding ... Read more »

Philosophy of Happiness essay

To begin with, the philosophy of happiness is a subject that is aimed at bringing happiness as an integral part of life which makes it to be more positive as well as pleasant. There are factors that lead to one being termed as happy or sorrowful. ... Read more »

Philosophy of Law essay

When studying the concept of law, a question often arises; what is law? This question can be answered in different ways but two influential theories are used in this paper to reflect the ideas of the positivists and the naturalists. The natural ... Read more »

Philosophy of Law Essay essay

H. L. A. Hart has distinctively proposed that violence and forced actions alone do not make law. An organized structure of systematic terror will by all means force the compliance from individuals and citizens of a specific state. He uses an ... Read more »

Philosophy on Justice, Hope, and Vision essay

Justice, hope, and vision encompass utterly different subjects, although they work in reference to human beings’ actions or thought process. Thus, a clear understanding of my philosophy regarding these three concepts requires their definition. ... Read more »

Philosophy-Ultimate Questions essay

It is important for us to understand who we are as human beings and the current state of knowledge of humans is the one which is informed by materialistic thinking of today's science. Philosophically, it is commonplace for people to think of the ... Read more »

Plato essay

1. Describe and discuss Plato’s metaphysics and epistemology, especially his theory of the “Forms.” By describing: (a). “Divided Line” Plato’s allegory of the divided line argues that line should be read as if it ... Read more »

Plato and Family essay

Plato's Republic is an account of the "Good Life"; the harmony achieved by applying pure reason and justice. As an accolade to his mentor and teacher, Plato uses Socrates in the republic as the moderator throughout the discussion and Plato's ... Read more »

Plato: Crito essay

Socrates had already accepted the Athenian ruling and had peace of mind while waiting for the execution to proceed as planned after the arrival of the Athenian state galley. He was a man who always respected the law and had always held dearly and ... Read more »

Plato’s Meno essay

Meno is a well-known Socratic dialog, which was created by a Greek philosopher, Plato. At the beginning of the dialog, Meno asks Socrates to explain if anyone can teach virtues. The questions Socrates, he asserts that no one in the world knows ... Read more »

Plato's Understanding of Philosophy in the Allegory of the Cave, the Symposium, and the Phaedrus essay

Plato is among the most famous philosophers in history. This essay will look into Plato’s understanding of philosophy. He wrote about 35 works in conversational form, in which he discussed various topics, such as nature of virtue (Ethics), ... Read more »

Plato vs. Sophists essay

The history of human beings has been characterized by different kinds of philosophers who sought to understand different issues that concerned knowledge in the society and life of human beings in general. These philosophers worked either with each ... Read more »

Platos approach essay

Social philosophy is known to survey philosophical queries. These queries/questions normally concerns societal matters as well as societal conducts. This branch of philosophy typically deals with scores of subjects of broad diversities. Among them ... Read more »

Platos Phaedo essay

The character in Plato's Phaedo contends that a true philosopher strives for wisdom above all else and welcomes death as a means of separating the soul from the encumbrance of the body. Yet even in his constant pursuit of knowledge, even on the eve ... Read more »

Postmodernism essay

The term “postmodernism” is usually used in relation to the philosophical ideas that mark the transition from modern views to something that goes after, and beyond, modernity. Postmodern thought is, in fact, based on the critique of ... Read more »

Poverty Issues essay

According to Mahatma Gandhi, “poverty is the worst form of violence”. Even in the richest nations and societies, there is poverty. As a social issue, poverty has been and continually is the subject of discourse. Since John Kenneth ... Read more »

Project Finance essay

What is project finance? What are some of its salient characteristics? Discuss the benefits of project finance? Project finance is a financing mechanism that organizations use for the realization of large-scale projects; it is widely used in ... Read more »

Questions essay

Explaining if I have ever had an experience different from my own perception Experience refers to direct view or participation in an event to become used to it. On the other hand own perception refers to a way of conceiving something or to be aware ... Read more »

Random Act of Kindness essay

A random act of kindness is a selfless deed performed out of concern for the welfare of others. It is performed voluntarily and usually on the spur of the moment. We perform these acts without expecting any form of physical reward and more often ... Read more »

