Free «Does the united nations have any influence in the world nowadays?» Essay Sample


The United Nations influence on many nations has to improve a lot. At present, the local governments laws rules out the possibility of implementing the UN Resolution. Many countries simply ignoring the UN Resolution and get abided by the Local Laws. UN Programs like UNESCO and UNICEF has good reach in many countries but when it comes to peace and development its efforts are not enough to curb the terrorism globally.


United Nations acts as the representative to the monetary fund programs and having collaboration with the Local Governments to help the economy of the particular country. United Nations role in the international affairs is very important and its place in the world affairs in not replaceable by any other local or international organizations. Though it has made some useful contributions in maintaining the peace in the world, in some times its role is somewhat weakened.

In the time of Iraq war, UN didn’t have any power to stop the war because it didn’t have any military options to stop the war. It is terribly failed in the Croatia/Bosnia and Rwanda internal political matters to stop the genocide. But its role in peace and development in the world arena is very important and critical.

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Current situations tell that the U.N is backed by the U.S power.

It is high time that UN needs to strengthen its influence on other countries to implement peace in the world, because countries like North Korea, Iran and Pakistan not at all following the international laws guided by the U.S. North Korea recently did a nuclear test that violated the U.N security laws. Iran unofficially produces the nuclear weapons in the name of security threat. Pakistan releases the most wanted terrorist Hafiz Saeed, the founder of LeT has arrested for his alleged links in the 26/11 Mumbai Attacks, the advocate of Hafiz Saeed said the UN Security Council passed a resolution to ban the JuD and they didn’t said about the arrest of leaders of the Jamat Ud Dawa.

(Source: JuD chief Hafiz Saeed set free by Lahore High Court,

The influence of United Nations in the Palestine issue is not so critical and the words of United Nations are side lined by the Israeli government. Resolutions like UN Resolutions 242 are passed many times in the United Nations assembly to withdraw the troops in the Israel Border that is placed in early 1967. The resolution has passed several times to return the land to the Israel Neighbors for the peace deal.

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However the U.S didn’t liked this resolutions and used its veto power to decline their effective actions. Israeli people and Palestinian people have lost the hope from UN help. UN general secretary Kofi Annan has made some efforts to bring peace between these nations but nothing is done by the U.N.

Israel and Palestine now seems to have a peaceful relationship. They settled their issues by having mutual agreement with each other. The thing here is the U.N has not taken any steps to curb the activities of Israel and Palestine. Countries like U.S benefits from Israeli – Palestine Conflict. For this reason has not shown any interest in solving these problems.

(Source: The role of the United Nations,

In the gun possessing problem in the U.S, United Nations wants to curb the activities of the each and anti-social element in different countries. Possessing a gun may leads to serious problems to the public. However United States not interested in the UN’s pressure on put a law against the second amendment of the U.S law. Many people in America are not happy with the things. They want to secure themselves first and want to make full use of the Second Amendment in the U.S law. This shows that the U.S wants to make its own people happy by not implementing United Nations resolutions. This negative impression of UN in U.S spreads in other counties also and eventually people around the world will lose hope on United Nations.

(Source: The United Nations: Do We Really Need Them?, Jeffery_S._Miller)

These actions clearly symbolize that the world countries are not following the U.N resolution and merely it is a waste of time to the U.N to pass a resolution against the particular country and the local bodies are not following that resolution. The UN has to preserve its authority towards maintaining the peace and must involve in the productive activities in development area in each and every nation. The rights and duties of the developing nations must be protected to have an equal participation in the U.N assembly.

UN needs to provide the more humanitarian support to the people who are affected in the local conflicts and in the international conflicts. These effects will surely increase the influence and good name in the particular region.

Consider the Sri Lankan Country which is badly affected by the civil war for the past three decades comes to an end now. It is the right time for the UN to help these people who are in need of desperate help. They can also help to the people who are badly affected by the floods and some other natural disasters.

Since the creation United Nations has done its part to make globe a peaceful one. However these actions are not enough to influence other countries to implement its direction on the particular issue. After the end of Cold War, UN is having many new possibilities to get a new relationship with many countries. These efforts will surely bring the dreams of the founders of the UN appears to be true. United Nations must bring some changes to its law to ensure that local law in each and every country won’t get affected by passing the resolution on some countries that will affect the good name of the United Nations.


There may be many setbacks for the U.N in the past to implement particular resolution. But it seems that the United Nation is the only forum that gives the chance to discuss the important issues in the each and every country. Many countries voices are heard in this assembly that spreads to many other countries.


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