Rationalism and Empiricism essay

Rationalism and empiricism are two main approaches in the epistemology. Rationalism is a philosophical direction that recognizes the intellect as the basis of knowledge and human behavior. The first teachings of the rationalism can be found in ... Read more »

Reaching the Unreached People essay

Christianity is the largest religion in the world, with over 2million followers today. It is also among the oldest religions, having started in the first century in the Near East region. It has spread to most parts of the world, but to date, some ... Read more »

Realism and Subjectivism essay

Realism refers to someone who believes that moral judgments have truth values and can accurately be described as either true or false. A moral realist believes that moral properties live in the world and are free of realities which exist outside of ... Read more »

Reflective Journal essay

As an atheist, I wonder how religion will help me examine my values. This is because I have grown not believing in any religion. I heard that God is the creator of the universe. That He is the supernatural giver of life. That he had a son by the ... Read more »

Relativism essay

Introduction: The perception and understanding is reflection of personal judgment. The widely recognized theory of judgment is about aspects of experience or cultural relativity. It is about the personal understanding of the things with the ... Read more »

Relativism and Rationalism essay

Relativism, as opposed to rationalism, is inclined to seek the essential meaning of things trying to be less categorical than rationalism is. In this respect relativism is full of skepticism on the nature of things and phenomena. In the historical ... Read more »

Religious Freedom, is it Now the Same as Persecution? essay

The freedom of religion is one of the most significant parts of the democratic development within a society. In this respect, it depends on an individual, what he/she believes in and his/her own choices. Otherwise, if a definite religion is imposed ... Read more »

Religious Studies essay

Carl Gustav Jung was born in Switzerland in the family of a pastor, Paul Achilles. It was his father who had created a foundation so as the son indulged much into religion to the point of coming up with his own theory on analytical psychology. The ... Read more »

Rene Descartes essay

According to Descartes, the idea of God is innate (idea innata). The notion of this idea regards, from the one hand, psychogenetic representation. Consequently, this conception of God appears accretive with a soul. In general, it is believed to be ... Read more »

Rene Descartes: God Exists essay

In meditation III, Rene Descartes says that he is certain that imagination and perception do exist since they exist inside his mind as consciousness modes. However, Descartes says that he can never certain whether his perceptions and imaginations ... Read more »

Rousseau on State of Nature Humanity essay

Rousseau was a philosopher who advanced the idea that the way humans are created they have a nature of being good. he believed it is the society which acts as the corrupting force and therefore transforms ‘natural man’ who is good and ... Read more »

Saint Augustine essay

Saint Augustine is a person whose life was exceedingly unpleasant until he met Jesus Christ who was his personal savior. This essay will summarize two contributions made by Augustine to Christianity, and how they reveal particular circumstances of ... Read more »

Salvation essay

Many scholars have tried to define salvation but there has been no outstanding meaning found among the numerous definitions. In his book "Anatomy of the Sacred: An introduction to religion”, James studies different types of religions and bring ... Read more »

Secular Humanism essay

Secular humanism is a sector of philosophy, which advocates cause, laws, seeks for human enjoyment, and certainly dismisses supernatural and religious doctrines as the foundation of morality and executive decision-making. It's a lifestyle centered ... Read more »

"Simile of the Cave" by Plato essay

This is a symbolic representation of a dilemma that human beings undergo in the process of being enlightened. In his explanation, Plato contends that the process of human enlightenment is accompanied by struggle and pain. To him, human beings ... Read more »

Sir Francis Bacon and the Beginnings of Modern Philosophy of Knowledge essay

Introduction The research in philosophy of science would allow for better understanding of its historical development, as well as of the implications thereof to the current scientific studies. In particular, the methodological and epistemological ... Read more »

Skepticism essay

There are various forms of skepticism in reference to human understanding. For example rationalists could be said to be skeptical on the possibility of pragmatic knowledge while on the other hand, not being skeptical to priori understanding. ... Read more »

Social Darwinism in East London Opium Smokers essay

Social Darwinism refers to ideologies developed in the nineteenth century that affirmed on the idea focusing on the survival for the fittest. It states that there are various struggles involved in existence and that are used to justify social ... Read more »

Socrates essay

Socrates was a Greek influential thinker who investigated the general meaning of life. Explanation of the general meaning of life is so complex and vast that it is impossible to contain in a continuum. Socrates desired to acquire knowledge thus; he ... Read more »

Socrates and Aristotles Account of Virtue essay

Moral philosophy was a serious subject during times of ancient Greek. Different philosophers had separate accounts and views towards the moral virtues. This paper attempts to highlight the differences between the Aristotle account of virtue and the ... Read more »

Socrates-Difference between Soul and the Body essay

The human being, in philosophy, is said have three dimensions: soul, body and spirit. The difference between the soul and body, is that the soul is said to be non-physical while the body physical and made up of matter. It is believed that the soul ... Read more »

Solitude essay

Solitude is one of the dire necessities of the human spirit though it does never have adequate recognition in life. Solitude is not practiced by many because they down upon it as a discipline or a penance. Associating solitude with laziness, which ... Read more »

Song of Solomon and Feminism essay

In Morrison’s Song of Solomon, Ruth Foster Dead bears the first black child in Mercy Hospital, Milkman Dead. He is much loved by his mother and aunt, Pilate. His sisters, Magdalene and Corinthians, care for him in his early days as well. He is ... Read more »

Stoic and Christian Ideals of Good Life: A Comparison essay

The development of early Christian philosophy was greatly influenced by ‘pagan’ philosophical schools that were at that time in the state of decline and mutual synthesis (Jaeger 44). The founders of Christian philosophical theology ... Read more »

Substance Dualism essay

Substance dualism is the belief that the universe comprises two important types of entity physical and mental. Those people who consider them to be immaterial minds living in physical bodies are called substance dualists. Descartes advocated this ... Read more »

Tale of Two Philosophers essay

In "The Old Regime and the French Revolution (1856)", Tocqueville was concerned that while the revolutionary heritage was still active and glowing, freedom was no longer its prime purpose. He supposed, certainly, that it had been a target of the way ... Read more »

Taoism Concepts essay

Introduction The idea of the concept of good has long been considered by many philosophers around the globe as a primary element that contributes to the advanced understanding of human nature and how it is practically understood as something that ... Read more »

Teaching Philosophy essay

Teaching philosophy is not just teaching. The philosophical statement is supposed to guide one throughout the teaching career. As a teacher, one is obliged to enter the classroom with highest expectations of the student. The teacher should maximize ... Read more »

The Allegory of the Cave essay

Introduction In "the allegory of the cave" by Plato, the author shows a dialogue between Socrates Plato's teacher and Glaucon Plato's brother. It describes people who lived in the cave since their existence, their legs and neck were chained on the ... Read more »

The Anatomy of Judgement essay

Introduction: Strong perception and understanding construct strong metaphor. It is crystal clear that metaphor denotes to perception and understanding and initiate responses to the opponents argue. Moreover, in a philosophical term metaphor is a ... Read more »

The Comparison of the Teaching on the Resurrection essay

One of the main statements of the Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed is belief in the Resurrection of the dead, which must take place when Jesus Christ will return to our world for the Great Judgment: “And was crucified for us under Pontius ... Read more »

The Confucius and Han Fei Tzu essay

One of the biggest debate in Chinese philosophy world is: Han Fei Tzu or Confucius or, Legalism or Confucianism. There is a challenge for the people on which philosophy to pursue between the philosophies Han Fei Tzu and Confucius and who were two ... Read more »

The Consistency of Socrates’ View on Death essay

In the Apology, Socrates is on trial for corrupting the youth and being an atheist. These allegations against him require that he puts up a defense against his accusers. In his defense, Socrates argues that being sentenced to death for the purported ... Read more »

The Difference between Sensation and Perception essay

Perception and sensation play an important role in cognition and understanding of the world. There are many aspects to a perception (binocular parallax, motion parallax, etc.). It must be the case that a substantial amount of perception is dependent ... Read more »

The Doctrine of the Church in the Prison Epistles of St. Paul essay

The first steps of Christianity as a new religion were complicated by the struggle between the Jews and the Gentiles. The Mosaic Law taught the people of Israel to deny and persecute every another teaching as Jesus Navin did. The teaching of Christ ... Read more »

The Effect of a Parent, Teacher, and Friend on Your Life essay

Many individuals, such as parents, teachers, and friends, have a significant effect on lives of individuals. They play a vital role in the life of every person, but amid them, parents have the most imperative effect on our future. Throughout ... Read more »

The Existence of God essay

The existence of God is one of the most argued questions in philosophy from the ancient times to nowadays, and whereas some believe that it is impossible to provide a perfect argument, others try to do that and prove the existence of God by logical ... Read more »

The Existence of God Essay essay

Prove that God Exists The possibility of the existence of God may not be disputable. There are too many complex universal systems that cannot be self-controlled; hence, the only possible being who ensures that they run the way they do is God. There ... Read more »

The Fifth Agreement essay

Life is a journey that is associated with different aspects. Every person in the world is not an island; thus, one is always liable to troubles and problems that arise every single day. Life is an interesting artifact that changes from being fair to ... Read more »

The Idols of the Theater essay

Sir Francis Bacon is famous for his essays and new points of view on life. On his opinion the main defect of life is the traditional thinking form based on the logical science. This logic creates idols – the mistakes. Bacon differentiated four ... Read more »

The Impact of Teachings and Personality of the Fourteenth Dalai Lama on the Growth of Buddhism in America Today essay

Today, Buddhism is one of the most popular religious systems in the United States of America. The number of its adherents is not that significant quantitatively, but it gains much in quality since many of celebrities and popular people are showing ... Read more »

The Intelligent Theory essay

Summary. The issue of creation is sensitive and has been overtime surrounded by arguments and counterarguments. Different people have presented arguments trying to explain the existence of the universe and all in it. The creation theory, evolution ... Read more »

The Matrix Hypothesis as a Metaphysical Hypothesis essay

Many philosophers have tackled the question of reality and perception that people have of their surroundings. In most cases, philosophers such as Emmanuel Kant and David Hume have argued on the metaphysical nature of reality and how different people ... Read more »

The Myth of the Rhetorical Situation essay

Lloyd Bitzer initiated the conversation in his 1968 piece titled "The Rhetorical Situation." Bitzer wrote that rhetorical discourse is called into reality by state. He well-defined the rhetorical situation as, "A complex of persons, events, objects, ... Read more »

The Nature of a Good Life essay

People have different opinions as far as the meaning of life is concerned, and this has made it difficult for the true meaning of life to be determined. However difficult the meaning of life may appear to be' scientists have done a thorough research ... Read more »

The Nature of Human essay

Introduction There are many philosophical works that have been stipulated to explain the driving force behind the control of human beings. Some philosophers argue that human beings are products of nature and therefore the control of their behavior ... Read more »

The Perfect State essay

It is fairly easy to determine what is wrong with various governments and the way they function. In some cases, corruption is the weakness; in others, the social programs are at fault. Examples are abundant. In the absence of all the working ... Read more »

The Philosophy of Religion essay

The philosophy of religion is a complex study owing to the various points of view about the existence of God. Besides, there are a number of religions each with its own imminent about its beginning and with varied beliefs. The truth about these ... Read more »

The Postulate of Buddism essay

How can be proved the postulate of Buddhism that everything is impermanent? There is no doubt that all is changing every moment: there is nothing stable in the world except nude names. For example, some quantity of some person’s body cells die ... Read more »

The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli essay

The Prince is a theoretical guide for leaders composed by Niccolò Machiavelli and is specially dedicated to Florence ruler, Lorenzo de' Medici. Its writing style is simple and it focuses on the guiding principles underlying the autocratic ... Read more »

The Problem of Evil essay

In this research paper, an attempt is made in reviewing the philosophical quandary regarding the existence of evil and, if indeed, the existence of evil makes God to exist and if such a God can be deemed to be perfect. The validity of the existence ... Read more »

The Term "Postmodernism" essay

The term “postmodernism” is usually used in relation to the philosophical ideas that mark the transition from modern views to something that goes after, and beyond, modernity. Postmodern thought is, in fact, based on the critique of ... Read more »

The Visible Hand, by Alfred D. Chandler essay

According to Chandler’s ideology regarding the structures behind successful management, it is obvious that he focused on organizational innovation as tool for transformation. The key features as discussed by Chandler include technological ... Read more »

Theories of Human Development essay

Theories of human development and various aspects pertaining to human nature have been outlined and supported since the time of Greek philosophers like Plato. However, in the contemporary society it is difficult to outline developmental stages and ... Read more »

To What Extent Can We Speak African Islam in West Africa? essay

Introduction Islam is the youngest, but also the fastest-growing and second-largest among the major monotheistic religions of the world. Five times a day nearly 1.5 billion people pray facing Mecca. Islam’s entry onto the world stage as a ... Read more »

Union of a Finite Consciousness with an Infinitely Transcendental Consciousness essay

Marcel analyses the issue of a union of a finite consciousness with an infinitely transcendental consciousness. He tries to look at the way we look at how others do and live and we try to comprehend and think in terms of how we think and how we ... Read more »

Utilitarianism and Libertarianism essay

A Comparison of Views on Public Policy Issues Ideologies are a set of ideas, ways, thoughts, goals, expectations and actions that are shared within a community. It is made by a society that believes in the same goals, expectations, etc. Its purpose ... Read more »

Utilitarianism theory essay

The proponent of utilitarianism is a Greek philosopher called Epicurus. This theory was though given a scientific approach by Jeremy Bentham who argued that mankind is governed by pain and pleasure and from this he came up with the rule of utility. ... Read more »

Virtue in Meno essay

Virtue is an inborn behavioral pattern that is often responsive to a certain set of stimuli in a manner that facilitates the perception of what is desirable, as per the expectations of a society. However, virtue is not purely instinctive. Moral ... Read more »

Voldemort’s Personality in the Light of Freud’s and Jung’s Theories essay

The development of various psychological theories is closely connected with fictional characters studies, since the literature has always been considered a great source of study material for psychologists and psychotherapists. One of the first ... Read more »

War Dances essay

Introduction: Art of exposing the social wickedness explicitly and wittily is not easy to master. But, Sherman Alexie has master it vigorously and showed his command on it in his book “war dances”. Every little prose in the book has very ... Read more »

Was Socrates Beneficial to his Society essay

Socrates is considered one of the major philosophers whose work and contributions has produced significant work down to us. He has remained an icon of wisdom in the western philosophical history and a philosophical life. Socrates is regarded to have ... Read more »

Web Assignment essay

The essay begins with the comparison of the new and the old historicists, the new believe that 'history is what had to happen' while the old believe that 'history is what did not have to happen'. However, in terms of the 1970s feminist criticism, ... Read more »

What for Plato is Education? What Isn’t Education essay

. Light and shadows, a fire and a sun, a prison beneath and an intelligible realm above – what is Plato’s image talking about?     According to the Plato’s work, fire and sun are metaphors of education. But not the ... Read more »

White Lie essay

White lies can be described as minor lies that are considered harmless, or beneficial, in the end. These are lies which are considered to be for greater good of a group of people. It is an intentional violation of the truth. On an individual level, ... Read more »

Why is freedom important? essay

Nothing can be more powerful and desired than freedom. A bird in a cage is able to sing, but it does not do that because it has no desire to enjoy life while the will is suppressed and peace is away from its heart. People are like those birds in the ... Read more »

World Religion Final essay

Question 1 The difference between ‘Advaita Vedanta’ and ‘Bhakti Devotion’ is just the way both are perceived. Believing God is full of mercy and capable of gracing us we have to pray with extreme sincerity and devotion. This ... Read more »

Would Morality Exist If God Did Not essay

Many a times we have based our morality on the standards provided by religion. What if the God’s laws and commandments are just arbitrary? The same God who issued the commands could as well command us to kill human beings. This shows that the ... Read more »
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